Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Lunge and Cleave boosts slash damage so good. Against cloth my Flanconnade can deal up to 5-8k damage each hit, and against 130 Mineloader, my Seism can deal 15k total. I find it very satisfying as a filler.

yes, we don’t get cartar stroke but we get all the other goodies basically

which works better for me

and warcry is still 50 sec cd hail warcry

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true I’m loving that 50s Warcry right now.

After doing some maths, going HL2>BARB results in a loss of dps at minimum 20%(when skull swing applied) compared to HL3 only.

Here some data:
700 base damage and 150 critical + venier(Critical scenarios)

Skyliner 5 - 289
Damage dealt = 5759 on combo Cross cut + Cleave + Lunge + skyliner.

Flaconnade 1(3 with venier) - 324
Damage dealt = 3944 on combo Cleave + Lunge + Flaconnade

Skyliner 10 - 450
Damage dealt = 6483 Cross cut + Cleave + Lunge + skyliner.

In all scenarios I’ve ignored defense and took leather as mob armor. In fact if you took the HL2 path instead of HL3, you will lose dps, doing more dps over BARB1>FEN2(slash scenarios).
Here my Cross cut + Skyliner

I will post some barb scenarios soon.

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Don’t think I would change anything. Sw->Pel->Barb2->Cor->Fen2 is solid. I would want to try Barb3 though for Warcry attribute and Pouncing though but I don’t think I would want to give up Corsair.

I want a Sword 3 variant myself if we ever get a rank reset, I feel all lazy to make another new alt on this game.

I think you will miss warcry a bit.

Hmm yeah but I really value PB a lot, even with high evasion I find it very useful and go god berserk mode with it on.

at least I know PB is the deal that makes me get top ranks on bosses, with it off sometimes even evasion fails me on bosses like Ella

Evasion in missions is really painful.

Is this implemented in itos?

Yes, on saalus convent.

Before bothering with it I suggest checking the market if there are enough fragments lol

Ok guys, here comparing BARB2 AND BARB3:
700 base damage and 150 critical + venier(Critical scenarios) in a leather target

Cleave 10 - 974
Seism 5 - 1054
Damage dealt = 10316 on combo Helm Chopper + Cleave + Lunge + Cleave
Damage dealt = 6747 on combo Cleave + Lunge + Seism

Cleave 15 - 1364
Seism 10 - 1752
Damage dealt = 12362 on combo Helm Chopper + Cleave + Lunge + Cleave
Damage dealt = 9051 on combo Cleave + Lunge + Seism

I didn’t do any maths but did you include seism 1.7 modifier?

Yes. All modifiers, excluding % attributes and a 0 defence.
As we can see, barb has a high base damage skills but worse multipliers.
Thats why HL3 can outdps him.

If you are talking about barb 3, no.

Pouncing>All HL slash skills combined as for the total damage dealt

Puncing can hit how many times?

around 30 average iirc after the recent buff

There is any vid? All pouncing I saw is outdated and hits slow.

I’ll check later on my barb3 after playing dota