Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Those are just guidelines to follow, so you probably will have something in between, depending on how much CON you have.

I think you should stick with High STR at early levels and as you keep on advancing through the game and you add more CON to your liking, you will very slowly move towards an All-around build.

I think it would still be better overall to pick a higher rank class like Fencer, Doppel, Dragoon or even Shinobi rather than Barbarian C3.

It would also depend on the Rank 8 choices we have, which we donā€™t know for now, which could make taking this path worse if something better comes out later on. It could also be better if a really good independent Rank 8 class comes into the game. I think it is a risk taking this path which may or may not pay back.

I think this would work pretty well, you get both Hexen Dropper and Cyclone and while you donā€™t have the attributes for Frenzy and War Cry you will have Deeds of Valor to compensate for it. Overall it would deal more damage compared to the previous build, not by much, but you have better AoE.

This one would be fine too, if you want to gamble on Fencer C3 bringing something good.

Otherwise you can get Corsair C2->Fencer for a high burst build with Hexen Dropper + Fencer skills.

Which is this one.

I think it has more damage than any of the previous builds, but it doesnā€™t have Cyclone so itā€™s AoE potential isnā€™t that good. It has quicker burst though, so if you want to take a target down fast then this build has better tools to do so.

You would have the option to go into Corsair C3 (if they improve it in the future), go into Fencer C2 (if they improve it on the future and to increase your Pierce damage burst) or pick something new entirely, so it isnā€™t as risky as the other ones.

It also depends on which classes are more appealing to you, as I think each build can still perform fairly decent and since you have Peltasta C1 already then you can always perform your role as a tank in parties.

Yeah, you can do that. Although I think you should take Peltasta before Highlander C3, that way you will have Swash Buckling for the level 90 dungeon which helps more than Highlander C3.

Uh, there is not much to be done, to be honest.

1.- You evaluate your party (see if you have high DPS, medium DPS or low DPS and if you have healer or not. Also if there is another tank in the party).

2.- If you donā€™t have a healer, then it will depend on how much DPS the party has. If it is low DPS then just move through the dungeon without using Swash Buckling, otherwise if you have good DPS and/or good CC then you can use it to make it quicker (Linker, Kino C3, Cryo C3, etc).

3.- When you cast Swash Buckling make sure to properly move the mobs into the AoEā€™s of your party members. Each class has a different way to deal damage or provide utility, so you will need to get experience playing the game to get to know them all better.

4.- After the mobs pulled, you can do anything really. Weapon swap to your damage weapon or just keep using your shield. Use your normal rotation, it doesnā€™t really matter to be honest.

5.- Once Swash Buckling is almost out of cooldown you should switch back to shield and use it again to keep on luring more mobs.

BONUS.- If you have a heavy Physical Damage party then make sure to use Skull Swing first, because most people use their highest damage skills at the start so you will take most advantage of it if you use it early on during the fight against bosses.

Depends on the boss/attack. If it is a big AoE circle, then it is better to block, but if it is a straight line then you can just move a little bit to the side and dodge it, without making the boss move around.

  • On Peltasta you want to get Guardian level 1 for itā€™s Evasion attribute (take a point from Rim Blow for that).
  • On Dragoon it is either Gae Bulg level 1 or 5 (for the attribute). You can also get level 5 and later on reset it back to 1 after getting the attribute by using a Skill Reset Potion.

Full CON is more for playing in a group environment, but you still need some DEX for PvP/GvG otherwise you are not going to hit people with a good amount of Evasion.

So I would suggest High CON but not Full CON, IF you want to follow such a build. You can always make it a more balanced build with a good amount of STR/DEX/CON to be good on every situation.

