Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Thanks a lot for your quick reply Cathexis.

What about 1 handed spear and 2 handed spear? which do you think would be the best? Elements, brandish, catacombs or something else??

Will Roxona set be enough until i get Lolopanter? or should i work for another set of armor after Roxona?

Hi cathexis i was followind this swordie build that u posted " Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Doppelsoeldner

Stat distribution: High DEX, All-Around or High STR. "

And im currently in corsair C1 rank ! my question is… can i skip corsair C2 for a while and instead go doppel first then corsair C2? does it work that way too?

Thanks @Cathexis!

I’ll try this build, with your recommendations!

i think you have sufficient aoe (cleave/sesim/helm), going for hexen dropper first is something i think has better piority. personally same build at c1 corsair now too.

Hi… @Cathexis
Can u help me which skill must i pick for this class path ?

Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Doppelsoeldner
and is this class good for PvE ?

or i just go with

Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C3 > Corsair > Doppelsoeldner
for PvE and a little bit PvP ?
and pls help me with skill simulator :smiley:

Hi, sorry if this question seems a tad subjective, but I’d like help with choosing a filler class.

Planning to go sword > pelt > hop > rode 2 (currently rode) > filler > shinobi for reasons. Yeah, it’s not a min-maxer’s optimal build by any means. Still, since tanking is already taken care of, would hoplite 2 or doppel 1 be a better source of damage when paired with shinobi? Rather, which class contributes more to parties in general? For dungeons, grind parties, world bosses, earth tower, etc.

Would really appreciate an experienced player’s perspective on this.

Thanks in advance.

So here’s the Clone + Kunai video (with cross guard/spear lunge)

I only have 3 clones at the moment (didn’t level that much) and kunai lv2 (with something like 5% in attributes).
I was rushing a dungeon 130 with a highlander friend so he helped me put the cross guard debuff.

What I can say now that I have tested a bit clones is that…

  • The damage is really good
  • It’s fun
  • It’s pretty unreliable…
    => Since you’ll try to sit under a boss attack to block while taking 5x dmg (kinda risky lol)
    Most of the time you’ll get OS, and even if you manage a block you still have to survive long enough to do your combo. BUT if you manage to pull the combo it’s amazing.
    So high risk high reward. (may be far easier to have a highlander 3 doing the debuffing for you though).

Also I think as a party, if you have a pardonner who can use Discerning Evil to extend Spear Lunge/Cross guard debuff duration. It would skyrocket lot of swordmen damages. (pierce => hoplite/fencer/other)

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Hello @Cathexis i wanted to ask will i be able to hit monsters at higher levels without dex assuming i will go only str and some con build?

Yes. I started missing at around 150 l vl with no dex. I had leather gloves with highest accuracy I could equip too. And the moment they break. Ugh

Depending on what you want to do. If you want raw damage, then Catacombs Pike, otherwise if you are going to use a shield then Brandish.

Elements is fine while you get Catacombs Pike, but it works best when you get Priest buffs to get additional lines of damage.

There are not many armor equipment implemented on the game unfortunately, so Roxona is pretty much the last one. There is the Virtov set, but I think it is not possible to craft it at the moment due to some items missing on the game.


What would be your main reason for getting Doppel first? I think it would be fine, as long as you have a reason for it.

It is alright in PvE, usually Hoplite C2->Corsair C2 is better, but Barbarian is more for PvP oriented characters in these type of builds.

This one works too and you maximize the potential of Barbarian by picked C3 of it.

For the skill build try giving it a run and post your build here, then we can start working from that.

Between those two, Doppelsoeldner offers more because it has Cyclone which is an AoE skill that helps on every party PvE scenario.

On the other hand, picking Hoplite C2 would give you Spear Lunge to increase the damage from your Kunai, but that is more single-target oriented. It is a more selfish build which would give you more burst damage on the right situations, but it requires setup.

So I would recommend Doppelsoeldner as a more safe / all-around option. You will get to increase your damage through Deeds of Valor of also get more EXP/loot with Double Pay Earn.

You are not going to run into any problems as long as you use the highest level gloves you can (you can also put some accuracy gems on them if you get a good pair of gloves).

There are a few mobs every now and then that have higher evasion, but they are rare so when you encounter one of those and miss frequently, don’t take it as if it is going to happen all the time from that point forward.

