Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I’ve used a skill reset in my fencer and I’m checking damage of every skill.
Buffs used: Gung ho 5, 0 attributes and Concentrate 5, 0 attributes.
Debuffs applieds: Skull swing, cross cut, cleave, lunge and crown.

Skyliner(50% attibute) in plate armor enemies:
level 1 = 6296 - critical 9819
level 5 = 6881 - critical 10697
level 10 = 7611 - critical 11793

Moulinet(50% attribute) in plate armor enemies:
level 1 = 4001 - critical 6230
level 5 = 4469 - critical 6932
level 10 = 5243 - critical 8125

Vertical slash(0% attribute) in plate armor enemies:
level 1 = 9775 - critical 14967
level 5 = 11457 - critical 17489

With that 40k crit, I have a feeling that HL skills would not even matter if Epee has 100% uptime

Yeah I really want a sword 3 > fillers > Fencer 3 right now, but I’ll play around with fencer c3 first before deciding on anything

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Hop1 for Stabbing. :wink:

not interested, I value my composee more than enough already with that uptime.

for other supports I’ll probably take 1 corsair and 1 pelt/HL

(this one time where I’ll be interested in hoplite is when the new stance actually has a limited hit count)

This makes us lose so much deeps with guardian on. Even as little as 50 physical damage decrease is huge with modifiers and attributes. Might consider reroll.

Highlander was never meant to be a damage dealer at Fencer ranks, but a debuffer.
Skull Swing, Crown and Bleeding are forever.
Catar Stroke will last forever as a Strike skill as well.
Vertical Slash idk, may fall in the late game.

Crown and Bleeding require Str investment, which might be minimum with the new stance. Skull Swing is nice but most of our attacks are Pierce and we’ve got our own Skull Swing for that.

Wasn’t there a skill that would help str fencers in c3?

yeah, lowers crit resistance

Given the constant rise on critical resistance and how getting mroe crit becomes mroe of a problem the further we go I’d say every Fencer is going to take at leat a point in that.
We shall judge once we get the numbers, won’t we?

I want Finestra :sob

Bleeding is based on PATK+Elemental, so, no, not STR.
Crown is, yes, but now on the 280s, there’s almost no Bosses with INT higher than 200, most being in the 0~150, so, 100 STR is enough for Crown to be super effective against one of the most unavoidable menaces: Magic.
Skull Swing may ease Pierce rotation and also buffs the party. Lostac said that the server he plays in everybody is a mage. Well, in the server I play in, everybody is either a Swordsman or an Archer.

I still think Highlander is miles ahead of anything Sword2/3 can offer.

PS: Picking Peltasta now is a sign of lunacy.
PS2: Those Archers-Riders at the very end of the trailer… I can see 5 of them in a party obliterating dungeons.

while i think highlander is a good choice for every fencer we have to keep in mind that if we get enough skills to work with in c3 fencer we might not use some highlander skills (like moulinet or even skyliner) while getting to sword 3 will give us some neat self buffs that we will use forever (concentrate and pain barrier)

I would wait for info before we say anything related to “filler classes” before fencer

To sum it up, 100% uptime on the new stance = I’d take sword 3
Not 100% uptime = I’ll probably pick a nice mix to be decided later

I don’t want to waste pain barrier cards, I’d go full ella instead

Skull Swing has one advantage:

We are getting 4 new skills at C4: Epee Stance, Crit Resist Debuffer, Disarm skill, New 3-hit AOE atk skill with 3 overheats.

Fencers may have their own “pierce skull swing” with Attaque Coquille, but it has very low duration - at lvl 3 (1+2 from venier), its only 7 seconds long. Skull Swing lvl 5’s debuff lasts for 30seconds iirc.

Skull Swing gives you more dps in your rotations since you are not forced to use Attaque Coquille every 7+ seconds, and will also allow you to alocate more points into your main skills like Lunge, new C3 attack, Epee Stance, etc.

Didn’t realise Bleed scales off Patt and not just Str. Fair enough.

Pelt is only lunacy if you want it for Guardian. Swash still makes it easier to get into the grinding groups, to grind faster and to farm easier.

Not that I’m advocating taking pelt, it’s just in some builds you have a spare rank where it still would be beneficial to take one.

Concentrate with low-STR is the same as nothing. I have 200DEX now and 23STR (0 invested), and only got 18 attack from the buff (at lv5, yes).
Highlander’s skills at Rank8 would be only for debuffs.
And yes, I agree that Skyliner will probably get out of use (Moulinet falls super fast already).

Sword3 is only for Pain Barrier, and that’s why I don’t understand why waste 2 ranks just for it.

It seems that there are non-stackable cards, and that they’re the majority. So, putting 8 Ellaganos will not work.

I tried putting 4 ellaganos cards, it WORKS.

