Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Posted this in a separate thread, but I figured it might be more appropiate here.

I’ve been looking through quite a few threads on Ninja builds and Corsair builds separately as well as seeing a few combination builds of the two. I also want to say that I also have another swordsman going Sword1>Pelt1>Hoplite3>Dopp1>Dragoon.

I want to have a build where I can go Cor2>Shinobi whilst also doing Pelt1 for parties. So it would look something like:

I’ve seen builds that go hoplite2 for that, but since I’m already making a spear user for my first swordsman, I wanted to know if there was an alternative? Like would Barb2 be viable for late game? Should I drop 1 circle in corsair or altogether? Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

I don’t really know about that, I have not played squire yet to fully justify the ease of having a repair anytime.

I do use Squire C3 repairs in towns that could sometimes make my rapier 5X/2X which is more than enough.

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Hey @Cathexis.

I’m in somewhat of a predicament here, would love if I could get your opinion/advice on this.

To get to it:

I am a currently level68 Hoplite C1 (Swordy > Pelt > Hop) with a High STR build.

My original Plan was to use a
Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite C1 > Hoplite C2 > Corsair C1 > Corsair C2 > Dragoon build, but I really want to play Cataphract instead of Corsair now.

Would it be possible for me to switch to your suggested Cataphract Spear build without making a new character?

The part of not having to replay is important – thanks a ton.

Well, it depends on your definition of fun, but yeah that could work. The only change that I would do is to considering lowering Helm Chopper to level 1 and Cleave by any necessary amount to max out Frenzy, War Cry or both.

Well, before it was not possible to combine Corsair C2 with Fencer because you needed Rank 7 for that, which we do now, so that opened the path for more builds to be made.

None of it is really better than the other, they just have different tools on their build so you have to pick the ones that you like the most.

They are good for damage, so you can use them on situations where you only need to deal damage. And not necessarily, if you don’t like to use weapon swap you can just Spear Throw with a 1H one without any problems.

Fighting the mission bosses with a level difference will always have to take increased damage, so it is not a justification to add more CON into your build if you are doing well outside of that particular scenario. Even if you add 50 more CON, you would still take a lot of damage from them, so it is not about adding more CON but being more careful dodging and blocking attacks to take the least amount of damage from them.

And it is not possible to target Long Stride with keyboard mode for the moment.

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C2->Dragoon / Doppelsoeldner / Shinobi

Yeah, I would leave Vertical Slash at level 1 and move those points to max out Crown and with the points you have left get Cross Guard as high as possible. But you should get level 1 Moulinet though and consider giving a few points to Cartar Stroke (you can lower Crown a little bit for this too, if you want to).

Peltasta if you want to cover all your grounds on PvE.

Redel is decent, at the very least it is another multi-hit skill on your bar. It is usually slightly stronger than Zucken, so you can take points away from Zucken to level up Redel if you would like to keep your other skills untouched.

In the current state of the game, getting Doppelsoeldner is better than Fencer C2. However, getting Fencer C2 opens up the possibility for acquiring Fencer C3 later on, so it is a risk that could be taken assuming that Fencer C3 has something really good to offer, but as of right now it is impossible to tell.

I think the build is fine, if that is the classes that she wants to play. Otherwise it depends on how much of a “tank” you both really want out of the character, because you could pursue a Peltasta C3 build for a dedicated leveling group, which is more towards the utility side rather than damage.

For the build I would do a few changes though:

  • Keep Helm Chopper at level 1 and use those extra points to level up Frenzy.
  • Remove a few points from Cleave to get at least level 1 of Pouncing and max out Frenzy (can use 1 point into Giant Swing too, if you want to have that option for the future on PvP or GvG).

Barbarian would be a good option if you were looking into a more PvP oriented build.

However, at the moment Hoplite is a much better option for PvE not only because of Finestra but because Spear Lunge increases the damage output of your Corsair and Shinobi best skills, so the damage difference between a Barbarian build and a Hoplite build is quite big.

I think it wouldn’t be too bad, because you can re-use old equipment from your first character to equip this one and you wouldn’t need to invest into new weapons.

Yeah, you are at the point where you can choose Cataphract without any problems:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Cataphract C3->Dragoon

You only need to start investing a little bit more into DEX to balance out the levels of Finestra you will not get. You want to get anywhere between 100~150 total DEX on your character, so that should give you a rough estimate as to what values to aim for.

Got it! Is there any skill-distribution build you would recommend, or should I just look one up?

I’ve been following this one up until now.

You can move 1 point from Doom Spike to Steed Charge if you would like to have that extra skill on your rotation and can reset Gae Bulg to level 1 after acquiring the attribute and give those points to Serpentine and Dragon Soar instead (with a skill reset potion). If you do that, then you can also leave Bash at level 1 after the reset and get more into Pain Barrier.

Thanks a ton. Would you highly recommend me to rearrange the skill points with a skill reset potion or is it also okay for me to leave my skills like they are right now?