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Thanks for aswering!
I play by mobing a huge pack, dropping barbarian skills and then cleaning the rest on auto attacks. I like auto attacks (if theyā€™re fast!). The thing is, my SP consume is big, canā€™t imagine how to put a fencer here, as it seems a pure skill spam class (based on researches, never tested it)ā€¦ But let me ask you a few questions:
About Corsair2>Fencer1: itā€™d limit my DWA usage to using weapon swap (rapier durability and stuff)?
About Corsair2>Doppel: Deeds of Valor actually stacks with Double Weapon Assault? If yes, itā€™s hard to use the full potential of it (on a controller)? In this build Iā€™d focus on Barbā€™s dmg skills (I donā€™t see the point on using either Frenzy nor Warcry without c3)? Also, catacombs or magas (1h)?

You got:
Headgear Costume SP regen
Gloves SP Regen (Gem)
Venier SPR
Kranto bracelets for SP pool
and about 20-30 seconds in bonfire would fill all that sp on fencer

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Understood, and once again, thanks a lot! Youā€™re doing a great job giving advice to all these people ā€“ keep up the good work :slight_smile:

I actually reached Cata just yesterday and am absolutely loving it.


Why is taunt considered so useful? It only hits 11enemies on 1st circle and anyone can just run to mobs and make them follow thus positoning them into spells.

Monsters that are not aggresive by default will stop following you when you hit the max aggro count (Swash adds max aggro count too)

AND the range of it when casted in the middle is great, you will notice some PVP cata builds(no pel) that are trying to aggro mobs in advance move far away from mob to mob making some monsters reset their position.

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Ah thanks for answer. Btw is it okay for clerics to cast protecting zone on themselves? I could run around and kite mobs without it but in 115dung there are mobs that spin around and its impossible for me to kite them when i have all the agroā€¦

Youā€™re the cleric right? Thatā€™s not really a problem, you should be doing that to keep yourself safe, 115 dungeon is one of those dungeons where clerics are important

Heya guys, I am building a SM> Pel1> Hop2> Corsair > ??> ??
I was wondering to take corsair 2, but for the last rank i am confuse, should i take corsair 3 for JR 15>? or should i make a dopple for double pay earn? or maybe a shinobi and dragoon?
Any thoughts and idea guys?
What about the stats that i should make guys?
i was thinking to make 100 dex, 100 con, and all str for the rest point >.<

To be honest, you can pick anything.

  • Corsair C3: Isnā€™t that good right now, so picking this would mean that you are hoping for an improvement of it in the future. Currently you donā€™t get much out of it besides Jolly Roger/Iron Hook level 11+ and a little bit more of damage with Hexen Dropper, plus one new skill in Pistol shot.

  • Shinobi: It is pretty bugged currently but it has the Kunai combo for burst damage. Picking it also means that you are hoping for an improvement of it in the future. It has a few hiding skills which could be nice for PvP and the Kunai combo allows you to solo farm dungeons and missions easily.

  • Dragoon: Adds a bunch of new damage skills into your kit, which is a more consistent way of dealing damage as you have multiple opportunities to use different skills in case you miss one of them.

  • Doppelsoeldner: Cyclone adds more AoE damage into your kit, but it relies on it being able to channel itā€™s full duration. Deeds of Valor can increase your damage quite considerably and Double Pay Earn is a pretty nice way to acquire more EXP from bosses and it is nice for farming materials too.

It depends on how comfortable you feel with your current kit in your character and which tools you would like to add to it moving forward.

That is good if you want to have a slightly more beefy character for PvP/GvG, so I wouldnā€™t see many problems with doing that.

Thank you Cathexis for the reply <3 you

Hi some questions on hoplite skills since skill descriptions can be vague most of the time

finestra - how does this work is the crit chance calculated after applying crit rate and crit resist of mobs? (i.e. is the crit chance of finestra an additive or a multiplicative bonus to your own crit chance)

spear throw - is there a delay between throwing and picking up the spear? how spammable is it? is it an aoe skill?


Thanks for the guide. Amazing job.

Iā€™m thorn between SW1/PEL2/HOP2/CAT1/COR1/DRA1 and SW1/PEL2/HOP1/CAT2/COR1/DRA1 (so if to pick HOP2 or CAT2)

I know is not the most perfect buildā€¦ but I love Corsair and i wanna take 1 circle.

