Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Is there any Swordman build that isn’t so exoensive? o_O

  1. hmm wondering why Fencer benefits on elemental gears and weapons. any thoughts on this? Because of multihit skills?

  2. Does the cafri additional line dmg procs on Fencer kills too.

Cafrisun only procs with basic attacks.

If you’re going in competitively (DPS Ranking, WB, ET, etc etc) then there is none. Otherwise, it’s fine, but if you really wanna save money, cleric is your best bet.

Because PATK, Elemental Attack, Critical Attack are all factored in Epee bonus damage computation, so the more of these you have, the more harder your criticals will hit.

Talking about my murmillo

i’ll give a doppel a try to show me how fun he is to play any suggestions ?

Just don’t stay out of the builds I listed in the guide
there’s also barb2-hl2 but since IMC keeps buffing c3 classes I don’t recommend it

Tell me later if you find it fun to play.

All builds have at least Barbarian 1.
Is it because of Cleave?

And what about
Sword 2 > High 3 > Doppel?


don’t do it. Cleave is a must for HL, all those slashes you have will be boosted.

I see.
How much is the bonus ?

ofci will post my impressions here ^^ don’t worry

50% slash damage, +50 crit rate to yourself

witch path i should follow the one with reset skill or the normal way?

the one with skill reset is the best doppel skill spread available, it only involves risks when imc decides to change how it works.

i’ve already started the one with highlander >Barbarian T_T

I see a lot of meta fencers popping up.

This variety: SW3 -> Pelt1 -> Corsair -> Fencer3.

Nothing wrong with that though, it’s a solid build imo.

Well problem with meta fencer is the lack of AoE, and uncertain rank 9.

If you can fit SW3 and Pelt in, it works for a lot of builds going forth. Can’t beat self buffs…when all the attack skills are outdated.

Pretty happy they buffed cata skills into relevance again though.

What about those builds? Are they too much weak?
Sword 2 > Pelta 1> Barb 1> High 1> Doppel
Sword 1 >Pelta 1> Barb 1> High 2> Doppel

Pelta is here because I’m afraid of being left outside the endgame parties. But I never reached the endgame, so I don’t know if it’s really a big deal.

As for dopple builds, I prefer sword2 -> barb3 -> Doppel3. The sword -> high -> barb3 -> doppel3 is okay too, for PvE.

Which cards are the best options for Doppel?

A mix with 4 Ellaganos and 3 Nuaeles maybe?