Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild Battle League] Matches aren't counting towards the GBL Score

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : The last 2 weeks

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Lolipan

Character Name: Arthuria

Bug Description : The last two weeks, our guild(Futureproof) has taken part in Guild Battle League. Both times, we ended up with 1012 points. However, after the reset, our guild’s name isn’t being displayed on the GBL Rankings, and worst, we have not received our TP Award. Twice in a row.

I’ve sent a Support Ticket last week, and have not received a solution to the issue. I just sent another, because it happened again and once more we did not receive our TP. My guildmates and I are VERY upset over this, and we want our TP awards reinstated. It’s hard to motivate my members to level and up join Guild Battle League, when other guilds are getting their prize and we are not.

Of course, we all know this isn’t an issue exclusive for GBL, or just to our guild. Many other guilds are not getting their matches counted, and this is heavily influencing the rankings, and who is getting the free TP. Team Battle League is the exact same thing, some matches are simply not awarding ranking elo points at all. PvP and GvG rankings have been a mess for weeks because of this.

Screenshots / Video :

Screenshot 1: After our victory, around 9PM on Sunday
Screenshot 2: After the reset at midnight on Sunday, our victory is gone and our name isn’t listed. No TP Award, either.


Yep Crimson got robbed they were ahead of badapple but for some reason only badapple’s rank got updated and Crimson didn’t. Don’t think IMC will do anything about it, they simply don’t care.


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Correct, we had over 16 wins at the end of the week and it recorded us as having 7 wins. Many days were not counted, and Bad Apple did not even come close to our score, yet got 1st place rewards.

From the picture, you can see several things :

  1. Crimson had 16 wins, but listed at 7 wins.
  2. Alpha is the only guild that was listed with their overall all time score (25-18), and of course that’s not their fault.

I also knew several other guilds like KruvinaLatina, TALT.SECX, Database that didn’t get listed on the rankings. They fought against Crimson and I believe that was also their very first match in the GvG scene. They should have 0 win 1 loss and might have the chance to enter the top 10 list, but they didn’t get listed.

Lotus’ matches on the last few days also didn’t get recorded.

And maybe there are other guilds that I didn’t mention.

I hope IMC can fix this problem ASAP and give us some kind of compensation. A lot of people who participated in GvG but didn’t get their scores updated were basically wasting their time.