Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Thank you for replying man, really appreciate it. Just want to know your extra thoughts here. Do you not recommend going cataphract c3 instead of dragoon? will I lose so much in terms of pvp or pve if I do not get the dragoon circle? I can still get dragoon in the future if the max level was updated right? thank you again :slight_smile:

For PvE, I think all of them are fairly the same. But if you want to do PvP/GvG as well then I would pick one with Corsair on it.

For the stat distribution, it would mainly be STR but you should get your DEX to around 80~100 (maybe more if you feel like it), or to an amount that feel comfortable with your Critical Rate.

I would say to use the best that you have at hand. It is not worth it to go out of your way to get a really good weapon at early levels, just to replace it later on with a better one. But overall, it is usually better to use 2H Swords.

Just to make a few comparisons:

###2H Swords

  • Nulis
  • Up to 410 raw damage against all targets (excluding Mutant)
  • AoE Ratio +5
  • Block Penetration +114
  • Magi
  • Up to 436 raw damage against all targets
  • AoE Ratio +2
  • Critical Rate +30
  • Critical Attack +132
  • Accuracy +44
  • Hell and Heaven
  • Up to 475 raw damage against all targets
  • AoE Ratio +1
  • Accuracy +28

###1H Swords

  • Catacombs Blade + Karacha Dagger
  • Up to 399 raw damage against all targets
  • Up to 860 raw damage against Plate-armor targets
  • Block Penetration +198
  • Trinity Sword + Karacha Dagger
  • Up to 366 raw damage against all targets
  • Critical Attack +196
  • Accuracy +32

2H Swords not only deal more damage, but they also have higher AoE Ratio which is very important to a Swordsman.

Doppelsoeldner has high AoE damage, Cataphract has consistent AoE damage and Corsair as high burst damage.

Doppel and Corsair might deal more damage, but Cataphract has the mobility aspect to itā€™s advantage.

Cataphract might seem like the better option for what you are looking for, so I wouldnā€™t worry about losing damage because in the end Cataphract still has a pretty good amount of damage and you will not struggle at any point of the game (especially since you are going into Dragoon too).

We donā€™t really what Rank 8 will have for us, so it is impossible to tell if it will be a good choice for the future.

Comparing Cataphract C3 vs Dragoon at Rank 7, it comes down to whether or not you want more damage.

Dragoon will easily give you more damage overall compared to Cataphract C3, but if you are not interested on dealing more damage and would rather to just max out Trot for maximum speed + 100%-uptime on mobility, then I think it wouldnā€™t be too bad.

If you want to follow that path, then I would suggest to reach Cataphract C2 first and when it is time to choose your Rank 7 option, then you will know for sure if you want more damage (Dragoon) or increase your mobility (Cataphract C3).

It is much easier to make a decision once you got a feeling of how your character plays in the game.


Yo @Cathexis iā€™m currently a High3-Cors1, i already put many thoughts to go for doppel 2, but right now iā€™m very unpleasant with my dmg, scale pretty bad, especially against plate armor, only cloth gives me a real advantageā€¦ so my build right now is focused in STR (260) with a little DEX/CON (60/40), iā€™m level 160 right nowā€¦ and my principal dmg skills are cross+skylinerā€¦ iā€™ve read a lot about late game stuff and high+doppel still is not good as others think, so between that choices i considered changing a bitā€¦ to go for corsair 2 - shinobi, what u think? The dmg will be better ? I really want a opinion of someone who tried many different paths. And the stats distribution, i considered change to STR 230 DEX 100 CON 30 or something around that, the crit rate will give more raw dmg right? Anyway, just thanks for the appreciation dudeā€¦ (Brazilian here, sorry for any incorrect term)

Oh thank you for the answer. How about if i change the Templar with Dragoon? Which one from those 3 will do better? And may i know the reason?
I know that Hop 3 > Doppel > Dragoon has good synergy but i wonder about the other 2.

This is a little bit difficult, because you already took Corsair so you put yourself on a situation where you have to make use of this class.

The problem is that you are not going to have Peltasta on your build, which is not mandatory but many players have been having problems getting into parties at level 200+ because of the lack of Peltasta on their builds. So that might be something to take into consideration.

But this depends on whether or not you have someone to party with or if you have difficulties finding a grinding party at higher levels. Otherwise you might have to take Peltasta on your build, with something like:

  • Corsair->Fencer->Peltasta (consistent damage)
  • Corsair->Doppelsoeldner->Peltasta (high AoE damage)
  • Corsair->Peltasta->Dragoon (consistent damage)
  • Corsair->Peltasta->Shinobi (high burst damage)

For your build, I would have said Fencer, but you already picked Corsair C1 so that makes it a little bit difficult to move forward. If you want to skip Peltasta then:

  • Corsair C2->Shinobi (high burst damage)
  • Corsair C2->Dragoon (consistent damage)
  • Corsair C2->Fencer (consistent damage)
  • Corsair C2->Doppelsoeldner (high AoE damage, medium burst)


  • Corsair C1->Fencer->Doppelsoeldner (consistent damage, high AoE damage)
  • Corsair C1->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon (high AoE damage, consistent damage)

I think every path is good, as each has different ways to deal damage. The problem of your build is deciding if you will take Peltasta or not.

