Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

wait, so it’s +50/100/150% crit rate and not crit chance?

what about those who went for pure str + hop c3 builds? how high can their crit chance go?

+50/100+150 crit rate (no %)

As for how much you can push it:
Crit res on high level mob is about 80.

Finestra gives 150
Sissel 37 (2 for 74)
let’s say lv 5 gems, +44 on 2 slot weapon, +29 on offhand (total 73)
+13-14 from Dex bonus in Terralion/Max Peta, and swordsman have a base of 6 Dex, so let’s say 20 here.

Totaling that to 317, which becomes 237 after the crit res.

Using the 42/level calculation, you’re looking at 35.5% crit chance


Hey, sorry if this has been explained before.
I’m currently a swords->swords->hoplite->hoplite and was going to be a corsair c2. I want to remake now though, because of how important peltasta c1 seems to be. Am I correct to do so and to think that Jolly Roger doesn’t make up for the lack of Swash Buckling?

I’m having a hard time deciding between remaking into:

Does anyone know for sure which is better so I won’t regret it later?

Decide on your last rank first, then we can fully help you with that.
Shinobi > Take Hop x2
Dragoon > Take Hop x2
Fencer c1 on R7 > Take Barb x2
Doppel c1 on R7 > Any


I haven’t really decided yet. I’m leaning towards dragoon or doppel. I heard shinobi is bad atm. Barb x2 can still go dragoon and use spears can’t they, or is hop x2 flat out better for that anyway?

I’m afraid that if I go hop x2->dragoon I won’t have enough AoE, but if I go doppel and they release rank 8 in the future doppel will be a bad choice… also, any chance they’ll rework corsair c3?

Yes, but you miss a lot of spear advantages, actually not just spear but also spear lunge benefits(important for pierce attacks), there are dragoon builds that do not rely on spear lunge but it’s not barb either. What barb has are chain stuns and bursts. I personally prefer hoplite if taking dragoon, you get nice flat boosts including finestra aoe attack ratio.

hop 2 > cor 2 > dragoon has a nice aoe attack ratio but you have to work on positioning mobs to hit things

Corsair c3 rework, I don’t know either, I’ve only heard of 1 ktos Corsair buff and that’s giving dust devil 1 more overheat, nothing on c3


was a typo


are the options

hi Cathexis, i’m stuck with a SW>PELT>HOP2 character, and i must say i don’t like it very much, i’ve moved on to other characters but i would like to save it…i was thinking of going into SW>PELT>HOP2>CATA3 instead of hop3>doppel>dragoon because it looks more fun and i don’t like very much the combat style of hoplite

do you think it’s a viable build and i should just forget my character till new classes come or is it a good build that could shine in pve/pvp/dunno?


Interesting. The first build looks like a PvE PvP dragoon build.

Skills something like this:

The first dragoon in the video says Cata is required if dragoon wants to have a PvP side lol… but I wonder if corsair would be just as good?

But stats I’d rather put some dex maybe STR:CON:DEX 4:2:1

Noted, thank you, I’ll take those ratio in my list

Yes exactly, what I’ve learnt from here is that pierce and stabbing is the best dps compared to slash, that’s why in the video he made hoplite dragoon class which is always known as PVE class into a bit more PVP class by trading damage from doppel with little mobility from cata1 ( I bet the guy from the video knows that best dragoon pvp build is sw3>cata3>dragoon).

Corsair is good in my opinion, hook for pvp, flag for gaining more loots pve. Maybe u meant sw>pelt>hop3>cors(replacing cata)>dragoon, I think people would love to recruit this for pve rather than the 1 with cata because of flag buff for party members, as for pvp/gvg aspect could be good with hook if it lands, however, cata is still better in this particular aspect due to trot, impaler, earthwave (they’re low level but more skill rotation). That’s only my personal thought though…

Alternative build with corsairs from @Cathexis here is sw>pelt>hop2>cors2>dragoon, 1H spear+dagger style pretty awesome too

Im not a cleric and its really annoying when they cast zone on themselves while i have to run around with all the aggro…

Prob with corsair is that iton hook is a skill shot and cata c1 does seem easier to use in pvp. Spear lunge into dragon tooth is a 1 shot and plus spear throw skill shot can bind with high chance.

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115 dungeon is easier compared to 145 and 190 though, you can just get into their zone while running around, they should understand.

I really don’t think Cataphract C1 will do much in your build. To make it work the best in PvP you really need Trot Level 15 and Rush.

