Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

You can, but switch into your shield if you need to play safe.

there are also shields that have the same effect as arde dagger,
Otrava, ledas.

an arde dagger would have less benefit to you since you’re already on spear, the only reason left to use a dagger is when you need the dex on karacha or the con on venom

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Hello, i want to go with this build
Swordsman -> Peltasta C2 -> Cataphract -> Squire C2 -> Templar
but i still have no idea where to spend the rest of the SP for some job.
I know it’s ridiculous for taking Cataphract only 1 circle, but i want to use this build.

And the status distribution for this build as a tank,
is it better spend CON : STR 1 : 1, or 1.5 : 1, or 1 : 1.5
Sorry for my bad english.

lets not over look sweet sweet sage wall.

That’s more of a defensive shield than an offensive one from my samples though

thanks for advise ^^ yeah i know that we can use sb with dagger. thanks once again ^^

What about earth tower? Are swords even viable there? Is it possible to clear it without premade group?

It’s fencer week day on reddit, and I read some people talking about preparation.

From what I read it seems it’s quite different from your guide description.

You may want to confirm and update the guide, it seems preparation now buffs the whole next pierce attack (on multi-hit skills) and you don’t have to channel completely or even block something to get the bonus damage.

(Source :

I guess when C8 comes around a hoplite/fencer/shinobi would be quite strong. Depending if preparation dmg bonus would apply or not on Clones Kunai

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It stays if you damage the target, but it goes away if you move or if you displace the opponent with something like knockback/knockdown.

Well, if that is the build you want to follow, I would allocate the skill points in this way:

For stat distribution, it depends. I think it is overall better to spend points into DEX instead of STR in this kind of build, so I would probably add somewhere around 50 STR points (which will be 100+ at Rank 7), then somewhere around 100~150 total DEX and the rest into CON.

Depends on how much HP you want to have with your character.

They are viable, but your main job is to aggro mobs and keep them on you while running around or moving them around to place them correctly into the AoE’s.

Without a premade? Unlikely. Pretty much everyone doing ET is using a premade group, plus you need a pretty good amount of damage and investment into damage characters to get through the first floor, so it is most likely not going to work with random people.

Yeah, it got confirmed a while ago but I haven’t updated it on the guide yet. With the forums being dead almost all the time, I got too lazy to do it, but I will make the update to the proper version of it.


Hi Cathexis, in your opinion wich build is the more fun?
im lookin for a good pvp/pve (40/60) dps /tank (70/30)

Great guide, Awesome work!

Edit: something than this is good?

Both of your builds are viable and it depends on which class you like more, Corsair or Doppelsoeldner.

On either build, I would pick up Barbarian C2/C3, as overall it is better for a Fencer build.

Although your first build could use Highlander's Cross Guard to 
increase the Pierce damage of your Corsair's Hexen Dropper and Fencer's 
Sept Etoiles, but it doesn't have that much synergy with Evasion builds,
 if you were planning to follow a build like that.

Between Corsair and Doppelsoeldner, the first one has more burst 
Pierce damage which is pretty good but it is limited by it's hitbox, 
which isn't that big. On the other hand Doppelsoeldner has Cyclone which
 is a better AoE skill but it doesn't offer the same burst as it 
requires to channel it's full duration for it to be effective damage.

Deeds of Valor is slightly more difficult to stack up with an Evasion
 build, but not impossible, so that is a nice bonus to have which will 
have good synergy with your War Cry and Frenzy, both which will have the
 attributes to improve them that you acquire from Barbarian C3.

Finally, there is the utility factor between Jolly Roger and Double 
Pay Earn. Both of them will give you extra rewards on their own way, but
 Double Pay Earn can give you extra EXP if you use it correctly 
(especially during missions). While Corsair will keep on giving you 
extra silver and from time to time items through the entire time you use
 that character and it is also a small aggro tool that comes in handy 
during certain situations.