What you would you recomend?

There is no cooldown and loading time, animation is pretty long tho. It is AoE. It is very spammable in melee range.

Hi cathexis. Amazing job! I have a question about swordsman for boss killing. Iā€™m not really into Archer and I wanna do a swordsman for the job, but Iā€™m little uncertain if I can get boxes from dullahan (for example), since itā€™s clustered with Archer there. I mean, can I do better dps on bosses than Archer? The build I have in mind is:
Sw1 pelt 1 hop3 corsair2
Sw1 pelt 1 hop3 doppel 2
Sw1 pelt 1 hop2 corsair2 doppel1

The weapons Iā€™m gonna use is brandish/ karacha dagger (venom when I get one).
Stats distribution gonna be high str, 100 con and 100 dex.
What are your thoughts? Thank you!

i also happen to come across with that video right now. thanks!

Thanks cath!! i know how to tank lolā€¦

ā€¦andā€¦how does jolly roger work? At lvl 1,2 ,3ā€¦etcā€¦

One of the main reasons im going for:

Sword -> Peltasta C1 -> Highlaner C3 -> Doppel C2

ā€¦is because of the entry limit on dungeons and i thought having more chances with a lvl 1 DOUBLE PAY EARN would help a little (and the C2 of dopple is strong too!)ā€¦and the 2h sword sinergy with highlander skill was coolā€¦

But then againā€¦if i choose to reduce one C on Highlander for one C on Corsair for mainly DOUBLE PAY EARN lvl 5ā€¦what would your opinion be on that? Would this build lose a lot by not having skull swing and crown/cross guard/skyliner maxed?

ā€¦in the endā€¦at dungeons we are only supposed to pull aggroā€¦and dealā€¦ā€œas much damage as possibleā€ā€¦and swordmen will always have a hard time grinding outside dungeonsā€¦

ā€¦so i thought why not make a build focused on drops & swords?..lolā€¦

  1. Sword -> Peltasta C1 -> Highlaner C2 / Barb C2 -> Corsair -> Doppel C2


  1. Sword -> Peltasta C1 -> Highlaner C1 / Barb C1 -> Corsair C2 -> Doppel C2

ā€¦and againā€¦how does DOUBLE PAY EARN works?..does archer and mages get the bonus too? Is it good at lvl 1? Or could be way better to go to lvl 5ā€¦or 10?

ā€¦i say lvl 10 cause i have read corsair is good at C2ā€¦but then againā€¦corsair is most PvP orientedā€¦and im more a PvE guy lolā€¦

ā€¦i hope you can help me with thisā€¦been looking at forum but cant answer yet those questionsā€¦

ā€¦Thanks for your time!!

Hey there Cath!

I just have some Questions :slight_smile:

I am currently Playing a more Tanky Build (cuz i like it :P)
Final Build would be like this

I used to Play a Dragoon Build till 260+ but i have to reroll since our Guildleader Quitted :confused:
Just wanted to ask if its worth to put that many points into slithering i mean yeah the dmg seems decent for a Tanking Class but would be Rank 1 worth it aswell and invest more into Shield Push to get more power into the Defense Debuff?
Same goes for Shooting Star i put 5 points into it even with the Bad Scaling i mean it hits multiple times so the scaling should not be that bad (correct me if i am wrong)

And for Weapons.
Currently i am using a +9 Durandal and i am planing to use it till 170 for that level i allready have a Catacomb Blade and a Catacomb Club(ignoring the fact that it has matk i really like the extra hp the sp reg since i tend to spamm my skills and the aoe attack ratio is decent aswell).
And so far i would prefer to use the Club cuz it has strike dmg and i am leveling with a Wiz3 Linker3 Warlock Buddy so i would have 100% uptime on Lethargy + my Strike Debuffs

Currently sitting on 117 and about to roll Rode 2.

This Build is most likely for Becomming a Templar and be semi viable in PvP Situations (i dont like the pelt 3 squire 2 Templar Build)

Thanks in Advance

It is additive to your Critical Rate stat, which then goes through a formula which takes into consideration the Critical Resistance of the enemy to determine whether or not it will land a critical hit.

