Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

hmmm, if 1.8k evasion not helping. then how much dex should i put in? i a, currently lvl261 with 228 invested dex with 6 lvl10 ella card, total dex 372.

So I saw this at the STR vs DEX thread. now I’m confused as what to do. lmao.

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Some skills seem to hit regardless whether you have 0 evasion or 2 million. They fundamentally changed some skills to always hit…without telling anyone.

I really need to rework my action bar. With all the new skills, I have ran out of space and having to switch to 2nd set for buffs and pots is a bit awkward. I would use keyboard mode but sticks are much better than directional keys. Maybe I should try mouse mode.

Ktos buffed red gem, yellow gem and blue gem.
With this pic, I can say they buffed this gem in 10x.
That 310 is max attack(before was 31) so in offhand that will boost PA in 370?
If yes, a 0 str build will be common.

Edit: In offhand was buffed by 5 times. So 185 PA in level 7.

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Question now is, did Fencer should take this gems instead green in main weapon?
Actually 3 green gems give us 79 crit ratio so this is 1/10 what we need for 100% crit chance. Me now withou Virtrov gloves have 481 crit ratio with both Sissel Bracelets and other items give DEX like Karacha or Max Petamion.
Whole our problem lies in the lack of a new rapier. I’d love rapier in the same style as the dagger.

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In this case, Taking a shield with 2 level 7 red gems can cover and add more damage with no regrets on lose 15% damage from rapier mastery.

Fencer + shield will be the new meta?

Don’t think so because all depend now on new amulet system.

I think amulets is in game a long time.

If i good remeber there was in iCBT or something. But many our actually gear don’t have any slot for this. Maybe they reworking this system and this will be more simmilar to card system now, like more +10% pdmg for 10 second chance after hit.

Full dex is the only thing that matters with the red gem update now and you’ll still have piss poor crit rate but it’s still the best way to go

i really
really do not like what imc is doing

“yeah lets continually mess up the optimal stat distributions for many players out of the blue XD they wont even see it coming! and the best part is we dont sell stat reset potions so they cant even pay us to fix their newfound mistakes even though they want to XDDD now all those people who invested hundreds of millions in attributes will have to reroll their character or wait 1-2 years for a stat reset potion from an event XD! sucks to suck!!! this is how we keep people playing our game for sure. The best part is the majority of players believe in this kind of practice because the average player doesn’t invest a ton of money into attributes so they are fine with simply rerolling XD it’s the perfect plan”


I suppose they soon recognize that and give into TP shop potion… yea right…

Okay alright, full dex is the way to go. There are some advice i need from you guys.

  • Should i go all ella card? (i have 6 now)
  • What is the new skill build for fencer 3? Since SE is not a good skill anymore.
  • I have 2 glad band, should i change to sissel or any other bracelet?
  • I propably more than 5 won’t stack, other cards is fine too
  • SE still work fine
  • Sissel propably is must be

Ok, did Flaconnade work fine now 1/5?

I saw some people saying you can’t stack more than 5 ellaganos.
This is true or not?
Based on @Lostac stats, his 7 ellaganos stacked fine. Saw akinoob stats using 7 ellaganos and stacked too.

@Proxied, probably do you mind sharing your fencer build guide? like item, skill build, stats build, etc. really look up to your fencer and hope to be same as yours.haha

I use 8 ella cards. I don’t think gmole is worth it for fencer especially after the latest patch where you can’t stack multiple gmoles at the same time anymore. Maybe if we had an actual feasible rapier upgrade this would change, but with full dex being the way to go without green gems, I find ellaganos to be even more useful.

SE is decent at 1 point.

I still think sissel is the way to go because we have such bad crit rate (In fact I find AoE attack ratio overrated. I carry my weight just fine in earth tower with 4)

and for 2nd post

Item: Venier, phys+ele hats, full virtov leather (switching to some kind of plate soon probably) 2x sissel, max peta, karacha

8x ella cards

stats SHOULD be full dex if we ever get a stat reset

build is

sw1->pelt->barb3->fencer 3

and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my remaining 5 points. I’m waiting to see some things before deciding whether I toss them in lunge or compo

Swap some points in Swordsman tree, you need Bash 3lvl to have knockback.

no you dont

I think 1 point there + durandal you can buy that attibute.

Thanks for the guide! It really gives me a clearer view on how to improve my fencer :slight_smile: