Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Without Finestra you have 4 + whatever AoE Ratio increase you have from equipment.

Finestra adds +3 to that.

So you would hit at least 7 with it, without equipment.


You shouldn’t be having any problems at those levels, it is too early for that. Where did you find this happening to you?

If you fight mobs 5 or more levels higher than you, then you get a penalty and take increased damage from them. I think this is most likely the scenario you are encountering.

For your build, that is fine. Just make sure to add some CON every now and then as you level up, it is going to help a little bit to give you breathing room during difficult situations.

Farming for silver is a difficult topic in this game. It mostly comes from grinding, so there is no specific place for it. Other than that, doing your dungeon runs and getting lucky with the drop from cubes or knowing how to buy/sell on the market to make a profit.

I think that with that build it is better to use either Catacombs Pike (2H) or Brandish+Shield (Aias preferably).

Brandish+Karacha works better for a Corsair build.

I think that if you want full utility then Peltasta C3 would be better., considering you are taking Squire. This would be much better than picking just Rodelero C1.

Otherwise for a more damage oriented build you can always pick Cataphract for it.

Well, if you are absolutely sure that you will never do any PvP or GvG with this character, then you can leave Iron Hook at level 1. Otherwise, it would be better to spend points on it.

Looks good.

I would take Frenzy level 5 but it is not necessary. And I usually recommend level 1~2 of Attaque Coquille as you will be using Venir which adds +2 Skill Levels to every Fencer skill, so that makes up for the missing up-time you would get with a lower level of it.

I think it is experimental and to be honest anything goes in PvP. I do think that you will have a bunch of different tools that you can use to your advantage on PvP, so I think that you could find success with it but it will depend on your skill as a player as well as how PvP gets balanced in the future.

I wouldn’t pick Fencer C2 for a PvP build. I would pick Corsair C2 instead or Doppelsoeldner C1.

Out of those 2, I would say that the second one is better, but I can’t guarantee that it will have success. No one but you can.


So skills like pierce that dont have an AoE ratio can actually hit 7 targets with finestra?

Yeah, or more with equipment.

But they are still limited by their hitbox, so you would need to fit all of those mobs into that space for it to work like that. AoE Ratio doesn’t increase the range of the skills, just the amount of mobs they can hit.

In terms of DPS, is Catacombs Pike better then Brandish ?
And if you had money just for buy one, with one would you bye or bye first?

Overall, yeah, Catacombs deals more damage than Brandish. The downside is that you can’t use a shield.

I would say that if you like to play with a shield, then you should get Brandish first. Otherwise if you enjoy playing with an Arde/Karacha dagger more, then you should go for Catacombs.

Eventually you will get both, but I think it is more important to decide which one will be better for your playing style.

Personally I got Brandish first because it is something you can farm at lower levels and because I prefer to use a shield during missions, dungeons, etc.


“When a target has been proc’d with bind from using spear throw and then you hit it, the bind effect will be cut or disappear. The target will not take the 7 second bind effect (bind: can’t run) when you hit it. It doesn’t make sense and no use when we bind an enemy so that it can’t run, we get close and start smashing its head but then suddenly the bind will disappear after the target take the first hit after it got bind/bound. Have you also noticed and thought of this? What say you?”

Is this true? I was under the impression that [bind] didn’t go away after you hit it with long stride x_x

Synchro Trusting is actually nice. I am a level 81 hoplite C2 and when I use my combo Spear lunge and Synchro Trusting it can overkill a mob

im planning to go with hoplite, shinobi type…should i max piercing or synchro thurst?

For the moment it is true, because Long Stride causes a knockdown on the opponent. However, considering the time you have to land that Long Stride plus it’s effect, it is pretty much the same as if the full duration of the Bind went through, because of the time it takes them to get back up.

Once you max out Finestra, then Stabbing, then Spear Throw (if you went Hoplite C3), then the rest of your points go into Pierce.

Synchro Thrusting is not gonna be used at all at higher levels, while Pierce gives you a little bit of extra burst that especially helps on builds with Doppelsoeldner, as it can be used to guarantee a kill with Double Pay Earn.

Goal: PvE 80% PvP 20%, i like PvP but as a plus, my focus is getting rare drops and leveling well.
Link to your build:
Comments and questions:

  1. I really like tanky characters, so i was thinking about 100is CON, what do you think? i’m thinking about focusing STR and CON and letting Finesta do the rest, altough it’s just Lv.5, will it be too weak?
  2. I’m also planing on using Lydeka for a long time, do you have advises on equipment and weapon? Crafrisun, until when to use it, does it worth it in this build?
  3. What would you change skill choice wise?
  4. What would you do to solve the magical defense problem? the way i see it it is kind of tough for a high lvl swordie to tank up magical damage.
  5. This build comtemplates the end game content? obviously i mean the MOMENTANIOUS end game, will i get into parties easily acording to you experience?
  6. Is it well synergised? any other advises? anything?

Thanks for everything sir.


So the bind effect goes away as soon as you hit it with any attack?

Is shinobi rank 7 or rank 8class? It says it is hidden class so maybe it doesnt count to any of those and is just additional one?

Hey, I’m currently Peltasta 39, and thinking on following either the
Swordsman > Peltasta > Highlander C2 or Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Fencer
or the
Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C3 or Highlander C3 > Fencer > Doppelsoeldner path.

Have there been changes to the highlander and sky line? I’m not sure wether to go Barb or High on the next advancement.

I’m new, but it seems to me like Fencer and Corsair have more of a synergy in their skills than Fencer and Doppelsoeldner, kinda makes me more biased to go for the first path.

Thanks for the contribution and help, great guide!

PD: on a different more early note, attributes. Not sure if to keep improving Concentrate or Gun Ho for better grinding, or going for more Peltasta attributes for later use or Gear Masteries. Any guide or help with that?

If the 50% cleave slash buff comes to iTOS, would maximizing Flanconnade be a better choice for a barb-fencer? What do you think?

@Cathexis @Lostac

It might be, but I wouldn’t do it still, I don’t like having my spammable protection skill to have more sp cost. Since you will be using venier it should be at 3/5.

Coquille works at level 2 to have it at Lv 4 with venier, but my personal choice is having it at 6 because sometimes you would have the perfect time to land a prep-etoiles(in my case) but then don’t have the time to land in another coquille, so that’s where extra points in coquille would work.

also, the damage difference per level on flanconnade is very little


I think 100 CON will be fine if you do want a more beefy character. However, you will need more DEX in your build, as level 5 Finestra is barely anything when it comes to helping your Critical Rate. I would say that you should get anywhere between 120~150 total DEX, which will leave you with around 200 total points into STR. All of this without considering equipment, so the values will be slightly increased at higher levels.

So I would say you would be at a pretty good spot as you will have close to 30k HP with equipment and a good amount of damage on your build.

If you want to have more HP, you can always keep on adding more CON.

You can keep on using Cafrisun all the way to Rank 7 if you want to.

You want to get Elements if possible, as that will have good synergy with the Cafrisun set and Priest buffs.

After that you can get Catacombs Pike as your current end-game weapon.

  • I would get 1 point into Rim Blow, as it is a knockback.
  • You can get 1 point into Steed Charge to try it out and have an extra skill on your rotation, but it is not a must.

Other than that everything is fine. If you have a skill reset potion you can get Gae Bulg to level 5 to get the attribute, then reset back to level 1 to keep it.

Not much you can do besides having a decent amount of HP and knowing how to position yourself to avoid them. You can try to stack up MDEF through equipment, but that only goes so far.

Sure, no problems with that since you have Peltasta on your build.

It is a solid build. Not much advice besides making friends in the game as that gives you a much easier time to find parties.

Yeah, unfortunately it does.

It is Rank 7.

No, there have been no changes since the launch of the game.

You should be getting all of the attributes that add more utility to your build.

First you should max out Concentrate, then Gung Ho. But you should get the quick Peltasta ones like Guard, Guardian: Evasion, Swash Buckling Maximum HP (when you are nearing to doing a dungeon), etc.

Both of your builds are viable and it depends on which class you like more, Corsair or Doppelsoeldner.

On either build, I would pick up Barbarian C2/C3, as overall it is better for a Fencer build.

Although your first build could use Highlander’s Cross Guard to increase the Pierce damage of your Corsair’s Hexen Dropper and Fencer’s Sept Etoiles, but it doesn’t have that much synergy with Evasion builds, if you were planning to follow a build like that.

