Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Killing monsters with barb is very simple early game specially with pelt, taunt>seism they die. you can cleave afterwards if they’re still alive. With highlander you cross cut and skyliner things but you cant hit all of them, and sometimes they cant be bleed. Nearly half of the monsters can’t.

The worst thing is I’m going Doppel on my Barb. More skills on cool down. 20 mil more exp to go

@Lostac: Except 25k HP mobs, I’m at lv157 and I have to throw out all of my skills to burst these down. Helm>Cleave>Helm>Cleave>Seism>Siesm and one more Cleave.

From what I see, Catar Stroke has the same hit box as Seism. I can say 2 Catar will deal similar damage to Seism or even more. That’s why I intend to make it as my main leveling skill

Yeah this is why people take HL1>Barb3, it’s the best path along with HL2>Barb2

Best path? Nah, If I take HL1>Barb3, where can Pelt fit in

You don’t take pelt.

A true 2H sword build. unless you’re actually making another fencer

Another Fencer? No, I repurposed my Barb into Doppel so there is no Fencer in my lodge. I want to make a HL>Fencer because playing another Barb seems boring to me

You can actually try Sword3>pel>cor>fencer2

but RIP aoe, though this might be a safe choice IF imc decides to buff gungho

What do you have here:
JR Attribute - grants yellow miss
Pain Barrier 15 - damn, not getting knocked there
Pelt Shield mode - during PB downtime to safely block when needed
Flanconnade/Composee - during pain barrier.

That path looks painful so thank you. No. I don’t really want to bet on uncertainties. That’s why I put my QS aside.

Here is what I am trying to build: Sw1>HL3>Pelt>Fencer2. Rank 5 will be annoying to level though

You seem to have problems with Highlander’s AoE, so, make sure to use 2HSwords that give that, like Didel Colossus, Primaluce or Lapis Katzbalger at lower levels - I used them and never felt any lack of it.
Also, Catar Stroke’s Hitbox is immense, bigger even than Seism I think.
Cross Cut Hitbox is also big, but lacks AoE, so it doesn’t get many monsters in it.

Not that much problem with AOE since I just started, I just want to rely entirely on skills rather than auto attacks between cool down like what I’m doing with my Barb.

The idea is to stack AOE ratio and obliterate everything using HL skill set. But I am not sure it’s feasible or not

That’s my choice if I don’t want Doppel c3 for some reason once rank 8 is out.

And you can do PvP with that build pretty well.

it would be quite nice, ofcourse i would prefer rodelero for shield charge over pelt. both of them can C Block, then again is not only rip aoe .(with the “upcoming” patch we could fix this issues with cards. but damn those hit boxes… i have enough with two highlander3, one of them is a doppel corsair and the other is a doppel barb… but its plenty painful trying to reach that doppel rank… but for a fencer…).

I do have a sw3>rode>sair (@ 126) and I’m disappointed with shield charge. I’ve been dueling people during missions runs and I can’t block archers attacks! Movement is too slow and I don’t block a single auto attack. I usually die before I reach archers and shield charge is kind of buggy when it ends. I’ve only found it to be useful for knocking people down.

Are you guys really recommending Sword3?
You realize that Restrain is ■■■■, right? Even with Cyclone or any other multi-hit skill, once they’re over (if you even get to hit someone with them in the first place. You guys are forgetting that you need an Initiation Skill in the first place, that locks the target, and that will make Restrain useless anyway), you’re left with nothing.
Peltasta’s and Rodelero’s Shield is out-benefited by Highlander’s Cross Guard both in Block and in Debuff Benefit for Fencers as well.
Epee Stance will make Shield useless too, so those 2 classes for PvP are also a huge “No”.

The only scenario where Sword3 will not be utter trash is if IMC changes GungHo to be %, then, Sword3 will be a must pick path overnight, from hell to heaven.

PS: Yes, even for those Cata3 builds Sword3 is trash, people pick it because it became a Meme right now, people just keep parroting it.