Your stat distribution is good and if you decide to go with a build with Doppelsoeldner on it, then you can take good advantage of Deeds of Valor because of your high STR.

Templar is just to make a guild, it offers no combat skills so it wouldnā€™t make any difference.

hey guys 1 question here for anyone that knows about Dragoon and Gae Bulg.
Does Gae bulg Cd reset when u pick up the spear like the hoplite skill?

No no, i mean if iā€™m going to make it into Dragoon, which one has better synergy between Hoplite 3 > Doppel and Corsair 2? I remember what you said about Hoplite 3 > Doppel > Dragoon but i wonder about Corsair 2 > Dragoon. I heard some suggesting it.

Can you still build damage in a S1 > P2 > R2 > F2 build, or is it pointless since youā€™re pretty much a super evasion tank?

Oh, and I wanted to know if this was a plausible off-tank build, whereas I have some damage to contribute as well as CC using Highlander. The idea here is something like the Pelty/Roldero build, but instead of making myself the tank, I debuff the things around me for my value.


There is synergy on both builds and they are equally viable.

Corsair has more burst with Hexen Dropper (which is buffed by Spear Lunge) and you get to use Iron Hook which the other build doesnā€™t have access to and overall more utility with that plus Jolly Roger.

It is just another way to build a Dragoon.

You could just make an offensive one and there wouldnā€™t be any change besides the skills that you are using.

Well, since you already have Peltasta C1 on your build, then you are already a tank so you got that part covered.

This is a different way to build a Fencer and it is viable (although Barbarian is more popular right, especially with the possible buffs that could come to our version too). So yeah, it would work.

Since you are going with Fencer, I would leave Vertical Slash at level 1 and use those points elsewhere (either Cartar Stroke, Crown or Cross Cut).

I made a build Corsair C3 PVP
And I wanted to know is good or should change something in the build?
It would be better to one Shinobi invez the Corsair Cycle 3?
What stat alocation I can use in this build?

Oh so itā€™s like Corsair more for burst Hexen and utility Jolly Roger and Hook while Doppel more for DoV damage and AoE Cyclone?

Thank you for the answer.

Aye. The reasoning is simply that Iā€™d rather put Barb on a Doppel-based build considering itā€™s possible future buffs. Which, knowing me, Iā€™ll probably make sooner than later. Highlander seems to have pretty good debuffing potential and some decent damage alongside it, so it seems right enough. Itā€™s kind of a focused debuffing Swordie than anything else.

Thanks for the insight.

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Looking for some advice. Currently doing a High Dex build (1 Str, 2 Dex, 1 Con) looking to be viable in both PvE and PvP, but leaning towards the more PvP side of things.

Iā€™m currently Swordsman > Peltasa > Barb 2 and Iā€™m not really sure what to do next. Any particular benefit to Barb 3 for my needs? If not would going Corsair 1 for Jolly Roger, Iron Hook and Keel Hauling be worth it? Past that Iā€™m not sure if Doppel or Fencer 2 would be better. (Or 1 if I went Corsair 2, but I really donā€™t like the playstyle behind double weapon assault to the point where I would not get it.)

I would appreciate any help or guidance you could offer. Thank you @Cathexis

Thank you for your answer (again :stuck_out_tongue:).
Iā€™ll stick to plan A and craft my Hell & Heaven (or Magi if I manage to found the recipe).

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I need some help. I am following the build here:

And I really wonder if it is viable in the dungeons. What do you recommend me from now on. I am level 60 sw c2 barbarian c1 right now. Should i reroll or keep grinding for the build or change ir somehow?

@Cathexis i know you pretty much answered my question before, but somenoe brought new information to me regarding my build decision between

S1 P1 H1 Cata3 Dragoon
S1 P1 H2 Corsair2 Dragoon/Doppel (which one would be best for R7?)
S1 P1 H3 Doppel Dragoon

I remember you saying that going Cata3 was more than good enough damage, despite not being as straong as Corsair 2 and Doppelgoon, in exchange for supreme mobility. Today I learned that we may be getting mounts soon that every other class can use? Will that make the decision to take Cataphract bad if the primary reason I want Cata3 is for getting around faster?

And just how strong, quantitatively, is Jolly Roger anyway? Is it noticeable? 2x more silver? 50% more drop rate? Or is level 10 JR just like .2% more silver.

The easiest way is to reroll, if you want PvE build. If you want PvP, you can go with Sw3Barbarian3Doppel.

is it ok if I go barb 3 doppel 1 then dragoon 1 on rank 7?

Yep, itā€™s totally ok, if you donā€™t like hoplite skills for some reason but want to use spear in the end.

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ohh okay thanks, yeah i like barb skills and that of the doppel im goin dragoon because of that spear throw thingy.