You also lose too much damage from not picking Doppelsoeldner. That is the only reason for you to go into Hoplite C3, as picking Doppel at Rank 6 will make that choice worth it.

The guy on the video you linked is Cataphract C3.

Spear Throw has a very slow animation making it too difficult to spam in PvP. So I don’t think it would work.

Plus, if you have time to use Spear Throw then you have time to use something better, like a Dragoon skill.

50~80 DEX for PvP on a Hoplite C3 build. 80+ On other builds. Lots of CON (50~100, maybe even more), depending on how much HP you want to have and the rest into STR.

As long as you have Peltasta C1 and decent HP, any build is viable in Earth Tower.

It is just a worse version of either of them, so it would be alright but it wouldn’t be as good on PvE or PvP depending on the build.

In my opinion it is always better to make a character go all-in into one particular style so that it can be the best at it, rather than just half-ass at every category and be just average on all of them.

If I have to pick one between those 2, then I would say that the second one with Cataphract C2 is better.

But at that point I would better make a Corsair build instead if you really want to use that class:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C2->Dragoon

What didn’t you like about it?

I guess you could go into a:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Cataphract C2->Dragoon build

It wouldn’t be optimal, but it would work. If you don’t want to start a new character and would like to go into Cataphract.

Otherwise you can just endure it for a little bit longer and either go into the Corsair C2 or the Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon build, as both of those get more fun once you reach Rank 7.

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First, in that video there are 2 dragoons. First one is hop3 into cata1 into dragoon. Second one is highlander 2 cata3 dragoon and 1 rank of another class that’s in korean.
The first dragoon in the video with cata1 says cataphract path is REQUIRED for dragoon if you want to have a PvP side. He also killed a kino and a cata3 in the same video in 1v1 duels.

Second, in this video:
which targeting scheme are you using? Do you have to target that NPC first? Can you do it in keyboard mode?

The build doesn’t matter.

If Cataphract is required, then Cataphract C3 is still the better option to go with. Cataphract C1 is just a half-assed version of a better PvP build.

Yeah, that is keyboard.


How are you able to long stride that far away in kb mode? When I use long stride it just long strides to the same spot I’m standing at.

Also, even though cata c3 gets 100% uptimed trot and rush, hop3 into cata c1 gets spear lunge and spear throw. The cata c1 dragoon seems to be pretty good at PvP anyways… Not everyone wants to create multiple characters for multiple purposes.

Mostly using Target Lock. But Long Stride is currently bugged so it doesn’t work as well as it did back then.

Spear Throw isn’t really used in PvP, it is way too slow. Spear Lunge is alright, but it doesn’t really play a major role in the outcome of a fight, when you get close to a target and you either disable them with Impale or hit couple of the Dragoon skills on them, they are going to die because they are pretty fast mutli-hits.

Anyways, in my opinion Hoplite C3 is wasted without Doppel. And Cataphract is wasted at just C1.

Hoplite C3 is not the PvE part. The combination of Hoplite C3+Doppel C1 is what makes it one of the best PvE builds we have, but Hoplite C3 alone is just a waste, might as well just stay at C2 and pick Corsair C1 or Cataphract C2.

While that guy says that Cataphract is “required” for PvP. This only applies for duels and isolated scenarios like the ones on the video.

In arena Cataphract C3 and Corsair builds are still much better options to take, as in a group environment and with more variables to take into consideration they have better tools to succeed.

This also applies to structured GvG. The combination of classes makes other builds able to shine much better, especially when combined with Chronomancer and Plague Doctor.

Both builds, Hoplite C3->Doppel->Dragoon and Cataphract C3->Dragoon will have much, much better results than a Hoplite C3->Cataphract->Dragoon build which doesn’t have Cyclone or Rush to take advantage of the party composition.

Cyclone and Rush (with Iron Hook and Restrain) are pretty much the only reasons why Dragoons/Doppels are able to stay on the PvP ladder in korea. And you have none of those.

And meanwhile, both builds are still better in PvE than the Hoplite C3->Cataphract C1 build.

You don’t need to have multiple characters for multiple purposes, you just need to have a well defined character with a clear playing style and win condition to succeed on any environment.

I follow this build just PVE. Is this good for farming, solo bosses?

And how many points invested the stats? thx:)


Thx for the detailed explanation. What do you think of hop3 into corsair c1 into dragoon? Is this build any good in duels and structured pvp?

Or is going into dopple c1 then dragoon the only good choice when you are hop c3 even if you want to have fun in duels?