Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Only 2k per line? I hit 2.5-3k per line (5-6k total) with crossliner combo vs cloth mobs. Maybe because I’m high str (~250str @ lvl 157) with about lvl 30 attribute, but I don’t find it lacking in the slightest.

I can never regret picking HL3. I just love HL skills far more than Barb; Barbs literally have 4 active skills that get used out of their entire tree and is only picked up for warcry/frenzy. Meanwhile, the only skill I haven’t picked up as HL is crossguard and the utility of their skills far outweighs the raw damage that a Barbarian provides in a party scenario. That’s just my opinion, however, and I definitely see the value that Barb brings for solo play.

I only have 91 Str total and 0 attribute invested.

@Eon11: After you rolled 7 Barbs for different purposes, you will come to hate it. Barb 1 or 2 is fine but Barb 3 will drive me crazy. The thing is boring af

@Elaralam: If possible, I will reroll my Doppel into Fencer

My story with hoplite. too bad the one I only liked was hop2>cor2 variant

That was the fcking strongest proven build until Hop 3 buff. I bet that’s why

Also for reference I’m using +6 Venier w/ Arde dagger for equips

I don’t know actually, hexen dropper just feels very satisfying unlike Sept etoiles.

Tbh, damage wasn’t my main concern but it was indeed somewhat letdown. The biggest issue with Skyliner was its hitbox. I missed quite a lot thanks to ping spike.

@Lostac: All Corsair skills have quite sick animation. Ever since I changed into Corsair, everything seems blissful

Even with improved hitboxes, I definitely find HL skills to be very narrow. I also find it that every time I want to do a quick turn and use a skill, the server likes to eat my inputs and I end up swinging at midair.

@Highever that’s the build I’m running.

@Lostac well I’m not disappointed at all. Costume is good, Jolly Roger is good, Hook is good in PvP, Dust Devil is a good cc, mini aoe that got buffed a bit and has some synergy with Fencer and Barb skills.

Barb dpswise is obviously better but good thing about Corsair’s kit is that it will stay relevant no matter how many ranks extra we’ll get.

Everytime I plant the Flag I have a cuteness overload.:heart_eyes:
Giba!! Otchou!!

i can confirm, getting corsair is a loss on dps but win in utility, choose what you want

@hienng1991 add me on fedi

I am actually training a 2nd Fencer now, and it just hit Barb 2 on its r4…
And this interests me a lot because your not missing out on too much by skipping Barb 3.
You lose the c3 attributes on Frenzy and War Cry as well as missing pouncing in exchange for some slight PvP lock down a mini CC that can also give and the ability to increase you farming without having a class thats too out of place on Fencer

The only Deciding factor now is the new attribute for War Cry, is it a c2 or c3 attribute?
Because if its c2 then I could certainly justify NOT increasing the CD of War Cry to gain almost the same dmg, and getting th Utility of Corsair

If you don’t want more 5 target, stick with barb2.

Sorry i literally JUST edited that in my other post right before you posted.
But like said there, the if the new attribute is obtainable at c2 then the dmg gain vs having the Add Target Attribute and not having it is very minimal.
Its 150 physical attack difference and the Add Target attribute increases the CD of War Cry by 10s Per attribute level

Oh you are on Fedimian? Feel free to add me as well. Same team name as the username here.

Lostac said that attribute isn’t increasing CD. Maybe a bug or they give up like in doppel redel e zucken.

If they got rid of that then thats one thing, but I’m still not sold on the 150 physical attack difference beating out Corsair’s utility…
Even with Pouncing.

150 PA can be boosted alot with the right skills + epee, reaching 2,7k or more damage.

Bro, is fleche and balestra fente really hit 10mob? No need aoe rate?