I am talking from a pve standpoint. Do you even know how powerful Level 15 pain barrier is in holding your position while being able to dps without a care in the world because you don’t get knocked by some joke damage that monsters do?

And no, it’s not only PB, you can eventually add concentrate in with the recent buff, you should be getting 300± damage added to the last line of your damage per hit, it looks bad on paper but it isn’t.

You don’t even know how epee stance even works yet, it might be a very short duration buff or even something like preparation. Picking pelt doesn’t make you locked to shields, you just get the benefit to use your shield more effectively if you need to switch to one.

PS a swordsman with 15PB tanking joke damage that applies knockdown while dealing consistent dps > a swordsman that has to manually dodge consistently to deal dps

Also forgot to add, having 15PB saves your card slots instead of wasting them on pain barrier cards in the future monster card patch.

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Sword 3 is okay tbh, a Sword 3 highlander 2 wouldn’t be a bad build at all. Like Lostac said, maxed out PB is really strong especially for those with high str non evasion builds.

I agree with Pain Barrier, it’s wonderful.
About Concentrate, it depends on your STR, something that HighDEX Fencers lack (but I agree that it, at lv15, not only gives more damage but for more hits as well. In a LowSTR Fencer though, it could give 200, instead of 100 from lv5).
About Epee Stance, I know that it gives 400% damage to Crits, and render Shield useless, so, why overlapping it with another Shield Stance?

Everything you said is really situational, and not worth of entire Ranks to have. Like, if you go Sword3>Pelt1, you just lost 3 Ranks for a useless Restrain, a dubious Concentrate, a great Pain Barrier, and a conflicting Guard.
With them you lost Barbarian’s Helm Chopper (Stun), Cleave buff and Seism (AoE+Stun). Highlander’s Crown, Catar Stroke, Crossguard, Wagon Wheel (another CC), Cross Cut (Bleeding) and Skull Swing.
In a Cata scenario, you just lost Hoplite’s Stabbing, Pierce, Finestra and Spear Lunge.

Like, it’s a no-brainer. You’re only standing your position due to Pain Barrier, which I have nothing against, I’m all in for it - but for it ALONE, it’s just too much.

PS: By your logic, we can just pick Minotaur Cards to replace Restrain.
PS2: I speak from experience. Although I’ve never reached Rank6, I’ve already did 6 Swordsmen now, picking: Sword3, Pelt1, High3, Barb3 and Hop3.

The new concentrate depends on both str and dex, str bonus being twice as dex AND concentrate level.

Yes Epee stance as we see it now gives more damage to crits, but for how many hits? for how long? we have no info. again if it works like preparation where it’s only one whole set of skills then shield stance is still relevant as it is now.

I rarely even use barb skills now, they’re only for stunning and doing aoe aggro now. PB15 is VERY useful on most maps, majority actually. See those ticens in maven? those pawnds in 130 dungeon? even if their skills miss they ruin the whole animation of your skill, yes even if they /missed/. see those bosses in Siauliai? all of them do knockbacks. See those bosses on saalus? Great. this is the problem I’m facing now, with 900 evasion even my level 2 PB isn’t enough sometimes. making it level 5 isn’t enough either.

This IS the problem, you’re not at the point where knockdowns are very annoying yet. You’ll cry everytime a monster hits you 1 but knocks you down/cancels your whole skill because you don’t have PB.

Yes I also speak from experience, I have a high dex doppel and a high str barb, when my high dex doppel was still barb I could feel it doing more thanks to having evasion, while my str version has to rely on pain barrier every time to do proper dps, because otherwise I’d have to run around to do my thing without getting knocked, this is mainly from siauliai missions.

And regarding the cards, I won’t use mino either, I’m looking at ellaganos and reaverpede.

Pain barrier is apparently the reason why a lot of high str doppels can’t do consistent damage, people think their damage is low, but it isn’t, they just have a much less window to do their thing because of how this game works and how this game hates melees.