Anyone have opinion on a SW3 > HL2 > F3 build? I did have an initial character to rank 5 following the standard SW3 > PELT > CORS route, but by god it was a chore to play in missions… So boring!
I took advantage of this month’s event and re-rolled SW3 > HL2 > F3… So far it’s much funner to play, and the bleed combos are fun. How does Crosscut, Skyliner, and Double Slash hold later in levels? I am currently using a +5 Durandal + Arde Dagger at 0% attribute for all skills and I notice that with the bleed combos between the two classes, I can crit up to 4-5K with the bleed proc.
It’s a funner route, I know that Jolly Roger is getting buffed… But I never found it THAT useful… I cannot deny that Peltasta is useful, I might drop a rank in Swordsman for it with Rank Reset scroll… I don’t know. But so far I am having fun with this path. Thoughts?
EDIT: Does Venier +2 Skill increase effect Fencer 3 skills?