But I would still put a few points into DEX, especially if you want to do PvP in the future.

@Faile Thanks for the post!

I think solo is pretty risky, at least against same level bosses, but in party at least you can get Safety Zone and that will give you enough time to pull it off without worrying about getting 1 shot.

Too bad it’s potential is pretty much limited to single target scenarios, at least in a reliable way.

Hello guys ,

I’m wanting to make a tank for GvG / PvP, I see a lot of skill that increases life, block and evasion, but I see nothing to help us in defense against mages.
The only thing that would be useful against mages not to be a simple punching bag and die without even getting reach them would be “Shoving Shield” from “Rodelero”.
( I do not like to take rodelero 2 )

I do not care against physical damage as it has so many things that give block and evasion, but how do I do well against mages? Remembering that my focus is GvG.

tips ? worth investing in spr to have resistance?

My current build is :
Sword > Peltasta > Hoplite > Catap 3

Whats the general consensus on Swordsman C2 right now? I’ve been thinking about my Swordsman 1 -> Pelt 1 -> Highlander 3 -> Fencer 2 build and i started to question how impactful Highlander C3 actually is in comparison to Swordsman C2.

Highlander C3 -> More damage on Sky Liner and Crosscut, Vertical Slash sucks(i heard) and Skull Swing is pretty meh…

Swordsman C2 -> Restrain, an amazing PvP skill(tho i’m not particularly interested in full PvP builds right now), stronger buffs to support Fencer’s DPS.

What’s your opinion on this? @Cathexis


Do you know if you can spam spear throw if you have multiple spears in your inventory and you swap to another spear after throwing one?

^^ Good question :thumbsup:

There is not much you can do at the moment. That is the unfortunate state of the game at the moment.

Slithering from Rodelero C2 allows you to block magic damage, but it doesn’t block CC from it. Other than that you can try to survive longer with more CON on your build and rely on the teamwork with other classes on your party to complement yourself.

SPR doesn’t really delivers in my opinion, it would make you all around weaker and you will still depend on luck to succeed. Although it is an unexplored route for the moment, so you could try testing out a build with 90~100 SPR and document your results on PvP.

For GvG I think you only need to focus on CON for high HP, because it is a more structured environment compared to PvP so you can actually create party compositions around it. Which most likely means that you will have a Plague Doctor in your party which will cover your weakness against CC and heals, while your high HP allows you to get through the frontlines without falling down to magical damage.

I think it is alright if you want to explore this build. Like you said, Restrain is more for PvP oriented builds so it is a fair trade to take, because honestly you don’t lose that much from not taking Highlander C3. Armor Break is nice, but you can easily live without it.

However, if PvP is the main focus, I think that Corsair C1 would be a better choice at Rank 5, because it gives you Iron Hook which is a more reliable form of hard CC, while also giving you some utility for PvE.

It also allows you to go into Corsair C2 instead of Fencer C2 if you would like to have more burst damage (from Hexen Dropper) to complement your kit. Which in the current state of the game is a stronger combination than Fencer C2.

You can’t.

When you use Spear Throw you get a debuff on you which doesn’t allow you to change weapons until you pick up your spear to remove said debuff.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw fackh !

So do you know whats the range of spears auto attack?

Also, do crits stack with skills or only auto attacks?


Hi there!
Great guide you have here. I would like to ask if you know whether if your party would still become a pirate party if you advance from Corsair. (EX: Corsair C2 > Fencer C1). Would you still be able to get the benefits of Jolly Roger that way?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I know what it’s range is, but I don’t know how to properly tell you about it because we don’t have a metric for it. Don’t expect it to be considerably large, but it is outside of the attack range of most if not all melee mobs.

I am not sure what this means. If you are asking if skills can critical hit, then the answer is yes.

Yeah! Once a Corsair, always a Corsair.

Awesome! Thanks for the information!

I leave with this 3 choice what do u think @Cathexis

Swordman > Peltasta > Hoplite C3 > Corsair > Dragoon

Swordman > Peltasta > Barbar C3 > Corsair > Doppel

Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite C3 > Doppelsoeldner > Dragoon

What do u think ? Which better for PvE but still can go in PvP ?
and what stats allocation must i take ?
Thx a lot…