Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Thanks cathexis.

You can tell about the range in inches if you want… It’ll give me an idea about the range.

And yes, I was asking about skills. For example, if finestra is on, can I crit with dragoontooth/soar/serpentine/gaebulg etc?

Also, is it possible to sprint with a shield?

is it a considerable fencer with High Dex stat distribution for PvP and kind of Suport tank ? or i switch petalsta for Corsair C2 ? thx for the guide :relaxed:

Hi want to ask if i have Elements as my 2handed spear what gems should i socket it with?
Was thinking the usual green gems but realise elemental damage can’t crit

Is Galin Trident a good 2H spear for Cata? Even at later stages of the game?

Lydeka is better i am sure since i use both

On a side Note, anyone got an answer to my previous question for gems on a 2 Handed Elements?

there’s nothing really better for you to put in other than green, that’s how bad other gems are currently. and even if it doesn’t actually boost your crit damage, it still does on a flat amount? at least that’s how my venier performs and is far superior compared to magas rapier, maybe even catacombs rapier.

Thx for the answer just to confirm means even if elemental damage from Elements cannot crit the best gem is still green gems right

Why is it better?
Because of the AOE ratio and Str buff?

because galin is good only for stabbing skill
Lydeka is a more well rounded better spear

AFAIK Galin does nothing to Stabbing
I am a Sword3Cata2 atm going into Cata3 Templar
Will Lydeka be good at 150+?

Yes till 170 then either change to the red spears

First two builds are better for PvE/PvP balanced, but the third one is the best one for PvE out of those 3.

For the first one I would consider dropping Hoplite C3 and take Doppelsoeldner instead, like:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C1->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

or just do a Corsair C2 type of build:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C2->Dragoon

And you want to take an All Around build with at least 80~100 CON, 80~ DEX and the rest on STR, although more on CON is always helpful in PvP but you sacrifice more of your PvE damage.

That depends on your monitor, so not possible. I will say it is about 2 character models wide.

Yes, they can.


If anything I think you could switch Highlander C3 for Corsair C2, I think overall it is a stronger build to take. So:

Swordsman->Highlander C2->Peltasta->Corsair C1->Fencer | Corsair C2

Depending on which one you want to get first, Fencer or Corsair C2, then you get the other one after. It doesn’t make too much of a difference which one you pick first.

It would mean giving up the no-jump attribute from Highlander C3, but you get more burst damage from it. Which ever you prefer to have on your kit is the one you should pick.

You should still use Green gems because all your main sources of damage are Physical and thus it benefits more from landing critical hits. The elemental damage you get from Elements is nice, but it is not your main source of damage.

It is good for early levels, unless you can get something like a Lydeka. Later on you replace it with Elements and eventually Catacombs Pike.


Im starting to suspect crits go through block, bypassing it entirely. Any chance you can confirm/deny that?

Might of been the guy being a cata but a cata with no spr invested who was 50 levels below me ( but high in dex for his level ) was going through my block far more often then doppels 50 level higher then me, and at this point I can only suspect his crit ratio and so if you could shine some light on this that would be great.

guys im new to tos and would like to know about best spear type shinobi user class build with stat build…anyone can help me out with that?

Thanks for the valuable answers cathexis and hats off to your patience man

Cata have an attribute that give 40% block penetration if using 2H spear

Thx a lot… @Cathexis :smiley:

@Cathexis and other swordie enthusiasts may I ask what kinds of equipment to use? im torn between using cloth or plate im having a hard time levelling or do some quests now because of monsters now having high matk im a doppelsoldner right now

@Cathexis and other swordie enthusiasts may I ask what kind of equipment to use? im torn between using cloth or plate im having a hard time levelling or do some quests now because of monsters now having high matk im a doppelsoldner right now

What class are you? It’s best to have both by the way. But by default you will want plate for stamina(dashing, corsair DWA). Cloth only if you are fighting massive magic monsters.