Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Yeah klaipeda. I’ve never crafted my own

sssssscrew that. Nobody sells fossilized lizard amber especially on marketplace because they must have made the max listable price extremely low or something

However this has caused recipes to deflate to almost nothing because nobody wants to farm that lizard amber themselves

Ever since I made a fencer I always check the marketplace…a lot of times a day to try to find these kind of deals and it usually ends up working out eventually


Indeed, silver income wise, the game is not really a problem though it is, like you said, a late game aspect. But it is horrible to go back and forth pretty much every 30 minutes.

Well, paying squires is also fine, I had a squire friend who I was helping doing quests, it was wonderful. The issue is that he plays not so often. So back to back and forth. Yikes.

I’ve got to repair before each dungeon and mission, just in case. Once I get Venier my catacomb will act as a spare.

just got venier recipe XD on 221 kills from that candle things… on the way to farming lizard amber, so far so long only got 1 lizard amber. wish me luck guys hahahaha…

I’m yet to get the Venier recipe, otherwise I would have raced you. Maybe i can get one today.

Good luck on your quest. FYI, I spent 10 hours straight through the night and only found 11. The last one was found right after @Elaralam wished me luck. Lol.

Someone posted a Venier recipe for 500k. I was disconnected right after I saw it. Gone in the time I managed to log in.

So why wouldn’t everyone use:


Currently, I play Swordsman3>Barbar1>Corsair1>Fencer and it’s just awesome!
Don’t try to buy gears but upgrade your attributes and like :smiley:

+50% damage on skills it’s better than Max petamion or others items :wink:

The def drop is quite a significant increase in damage taken. You could get away with using 1 piece in end game situations but 2 of them is likely a death sentence

Oh ye def is literally nothing on those.

@hienng1991 gave me a free Arde, thanks man. My poor lazy Fencer can do a little more damage now. :wink:

On a side note tried to solo 130 dungeon today. Urgh that was painfully dull. Maybe if I would have brought enough pots for me to chug every cool down, it would have been fine. Gave up after Mineloaser and just rushed to the boss. XD

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The point of buying items is so that you could reroll with less pain, remember attributes are stuck on your character, once imc ruins it you’re done. look at all the highlanders who raged on kr because of the nerf.

I spent mine on items and have no regrets. Every reroll or new alt my characters get stronger.

Only thing worth spending attributes so far is my str doppel, which is why I gave this note[quote=“Lostac, post:1, topic:300257”]
It’s only wise to spend on attributes when you’ve finally decided to main on your class or use it frequently, spending on items is better otherwise since you could pass them around and continue looking for the class you truly love to spend damage enchance attributes on.

But yes, the first 40-50 attributes should be cheap so you could run around with that if you really want to.

Now that IMC really plans on nerfing guardian I can reroll without a pain sincec everything’s 0% lol

thx mate XD, i even let off of my weapon hoping can get drops from jolly roger … i got 3 nows already…

while imc dont give a REALDEAL BUFF generally on swordsman’s classes, ill never up a swordsman again

too hard 2 make mob count on 230+ maps


FYI, IMC just buffed Fencer skill hitbox. In the past months, Swordman classes are being buffed one after another

its too sad fencer damage only worth on mobs like 100k hp + with linker "/

I’ve decided to swap Pelt1 for Hop1 instead, I did not realize that Stabbing and Pierce can be used with rapiers.

but many ppl will deny party grind 4 you bcoz u dont have pelt. that’s why swordsman on end game still useless for pve (if dont have pelt)

I’ll live. I would rather just solo + do party search dungeons than to gimp my build just to get swash (since Guardian is getting nerfed).

Fencers are still in better situation than QS3>Falc>Musk route. You shoot everything one by one