Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

There’s this gimmick where sp potions are free, check my gimmick thread guide and find “Rasvoy” potions.

but keep in mind the amount you can get in a few mins will be less thanks to the channel nerfs

I’ve stacked up 3k sp pots myself

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So, you see, the point where I said “future time” was covering that.

I read the post, and I suppose it’s efficient now, but it won’t be sometime soon.

And that might be a pain in the ass to do later in the game, for many reasons.

Skull Swing eases Coquille rotation by lots of SP.
Also, both Skull Swing and Crown (lv14 for 100% uptime) have very high duration, so no need to spam them.
Catar would be your Strike Damage, so, if the boss is not Plate, you can let it out of the rotation.
Crosscut+Skyliner only if the Boss can Bleed, and specially good if the Boss is Cloth - but look! their SP consumption is very low!
Wagon Wheel, Moulinet and Vertical Slash (waiting for that one) can be left out of rotations.

As far as fencer goes based on the preview it seems that only composee and flanconnade are still your spammables. Rasvoy or Lv10 pots should still cover that. Yes it’s a pain to do now but before when we had 4 channels there it’s easy as cake where I get 40 potions in 10-15 mins

so you should be safe with sp costs unless:
the sp cost of new skills are like level 5 zucken(200+ sp lol)
you accidentally put more points in flanconnade and composee.

PB is extremely valuable in higher levels where mobs can knock back you before finishing their animation. But one thing I hate is PB without 100% uptime.

@Lostac: I thought Fencer’s weakness is Slash damage? Pierce is weak against Cloth. And I am not sure about Sw3 just for 5 more seconds of PB and 5 levels Concentration. Sw2 might be enough though

@Elaralam: Mitril Ore is somewhere around 200-300k right now. It’s better buy them than relying on RNG atm

Dunno for now but I haven’t ran out of sp personally but I’m in a bit of extreme case. Cross guard and spear lunge just makes me spam less composse cuz higher damage. Leveling your attributes very high can also alleviate that. Level 15 pots and higher sp cap can also be helpful. I personally don’t know if fencers or fletchers have higher sp cost with composse vs cross fire but if the high level fletchers can spam their crossfire, I think we’ll be okay.

Flanconnade, not sure why you forgot it, it’s weaker than other slash types, but there’s also double slash from your SW3 and Lunge to boost them.

Silly me, I forgot about it since Fencer skill set is almost all Pierce.

Lack of AOE in Sw3 builds prevent me from trying to take one. Fortunately, I do have a HL1 right now. Maybe I can look more into Sw3 after taking my Barb to Doppel first.

Thanks IMC for the bugs in Demon Prison

Yeah the one I’m making after the new fencer’s skills are confirmed is either

I’ve played so many barb c3s and very dissastisfied with my HL3 that I started trying out different options.

Now with the concentrate buff announced I have an excuse to try out SW3 for pve lol

Throw in Gungho buff and everyone will be switching builds once again

Well, in PVE scenario, skull swing vs coquille is not an issue as defense isn’t actually a strong stat, so I’m not questioning anything here (though Coquille does not cost you 2 ranks, like skull wing).

Crown is actually pretty good, but you get it with one circle, so no argument here.

Now, to me, unless you’re bulding STR, wouldn’t you be using your skills more often because the damage output would be lower? Than a barb3, of course, the sword3 logic is totally different.

Though it is being proven that SP is not an issue at the moment, I think the damage/SP would be a fair argument to judge the pros and cons of barb and highlander here.

I could calculate the damage/SP now, but that would take time. Is there a topic with this numbers? There might be something alike around here. Or reddit.

If Gungho does become a percenatge based skill it should be just flat increase at level 1 and duration increase when you level it up. Otherwise everyone will have to roll SW3.

Nah, as I said before, Gungho buff will likely be something based on Str and Dex scaling rather than percentage. Nevertheless, Gungho buff will make many meta builds outdated as Sw3 will have better scaling for late game

Well, it’s not a case of “if it’s possible to spam”. Of course we can spam. But the real question is “for how long?”

PVE is a scenario where you need to do one thing for long time, and that is what Fencer is worst (imo). So, in my vision, the first classes kinda are the “grind part” and Fencer is the extra. It’s there only because you wanna make a Fencer, mostly. We’re only seeking the best “grind part” because we want it to be also a good base for our Fencer rotation.

And by the way, if you have Spear Lunge, you have more tools to not use too much SP coughcoughFinestracoughcough.

I don’t use finestra. I only took spear lunge for extra damage on lunge and spamming composse. Like I said, I never ran out of sp and I grinded solo on workshop from 270-275 with so much ease.

Oh, but it’s always there if you need it ;D

I wouldn’t mind doing a hopFencer if epee ends to be a nono for shield bearers.

Are you familiar with damage formulas and world bosses?

You want it at lv14 for 100% uptime.

No, actually. PATK gains mostly from weapons, and STR is really overrated here, as 1 point in it adds 1 point in PATK, making the difference between 100STR and 300STR (200 PATK) similar to a lv1 Catar and a lv5 Catar (225 PATK).

None of them suffer from SP consumption, this is a non-issue.

If we ever get Auto-Weapon-Switch, Hoplite would be a must for Fencers, just like Sword3 would if GungHo ever changes to %.

Str is overrated yes, but it’s always nice to have it somewhere at least like what you’ve said, which is 100. now that 100 str gets boosted further by stat bonus (you get 1 bonus point per X points) AND 10% per rank bonus, so around 60%. then assuming you have around 175 str now, it isn’t a flat 175 PA, its’ around 220+ for swordsman classes thanks to the recent str-PA buff.

Of course PA itself also gets boosted by damage enhancing attributes. So overall str isn’t really 1:1, as a swordsman class you get 3 amplifiers on your str stat instead of just 2 compared to other classes, the two being the stat point bonus and rank bonus.

Also STR benefits on multihits as it adds per hit.

My point concerning skull swing is not that it’s better or worse, but the fact that you have to take 3 circles for it, and if the premise is that the other HL skills does not fit your rotation, it might be a waste. Even with crown lv 14.

World Bosses are better fought resisting their damage imo. Unless you’re killing them alone in less than 5 seconds, which I have not seen a swordsman doing yet.

Even considering all the hits? Because 200*5 or any number is meaningful on the formula. And if you have other means of criting, the output is actually nice.

And STR here is not for damage alone, but because Highlander scales with this stat very nicely. I see highlander as a STR oriented class, if you think the contrary, I’m open to change my mind.

They’re not reducing it either.

Tbh, I don’t think we’ll ever get automatic weapon swapping but it’s a very big deal for some builds. Highlander suffers a bit from SP as cross guard consumes SP and you’ll find out that you’ll need to cast it more than once or twice in a lot of cases.

But in all seriousness, what cards do you guys have set your eyes on that we can get right now? Only thing I can think of getting right now is ellagonos card which is just pure dex stat boost.