Between Corsair and Doppelsoeldner, the first one has more burst Pierce damage which is pretty good but it is limited by it’s hitbox, which isn’t that big. On the other hand Doppelsoeldner has Cyclone which is a better AoE skill but it doesn’t offer the same burst as it requires to channel it’s full duration for it to be effective damage.

Deeds of Valor is slightly more difficult to stack up with an Evasion build, but not impossible, so that is a nice bonus to have which will have good synergy with your War Cry and Frenzy, both which will have the attributes to improve them that you acquire from Barbarian C3.

Finally, there is the utility factor between Jolly Roger and Double Pay Earn. Both of them will give you extra rewards on their own way, but Double Pay Earn can give you extra EXP if you use it correctly (especially during missions). While Corsair will keep on giving you extra silver and from time to time items through the entire time you use that character and it is also a small aggro tool that comes in handy during certain situations.

I would say that currently, the Doppelsoeldner build has the potential to deal more damage but it is conditional on the factor that you can use the full duration of Cyclone, as well as being able to properly stack Frenzy/Deeds of Valor/War Cry.

On the other hand, the Corsair build has more potential in the current state of PvP in the game, thanks to Iron Hook. So if you are interested on that aspect too, that could be another factor to consider.

And you are not going to be that far behind in damage with Corsair, as you will still have Hexen Dropper on your build. While it is not as high as the other build, it is more reliable as you don’t depend on that many variables to maximize your damage output. Which again, could be better for situations like PvP.

Both paths sound pretty appealing and maybe I made this more difficult for you, but with this you could have a better idea of what to expect from each path.

It wouldn’t change that much. Flanconnade usually gets the remaining points you have on your build, so it would be between level 1 and 4 (depending on how high you took Attaque Coquille to and if you have 1 point on Esquive Toucher or not).

But no, overall it is more important to max out Lunge and Sept Etoiles first.

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Does the stun from iron hook go away if hit as well or does it persist despite being hit?

Hi Cathexis, I’ve been following ur guide since ur post to this point. 1,4 k is amazing, really :slight_smile: First of all, for all peeps here, especially cathexis, thanks for helping others, especially most of swordsman’s players wannabe in ToS. Its really nice having some people kindly like u :slight_smile:

Anyway here is my build,
I want some oppinions on this ^^

I know that i dont take pelt c1, hmmm lets say i just dont really like shield, or smth like that, or so u can say that i prefer "hard to get pt " than using shield, just simply like that hehe . I dont really mind about that really. Because, after i played a while and atleast trying, for me, taking pelta c1 just for sb, provoke in pt, didnt make me enjoying this game more…

About other left points / or “just 1 point” skills in my build are just like i dont know what is better to take. so i dont mind too much about those skills, at least for now, like u said, the game’s system is still keep changin…so ill decide later

Im a pve type, but yea pvp still even rarely. Not taking barb c3, because i hv 2 reasons. First, I want hexen dropper and DWA from corsair, but yea I want DoV from doppel too. Honestly im just really interested on those 3 skill’s term etc. Second, it makes me harder to think, about taking corsar and doppel, about which skill should i take, i like all of them cleave, hc, war cry, frenzy, seism the same, so bcs im lazy, so i chose barb c2 only, pffft. Oh yeah, kinda doubt should i go 10 cleave 5 hc/ 8 cleave 7 hc or smth like tht, but after i thought maybe maxing cleave is better bcs cleave got less cd and provides better buff. So how’s ur opinion ? thanks anyway ^^

Not stopping you to follow your dream build but remember, taunting in parties isn’t the only thing swash is for…

Also since you are taking barb-corsair, guardian evasion attribute will be something nice for you.

It bolsters your farming ability, it allows you to setup an easy warcry, and since you are corsair it also drags mobs near your flag.

Also another note since you’re probably mislead, peltasta doesn’t lock you to shield. In fact it benefits you to be able to use your shield more if you use it, but you can definitely roll on peltasta with a dagger to use swash and guardian.

For Highlander, Cartar is Good, Crown is okay…Cross guard is meh atm since manually switching can be buggy on server spikes/fps lags

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just curious, im hoplite+dopple shinobi build, with pel c1, can i use spear+dagger instead of shield for the whole game ? or the shield is a must and better than dagger.