Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to upgrade weapons until +30without fail ( IMC, Fix this as soon you can )

IMC, please rollback all the weapons above +10 to +0 , cause everyone is using the
following bug to upgrade weapons without break:

How to reproduce:

Fail a random weapon two times, the next weapon you try to enhance will upgrade+1 100%.

Some players here in Silute are selling( for real money ) or using weapons +20-+30.

IMC, por favor retorne todas as armas acima de +10 para +0, pois muitos jogadores estão usando o seguinte bug para craftar armas sem quebrar:

Como reproduzir:

Falhe uma arma aleatória ( pode ser lvl1) duas vezes seguidas, depois tente dar upgrade na arma que você desejar. Ela irá subir de nível com 100% de sucesso.


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time to leave this broken piece of sh,it game buddy

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Thanks for sharing! :joy:

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I have no idea if this is true but I was about to rage quit 2 days ago, was trying to get a maga bow +7 to 8 and failed, dropped to 6, then tried to get it back to 7, failed again, now ive lost a million and am back down to 5, I waited for some market items to sell, farmed a bit and last night I went +5 to +10 with no fails, my heart was racing though, anvils were at 650k a shot, maybe this post is true or it was just a coincidence idk.

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Everybody share this issue with your friends, until IMC ban WHOSE exploit this bug or rollback all itens above+10 to +0.

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So according to this radical logic, we improve our team who legally without this ruling the game, we should put up with a rollback 0-10. Not cheap upgrade equipment, especially when this is over level 40, and consumes many failed attempts (so my stick ice should back from +13 to +0 by some noobs envious who never used the system to improve equipment).

What’s done is done, I will not pay just for sinners. It is a problem that generated those responsible for the game, not the players (who from taking advantage of the subject, is another story).

I am not in favor of those men and women who cheat in a game in every possible way (it is unfair for others), but neither innocent have to pay as the culprits.

The only solution is to fix the error as soon as possible that allows infinite improvement and management apologize for the lack of speed settle failures. If you have logs where they can check who or what has abused exhaustive, well, way but it sure will not be the case. If there is to be rolled back (I doubt they can do), this must be with objects +16 (+15 to possible, but beyond doubt that someone has been fortunate enough).

Sorry my English, and I had to use a translator.


you cant ban anyone for this IF its true, its not against the terms of service or an exploit of any kind like crashing channel to erase fails, is it cheesy, ofc but 100% legal and imcs fault, ill test it later on lv1s busy atm

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Gonna need more evidence than a single video that could easily have just been blind luck. This isn’t proof of anything. Go back to watching whatever the South American equivalent of Fox News is.

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ya idk, I’m low on silver atm b/c I jus took my maga bow 5 to 10 and have been gearing up an archer, sissels etc, but I did just +3-4 then +4 to 5 my max petamion with no fails using a lv1 weapon with 2 fails inbetween each attempt, but again, 3>4 and 4>5 is 88% and 77% so could be just average luck, gonna do a few more high end items I really don’t wanna lose a potential on jus incase this is true well see

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again this sounds way too be good to be true but in the last 72 hrs ive actually had this happen to me; 2 days ago failed maga bow 7 to 8, then failed 6 to 7, its back to 5, then 2 days later when $ was restocked I went 5 to 10 no fails, read this post today, failed 2 times on lv1 wpn, succeeded on max peta 3 to 4, failed 2 more times lv1 wpn, succeeded 4 to 5 max peta, just failed 2 on another lv1 wpn, succeeded on 3 to 4 sissel bracelet, so man idk, maybe this could be true, prolly not but so far its working for me

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Didn’t tons of people post in the other thread here and on reddit that they attempted this and it didn’t work? Sounds more like good luck for that guy. I mean, every chance to upgrade is 51% at that point, those are some decent gambling odds if you ask me lol

And as others have said, your idea is shortsighted. There are a lot of people who have legit items that over +10. Me and a lot of other legit players have wasted millions of silver to enchance items to above +10, making us all pay for someone’s exploit is idiotic (aside from the fact, that again, this doesn’t seem to even work and results people are having are pretty consistent statistically with the actual percentage chance of enhancing items (i.e. some people succeeding with this method and some failing).

jesus joe why are you so angry today, I’m not the op, as I said sounds too good to be true BUT I’m currently 9/9 now since trying ops method, could be random luck sure but id be interested in others to grab some lv1 wpns, its like 100-500silver an anvil and look at this, have had back2back success’s on a max peta and sissel using 2 fails on sup wood clubs (lv1) inbetween, curious to see others results

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ya your clearly just trying to be 7 today, who said 5% anything, you’ve done nothing but troll the forums today throwing 1 gigantic tantrum, stfu you angry manchild, try posting when you have something to actually contribute to the topic, not just your baby rage

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Another renanforsaken2 post like this… This guy is cancerous. This is placebo, not an actual method.


ya checked reddit, were 2 or 3 people saying this doesn’t work, it all started with a video of a br taking a grand cross into the mid 20s without a fail, ohwell got some good rng out of it myself atleast, usually get raped on anvils was nice to get a lil roll together today even if it wasn’t real