I would say that currently, the Doppelsoeldner build has the
 potential to deal more damage but it is conditional on the factor that 
you can use the full duration of Cyclone, as well as being able to 
properly stack Frenzy/Deeds of Valor/War Cry.

On the other hand, the Corsair build has more potential in the current
  state of PvP in the game, thanks to Iron Hook. So if you are 
interested on that aspect too, that could be another factor to consider.

And you are not going to be that far behind in damage with Corsair, 
as you will still have Hexen Dropper on your build. While it is not as 
high as the other build, it is more reliable as you don't depend on that
 many variables to maximize your damage output. Which again, could be 
better for situations like PvP.

Both paths sound pretty appealing and maybe I made this more 
difficult for you, but with this you could have a better idea of what to
 expect from each path.

Wow. Wasn’t expecting such dedicated and developed answer, that was extremely helpful, thanks!

Now, I went for Barb and my last doubt lies on whether going for C3 Barb or starting Corsair to reach C2 and later Fencer.

You posted you had a char with Barb C3 and then Fencer instead of Corsair C2 and then Fencer, and I have found that it’s the most common way to go too.
So I’m wondering: Is this for the fact that you have to wait until rank 7 to get to Fencer? Or the Barb C3 and the Corsair C2 benefits even out and none is “better” than the other one?

I hope my question is clear and it would be great if you could give me some insights in this matter.


PD: This is actually the first time I’m posting something so I was not sure how to quote your reply nicely like you addressed mine :stuck_out_tongue:

hey guys anyone out there that knows where sissel bracelet drops and what %? thanks in advance

Are 2h spears even good? Do i need to switch to it everytime i use throw skill? Also i find it hard to survive in missions since i have only 30con and bosses are 10~ lvl above me most of the time… How much con should be enough assuming im going full str build? Btw how do i target long stride with keyboard only way is to lock on target right?

Should be lv 190 dungeon, don’t know about the chance though.

I use this ressource for dungeon drop and quests if you’re interested :


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Aside from these two builds:

sw > pelt > hop 3 > dop > dragoon
sw > pelt > hop > cat c3> dragoon

are there other possible dps spear builds that are easy to level?

sw > pel > hop 2 > cor 2 > drag/doppel
but cor 1 phase will be a bit hard, you get JR looting though.

how viable is a hop 2 > cat 2? I feel like going cat 3 is a bit of a drag in levelling and that rush and spear throw can be passed up on.

Rush is a very good cata 3 skill, it is better to not skip that if you are going cata, you can ask other cata players too about it, it’s like cata’s version of cyclone.

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do you think that squire c1 is worth for rapier repair? and maybe ET things later

@Cathexis Thank you for the fabulous guide. It’s very thorough and detailed, and I’ve gotten a good idea about all the classes.
I’ve decided to go Doppel and my planned build looks like this currently.

I just have a few questions.

-I have 3 free points in highlander C3 currently. Do you think it’s better to put them in crown or cross guard? I don’t know how good the extra block of cross guard is compared to the higher uptime of shock on crown. On the same note, I have 5 points in Vertical Slash. Should I take points away from it and move it to crown/cross guard?

-I have corsair for Rank 5, but I honestly have no clue what class I should be getting then. Do you have any recommendations for the class I should get between Highlander and Doppel that’ll bring the most benefit? I’ve chosen Corsair simply for its utility.

-I have 2 free points in Doppel. How good is the damage of Redel? Is it worth taking some points of Deeds of Valor to put more points into Redel? I’ve read that Deeds of Valor resets that stacks on cast, so is it worth it to put in points past 5? Also, is having more than 1 point in double pay earn necessary, since it’s only used to last hit?

Sorry for the flood of questions, the information your guide had got me theorycrafting really hard on possible builds. I’m a newbie and I’ll probably figure this out as I play, so no need to answer if it’s too much.

@Cathexis Hello ty so much for the amazing guide im looking for a full PVE build to play with my GF (going high dps cannoneer). Would like to take a some what tank build. Could you help me improve this build or change it completely to match what im looking for? still unsure of going fencer + doppel or just fencer c2?