Tree of Savior Forum

[GUIDE] Updated! How To play TOS on Mac (PlayOnMac)

redditors informed me that Addon manager doesn’t work on POM. As of now CrossOver is the only one who can use the app.

I tried to download it and it taking forever…
I’ve been stuck on this screen overnight… x-x whelp

Does anyone have experience with getting ToS INA (Indonesia version) to work on Mac? I tried installing the Steam version (I’m currently in the US), and it worked just fine using Crossover with solid 60 FPS.

However, ToS INA refuses to work… The XIGNCODE keeps stopping and giving me errors. I’ve tried deleting certain files (xmag.xem) from the “release” folder, but still same issue. :frowning: I have no idea what went wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

hi! sorry for the late reply bat sadly i can’t help you with that :frowning: since i think TOS INA uses a different client (SEA uses Steam) its hard to finds a work around if TOS INA uses a different client like Garena for example Garena’s SEA client wont work on Wineskin for some reason.

Updated the guide. With the recent update playing TOS on crossover is not possible anymore.

Can you help to teach me how to run on wineskin instead? or you can give me the exact file to download to work it out please???

Well after the patch that requires Visual Studio 2015 I’m not being able to play the game anymore, neither in Crossover or Play on Mac :confused:
If you find any fix please with us :3

So that’s why it didn’t work for me o_o
I started trying to get it to work but apparently it’s not possible currently?
I managed to get to the starting screen with the 2.5 wine version though
(others don’t start the game for me and the updater just kills itself silently)

Managed to fix the issue on play on mac, I did a post on another thread about it, is has a link for m original reddit post:

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I updated this tutorial in another forum, it is currently working. But he is in Portuguese if interested:

hi mano! I tried but can’t make it work… every time I try to launch tos from steam, it stops at “arranging files 0%” and crashes…

I will do a quick video about the matter once I find time to but to help you out I relay the information here.
Play on Mac install and everything like tuia thread is still true. Install vcrun2015 like shown here

It runs perfectly on my man considering how slow machine it is.

EVERYONE GIVE LOVE TO LOXE AND LUNAR RABIT FOR THE FIX!!! and thanks to IMC for pinning the post on may 21 -_- jesus christ pinned the post when the crosstie was broken.

Anyone here still using playonmac?
I don’t know if this is just myself or not, but every now and then there’s a VGA Error from skill usage that crashed my client when some random patch was updated.

Those skills are kind of vary each patch though.
Yesterday’s patch make me unable to use most of the Falconer and Fencer skill, in which is happened to be my main char…

I have tried verifying integrity of the game file. But nothing changed.
Re-Installing make it worse by making more random skills from teammate to crashed my game too.

So… Anyone here having the same problem when using playonmac?

I have a problem while trying to install Flash Player , it says

Error in POL_Download_Resource
MD5 sum mismatch ! (2 attempt)

No idea what it means but hope you can reply me ASAP!
Thank you :slight_smile:

Actually I got this to work. So the trick is (that I didn’t comprehend the first time I read through this guide and lunaRabbit’s guide):

On Mac

  1. install playonmac + steam (do not do any configuration yet, we need a clean VM)
  2. first install winetrick using homebrew
  3. install wine devel (link is in the guide)
  4. install vcrun2015 specified in the guide
  5. Do the configuration follow the guide, install components (you don’t need to install vcrun2010).
  6. run steam and install TOS, you should be good by then.

(remove the steam VM and do a clean one also would work)

what ? i dont know what is “devel” what step on guid plz

where is my mistake (ohhh how i hate this sh*t)

I hate it too… here use the link in step2 to install wine devel and vcrun2015
Wine devel is a wine trick terminal tool. You can only connect to the server using it

ty mate i try again tomorrow