There is a formula going around for the actual critical chance, but since I canā€™t confirm or deny itā€™s accuracy then I canā€™t really give it to you as solid information.

Your build are using 8 ranks and we currently only have 7.

Not sure which one you want more, if Peltasta C2, Cataphract or Corsair, or if you want to have all 3 into 1 build.

It is difficult to tell, depends on your server.

First, there is a lot of catching up you have to do, not only get to high level (because many people doing world bosses are already level 280), but also on equipment and attributes (lots of silver).

After catching up, you also need to have friends to party with as having a high DPS party will increase your chance to get cubes.

And then with that, it depends on your build. I would say that either:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C2->Shinobi


Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

Would give you the best chance to get a cube as a Swordsman.

But no, you wouldnā€™t be able to compare against the top DPS builds in the game which currently are Wizard C3->Elementalist C3->Warlock and Fletcher C3.

We donā€™t really know the exact formula for Jolly Roger, all we know is that it has the chance to give you more silver from mobs each time you hit them and also a chance to acquire extra drops from them when you kill them. Apparently the chance increases with the level.

I think you were confusing Jolly Roger with Double Pay Earn on some of your points, but here it is how it works:

When you activate Double Pay Earn you get a buff with x amount of stacks (the amount depends on the skill level). 1 hit = 1 stack, so you can only do so many hits with it.

So letā€™s say that a skill deals 6 hits, then you would lose 6 stacks by using it. You would also lose more stacks if you hit more than 1 mob.

So all you have to do is use it and let other people on your party kill the boss/mobs, so you donā€™t use your stacks and you will receive the benefit for 10 seconds.

You donā€™t get extra cubes from the bosses, only extra Experience and Silver, same from mobs but if they drop materials (mobs in dungeons donā€™t), then you would get x2 of them dropped.

So I would probably say that Corsair C2 and Doppel would be the better combination for what you are looking for.

There is no point in adding anything past level 1 to Slithering, as all it does is increase the damage and not the duration. The damage is pretty weak, so those points are better spent on something like Montano.

Shield Push could be another option, but you need to spend a lot of points into it for it to be anything near useful and even at max level 15 it is pretty weak as it doesnā€™t reduce that much Defense.

I think that Peltasta C3 would be overall more useful than Rodelero C3 if you are planning on taking Templar, but Rodelero C3 is alright if you want to focus on increasing your Strike damage with lethargy, but it isnā€™t going to make any significant impact on the game because you are still limited to it being short range.

Meanwhile if you have a Wizard with you that focuses on maximum AoE damage, then Peltasta C3 would give it Swash Buckling level 15 to clear as many mobs as possible with it.


Thank you @Cathexis for your helpful guides & replies so far, I realize the build I proposed to you before doesnā€™t provide enough dps/tankiness and only provide more utilities as u said (sw>pelt>hop2>cors>dop>dragoon).

Then I found this video (pretty recent & itā€™s on krTOS as well):

About the first build which I can reroll into that :
But Iā€™ll tweak the stats to add more dex

My concerns are:

  1. In your guide & what most people said, itā€™s better to take cata 3 or not at all, trot full time & rush are the purpose for these. What do u think about the build I propose now sw>pelt>hop3>cata1>dragoon ? Better Pierce DPS+swash buckling+crit+block+tiny bit of mobility.

  2. In PVP aspect, can this build actually skewered the enemies then spam spear throw in melee range (since spear throw is actually hard to aim, maybe this way would be a lot easier)?

  3. What proportion of STR:CON:DEX would u think would be good for this ? since I notice there were so much miss attacking dex build.

  4. Is this build Earth Tower viable ?

  5. Can this build compete with sw>pelt>hop3>dop>dragoon & sw>pelt>hop>cata3>dragoon ?

Thank you for your time & sorry for asking too much questions with heavy text (bad grammar as well) :smiley:

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