Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis


I edited my post too.

Thanks ! I wad wondering if shield and 1hand weapon/ 2 hand weapon can be used with ironhook?
In order to use henxen dropper, i’ll need to loose my shield…

Yeah, unlike Hexen Dropper, Iron Hook has no weapon restriction.

Thanks for your reply.

If I donot choose dopple, will i have any decent aoe skills? Pelt-hop3-cor1-drag or pelt-hop2-cor2-drag?

Any idea whether jolly roger & swash buckling stack together or not?

I would like to ask if geras is much more better than brandish? I use spear throw a lot in mobbing and i was wondering if geras would beat brandish and by how much in terms of overall damage of being a hoplite not only the spear throw

Currently level 130 with brandish and 0% attribute to all skill

Ok cool , thank you for your reply , i will take the doppel1 fencer1 route , one more thing , since im going fencer , do you think i should change the focus of my stat distribution from 3:2:1 str dex con and start to prioritize dex as my main stat? something like 2:1:1 dex str con perhaps?.

Not really, you are limited by the hit-box of your skills and on either of those builds you don’t have any skills with real AoE hit-boxes. The only one that does is Spear Throw from Hoplite C3.

You mean the aggro?

The flag puts aggro on mobs that spawn close to it, while you can use Swash Buckling to lure other mobs around. So in a way they do stack but at the same time they don’t.

Depends on the enemy and how many times you will use Spear Throw. It is difficult to estimate by how much because all the mobs take different amounts of damage from this skill, but Geras should deal more damage on average than Brandish when using only Spear Throw.

Overall Brandish is just much better, but if you find yourself in a scenario where you know that you will spam Spear Throw then you can quickly switch to Geras, use it and then switch back to Brandish when you are going to use other skills.

What level are you and what are your current stats?

level 128 , this is where im at currently i have 19 points of str over dex atm i think.

If you want to run an evasion build, then yeah, you should start moving points towards DEX now. You are not too far behind, so by the time you reach Fencer you will have a decent amount of Evasion and you can improve it further with gems and equipment.

The build should “stabilize” itself by the time you reach Rank 7.

Awesome tyvm for the help.

Let’s say a full CON templar, is it ok for pel1>hop1>cata3, or pel3>hop1>cata1.

Most build I saw is Pel3>Squire2>Templar. Squire only for money making but doesn’t help much in PvP/GvG? If Guild leader doesn’t necessary be present during GvG then just make alt character squire to earn silver xD.

I stop leveling my swordsman because not sure which route to go.

Hi, sorry if this was asked before but how much DEX and CON do I need for a pelt 1 > hop 3 > Doppel 1 > Dragoon build if I want it to work on pvp as needed? Or do you think its not suited at all and I should keep it on PvE?

This will be my first character once F2P comes out (been in ICBT2 but only as a wiz).

I plan to use it mostly for farming (lots of farming), killing bosses (world bosses too if possible), and basically progressing, but I’d like to be more well rounded than a full STR so i can do some pvp. I’m having trouble finding a good balance for what I want to do.

Full CON Templar…

I would say:

1.- Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Cataphract C3->Templar

2.- Swordsman -> Peltasta C3 -> Squire (PvE) or Corsair (PvP) -> Fencer (Sustained DPS, mostly for PvP or solo) and Doppelsoeldner (AoE, mostly for Earth Tower) ->Templar

3.- Mostly for PvE: Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Fencer->Templar

Although if you really want to have Squire as a money making alt, then Squire C2 could work too.

The problem is that this build doesn’t have any reliable source of hard CC. No stuns, no Iron Hook, not even soft-CC like Shock, Slow, etc.

So I would say that if you were to PvP, you would need to do it with someone at your side that can provide that CC for you.

For stats, there is no “perfect formula” but I would say that you need at least 80~100 total on CON and DEX. Depending on how much HP you want to have you can add more to it, but it will come with the price of reducing your damage output in PvE.

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It seems to generate threat whenever i use it, even around aggressiveness mobs, they get the “!” above their head and aggro me.

Im almost always paired with my friend who’s a Dievdirbys with the 20% CD redux statue so i just recast Swashbuckling .-.

Let’s say that someone in your party has aggro on a mob after dealing damage to it. If you cast War Cry on that mob, will it come to you without having to deal damage to it?

Oh, I haven’t tested it that way, want me to log in so we can see?

I would pretty much like to seperate money making character and play character.

The problem is we can’t transfer silver.

And seems like you require a lot of silver to manage the guild?

Guys…actually what Swordsman scales well late game? I feel like Barbarian > Doppel not much useful in any dungeon run/field grinding and etc. The burst damage is high but that’s it. Have to wait for skill cool down especially Cyclone (45 secs cool down) then I have to run away from those god like high HP mob until I can use my Cyclone again =(

Whenever you have time and the opportunity to do so, yes please.

It is mostly Talt what you need, but everyone in the guild should be donating a fair amount of those to keep on leveling the guild.

You could probably take Fencer at your Rank 7 if you want to have more sustained damage.

But will swash buckling level 1 cast really aggro those 19 mobs? I mean, it may make all 19 agressive but only 11 will keep attacking you, other 8 will probably get aggroed by someone else.

Or will SB call only 11 mobs, and you can additionally aggro 8 more afterwards?

I mainly use SB for swarming mobs, so of SB level 5 can swarm 19 mobs then higher levels are really not very important. Though I’ve heard that in ET mobs are summoned in a number of 30, is that true? So SB level 15 is still extremely useful if you can’t rely on barrier (reversi mobs).