Meaning Thrust 1 instead of 0, Bash 5, Concentrate 0, Pain Barrier 5, Rim Blow 4, Umbo Blow 5 and Guardian 1.

I don’t have a potion right now (no founder) and afaik you can’t buy any TP yet.

Thank you so much you mentioned a Peltesta C3 build but I didnt see one on your post could you post it. And also would highlander be a better fit for the cannoneer build or is barbarian the right choice.

I read on your post that too much def ulitily could hurt more than help the party but I would like to the build to have the most potential in terms of tanking and doing the most dps thats why I optd for fencer so when I build the skill level to be the best as possible.

Hey, I am going for Pelt>Hop c3> Dop>Dragoon, currently lv 48, but i have some problems with the status, i dont really know what to follow… i have 69 str:15 con:10 dex and 6 points to spend.
Can someone help with what should be the best for this build? (sorry for my bad english)

It is fine if you leave them like that for the moment. If you are going to use a reset potion it is much better to wait until you are at a higher level (Rank 7+).

I think Barbarian is better than Highlander in this case.

For the Peltasta build, I think this is one of the best builds you can have at the moment:

However, it is also possible to go full utility aiming towards doing Earth Tower with a dedicated group at higher levels. For that you could use a build like Peltasta C3->Squire C3.

The build I linked has the right amount of utility from Peltasta and Corsair, while keeping a good amount of damage from Fencer and Doppelsoeldner.

Another option could be to go get Doppelsoeldner instead of Fencer and finish with Dragoon at the end, this way the build will be able to use spears and have slightly more AoE compared to the Fencer one.

It depends on which classes you both prefer, but as long as the build has Peltasta C1+ in it, then you will be fine. The rest is just a matter of preference.

Your stats look good for your level.

Since you are almost level 50, you can add your free points into CON if it is your first time running the level 50 dungeon, that helps if you are a new player while you get used to doing dungeons.

Either way, you should be focusing on your STR for now, keep adding at least 1 point of DEX every 10th level and once you are nearing level 170+ you can pump it up to 50 DEX total to be safe for the rest of the game in PvE.

You can add as much CON as you want, depending on the amount of HP you want to have in your build.

Okay. Last Question: Should I switch to the All-rounder Stat build or keep going with High Str?

Yea but spear is a fuking boring and veru bad weapon at looking…soo the coolest and in any way good weapon is tha slash tipe…sok if someone want to pkay a good dps/tank can go barb3 dopple2…it s wrong to go for all hop…soo many of them!
Barb forever <3

I never asked for your opinion on the matter. Thank you.

Yea but this is a forum and i don t have to ask you the permission…i m just boring to see "sword suck…only avaiable is hopl…blabla bla"
Soo if i have to tell my experience and my point of view, i do…without problem…wasn t an attack against noone soo keep calm and enjoy…it s just a game :smiley:

It’s just that you were expressing your opinion rather… aggressive.

If i was appear aggressive apologize…i wouldn t be that

I’m rank 5 and I think I’ve made some bad choices through my build
Now Sword1>Pelt1>Barb2>Corsair
I’m thinking on some possibilities:

Sword1>Pelt1>Barb2>Corsair>Barb3>Corsair2 (suits my playing style, get the buff from warcry and frenzy c3, sounds weird to build tho, is this even an option?)
Sword1>Pelt1>Barb2>Corsair>Corsair2>Doppel (now Doppel c1 is better than Barb c3 here? why?)
Sword1>Pelt1>Barb2>Corsair>Fencer2 (not sure, maybe c3 is OP, maybe is BS)
Sword1>Pelt1>Barb2>Corsair>Corsair2>Fencer (I’ve seen this around, it’s good?)

Hi cathe!!..i appreciate the help you gave in the forum to new players as me lol…since i have fee hours to play i need to use them wisely…so here i go…

1.- is it possible to go:

¿Sword -> Highlaner C3 -> Peltasta C1 -> Doppel C2?

I ask this cause most of the time i see people going:
Sword -> Peltasta C1 -> Highlaner C3 -> Doppel C2

I choose Highlander first cause i wont tank the low lvl dungeons…just going to level up grinding and questing…

…atm im at Highlander C2…

2.- can you give a guide on HOW TO TANK SKILL GUIDE…for my class tree…like…which skill should i use first, then swap weapons, then another skill…etc…
I dont need a weaponary guide since it make take too long lol…just a how to tank skill guide :)…

Thanks for your time…every word you can guide me with will be appreciated…:slight_smile:


Do you think its bettter to block boss attacks with shield or dodge them? I feel like blocking is better since you stand in one place and your party doesnt have to run around as much dodging?

Hi :smile:
Firstly, excellent guide. (i’am applauding you right now)
Secondly, I have made up this build ->

Swordsman C1 > Peltasta C1 > Hoplite C1 > Cataphract C3 > Dragon
What do you guys, think about it? (I am tottaly newbie)

Also a friend has recommended a Full Con build. My purpouse is to be sort of tanky and balanced between PVP and PVE.

Any thoughts?

Cheers in advance :smile: