Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Top DPS 2hander Doppel Swordsman Build

You can just learn the bash attribute then skill reset and leave bash at 1. You keep the bash attribute.

Deeds of Valor doesn’t increase your attack speed. I have the skill. I believe the skill may be either glitched or completely changed since iCBT.

Thrust has an AoE attack ratio of 4, not 1. It also doesn’t matter that it does +56 damage. It has 0 CD. If you’re dealing 2000 damage, it’ll be 2056 damage. Add in the attribute and you’d be hitting 4k of damage.

But sure, let’s ignore the fact that you can level your thrust skill attribute to bolster your damage by x2.

It’s fairly cheap and inexpensive to max thrusts damage attribute. You would be doing x2 more damage while using thrust and only spending about 11 sp per cast. Of course you can do this with every skill but thrust is cheap.

As I said, you can retain frenzy stacks with thrust and it’s an alternate basic attack that is pierce type.

But it’s up to you. Idc what you do.

This is a terrible build. I mean… I’m all for writing guides and helping your fellow players, don’t get me wrong, your heart was in the right place, but you’re just giving people terrible terrible advice at this point.

For PvE:

I would highly recommend this as the close alternative.


  • Peltasta is great in groups but does not pair well with how Doppelsoeldner works at all. If you plan on going Doppel2, commit to the full damage build.

  • Dexterity and leather armor is far superior to plate armor and strength in PvE situations. Strength scales horribly late game, as higher level weapons and abilities tend to outweigh the strength portion of your damage.

  • It’s true you can level bash to 3, get the attribute, reset skills, and get more points into pain barrier, however if you don’t want to use the skill reset potion or feel bad using this exploit, the listed spec is best.

  • The single point into Giant Swing is 100% for fun. Who doesn’t want to toss randies? (Remove this point if you want to min/max, but there’s hardly anywhere better to put it)

For PvP:

This would be my suggestion for PvP doppels.


  • Doppel2 and Shinobi are interchangable and both have their perks. You’re still essentially a doppel in this build, you just finish Shinobi. Six blenders are better than one!

  • For this build you actually probably could remove either a swordsman rank or barbarian rank for peltasta for the health on swashbuckling, that’s entirely up for debate, I believe either to be fine.

Actually it’s AoE Ratio is in fact 1 (or at least it’s AoE Ratio modifier is 1), the extra 3 is added from your AoE Ratio stat. When you get additional gears or buffs that add AoE Ratio you’ll notice that the listed number in Thrust or any other skill goes up. Same as how Bashes AoE Ratio is shown as 3 by default, but is actually 0, since it just adds in your AoE Ratio value from your stats.

Yeah, but you’ll never have an attack ratio of just 1. Even with absolutely no equipment, you will always have 4 + how many the skill adds or your equipment.

Also, I dunno why your Bash has an AoE attack ratio of 3. Mine is 4 without anything.

You’re right, it’s 4 and not 3, because Swordsman have 4 natural AoE Ratio compared to other classes. This just means that Bash and Thrust are actually just 0 for their AoE Ratio modifier.

Calling other people out for terrible advice then posting a PVE build with no Peltasta in it



well im more bothered by the fact his Warcry is only level 3, and he said it was for “pure damage purposes”

Yeah I saw that. I was about to say something… but then meh. I don’t care lol.

I like how you deleted your ignorant comment lol.

Alright gent’s the general consensus here is THRUST is good (I guess). SO, if you’d like, you can take a point into thrust I dont think it’ll hurt you but in the end it’s just personal opinion. Why are you guys argueing about swordsman c1 skills.

Also, please don’t tell people NOT to take pelt 1. That’s just bad advice. If you take highlander instead of pelt 1 GOOD LUCK getting into groups for PvE endgame. Highlander is ABSOLUTELY useless especially since the +50% crit barely matters.

EDIT: And yes, deeds attack speed buff is a bit bugged at the moment. Blame IMC for that. you have to switch your weapon in order for it to work.

Also, why no double pay 2x in some of your build? You only need ONE skillpoint in order to get that sweet xp and loot. Trust me, it makes it so much worth it in mission + dungeon runs.

And you’ll regret it when you run into a gold mob.

It’s very good for missions, harder to use for dungeon runs since the cd is really high.

id definetly take it with me for at least one point.our builds are actually pretty darn similiar.

The thread heading says “Top DPS 2hander Doppel Swordsman Build”

  1. Peltasta does not increase your damage whatsoever. In fact, by taking it, you’re lowering your damage potential. I’m not saying Peltasta isn’t good, it is, but it pairs very poorly with Doppel. You don’t want the threat, doppel abilities make you squishy as is. Consider going Hoplite/Dragoon, Cata/Dragoon, or Fencer if you want to work Peltasta into your build early on.

Note: Also, by taking Peltasta, you’re practically sacrificing an entire circle to the idea that “I need this point to get into leveling grinding groups”. You’ve practically already admitted defeat as a dps Swordsman. Again, I’m not saying Peltasta isn’t good, but are you really about to sacrifice an early class level in hopes that it will increase the chance that people will want you in their party while you’re leveling? What about when you hit level 280? You no longer need this point. You’ve lost damage by taking it. And you’re not a real tank so it won’t be useful in any min/max endgame situation.

  1. Highlander is a dps increase for the shock application of Crown to boost the damage of Zucken, not for the crit.

  2. Whether or not Warcry is worth leveling past 3 for the attribute is up for debate, as the scaling is horrendous. However, in situations where you are always or near always hitting 8 mobs with it, yeah, it likely outscales Cleave or other alternative abilities. Revised build is as follows:

  1. Yeah, Double Pay Earn is good, I’d likely recommend a point or two in it in general, but again, the headline of your post clearly states “Top DPS” build. Double Pay Earn does not increase your DPS.

  2. Thrust is amazing. You will still be using it at level 280.

Worth noting, I’m admittedly kind of playing devil’s advocate. I see the viability of taking Peltasta early. In fact the health boost you get from it can likely outweigh the slight dps loss of dropping Highlander even in solo situations, and it’s a sad known fact that a lot of people will not invite non-Pelts to groups.

That being said, I’m almost entirely arguing with the fact that you’ve listed this as the “top theoretical dps” which simply is not true with Peltasta in the build.

Hey friend. Yes our build are very similar. A couple of points here and there put into diff skills for mainly personal preference. I like your build very much!

Also, to anyone else telling me to take highlander please be advised: The Highlander 2H Critical Attack attribute is a noob trap

If you don’t want to click the link the guy gives evidence that highlander is almost pointless for 2hander.

Aditionally, one of the most heavily debated thread on swordsman thread (its on the front page) is some dude regretting not taking pelt and he’s level 240 not getting invited into parties.

People don’t see the viability and utility of pelt because A) you can swash buckle 15 mobs THEN cast cyclone and easy exp farm
B) offtank

You can say that highlander is better pick but in the end, pelt is always wanted more than highlander. You don’t see people asking for highlanders in shout. Pelt will provide you with better overall utility and usefulness in the long run.

Then you should probably rename the thread from “Top DPS 2hander Doppel Swordsman Build” to “Well Rounded Doppel Swordsman Build” ;D


Thanks for you reply, Bepha. I appreciate it. I’m less dumb now :slight_smile:

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“Top DPS”
with no crit?..
Crit us literally where ALL Swordie’s dmg comes from…

I only skimmed it the first time but there are so many more things that I find objectively wrong or counter productive in this build .-.

But to each their own I guess…