Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Hello Cathexis, congratulations on the amazing guide :slight_smile: . Could you give your opinion on the build that I have in mind?
I have no intention to go pvp for now , and I want to be Doppel C2. Ohh and another question: What is the best distribution attributes for this case?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello again. Iā€™m still confuse about what to do. Right now I am:
Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite c2
aiming to be a Dragoon on the 7th rank. I choose to have another circle of Peltasta on the next rank to have the high guard buff so that I will be useful in the end game. What do you think about my build? Is it bad?

Next inquiry: I plan to re-roll my char because I want a mount so bad. Should I go:
Swordsman > Peltasta > Cataptrach c3 > Peltasta > Dragoon
Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite c2 > Cataptrach c2 > Dragoon
Iā€™m going PvE btw.
I donā€™t know if Rush is really powerful thatā€™s why I consider getting Hoplite c2 for stabbing and pierce but then I will loose Rush.

Hi thanks for your guide, I think I kinda screwed up by going swords C3 (before reading up on classes). Then I went into Barb C2, and planning to go Doppel C2. After reading a lot about how peltasta is crucial late game, do you think I should go Pelt - Doppel instead of Doppel C2?

Squire Builds

Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite > Cataphract > Squire C3Stat distribution: High DEX or DEX/CON

Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite C2 > Squire C3
Stat distribution: All-around

can i have these build example on tosbase skill simlator please?

Hey! What do you think of this build:

Stat Dist: CON:STR 2:1

Hello again!

Please add to 1 post in cataphract or dragoon description that all skills of dragoon can be used while mounted (or not, if they not =))).

And more question:
Do you have some leaked info about lancer class? on what rank will it be and with what conditions (if it will be hidden, like 3xPriest=>Chaplain)

Thank you! Great guide.

This is just my opinion. Peltasta needed for party play as tank only. If u full dps, no need to get this. At end game, swordman dps is not as good as archer and wiz, thats why swordman force to be tank and must have peltasta. This game still in balancing phase. So just believe in ur dps build, no need to get peltasta and force to be tank. If u get peltasta at high rank just for swashbuckling, it will be wasted if u not going to be tank.

For shinobi Plate is really the best, I think. Iā€™d only get leather on some hoplite builds, because lolopanther leaser set grants quite a lot of crit rate, which stacks pretty well with finestra. Leather set can be decent for high CON+DEX builds, as it can provide better survivalbility vs physical damage than plate set. But funny fact is, plate set provides the best survivalbility vs magic damage, unless you go high CON build.

You do need shield or dagger for SB, itā€™s stated in the description.

Gungo Ho and concentrate are not powrful mid/late game, but they can help you soak a bit more DPS. Maxing is a pretty good idea, because you will need to reuse Gung Ho less often and Concentrate adds hits with level. Some people donā€™t touch them as DPS increase is not really that high and would be outshadowed by archers/wizards anyway, and itā€™s a bit annoying to recast them every time. They should add auto recast option for some buffs, thatā€™s a job that doesnā€™t need brains anyway. Iā€™m playing thaum and my biggest concern is always recasting my buffs, so I canā€™t really enjoy the process itself.

Regarding umbro vs rim, it doesnā€™t matter, as itā€™s just 1 point difference. If you have constant party with cryo, Iā€™d prefer rim, otherwise umbro. Youā€™d almost never use them anyway later on, those are just filler skills.

Regarding stat distribution, Iā€™d get more DEX and STR over CON, as Doppel benefits from them enormously. Your best bet is to rely on damage from DOV and dodge to quickly kill ranged mobs, that are the most dangerous for this build. Good stat distribution is 4:1:2 STR:CON:DEX with ~40-50 points in CON in late game and plate armor set.

Maybe a better choice would be 1:2:1 STR:DEX:CON. It will for sure cut your damage, but add a lot of survivalbility vs physical damage. Later on, when you get doppel3 for DOV level 15, this extra survivalbility will matter a lot. You may even use leather set if you have enough HP and DEX, as it will slightly boost your DPS and dodge is also helpful. The only bad thing about leather set is, that its attribute provides flat bonus, which will fall off late game.

Iā€™m personally playing a DEX heavy monk, and feel quite comfortable with 30 CON at 205, but thinking about putting some more points in it, because magic damage hurts.

Finally, regarding skill distribution, I think DOV definitely worth maxing, just as cyclone. But Iā€™d not max other skills just yet, because you may use those skill points later on for doppel3 skills. Also, zucken has insane sp conumption increase per level so itā€™s best to keep it at level 1 for free powerful attack. Redel is slightly different, but it doesnā€™t get bonus damage on shocked targets, so not worth maxing as well, IMO. 1 level in each of those skills will help to fill the gap inbetween your cds.

Mordschlag is debatable, its knockback power is too high, it literally blows the enemy from the screen, so no use in PvE.

Overall this is a good and versatile build, I think you will find it fun to play, regardless of the stat setup you choose.

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This build is only good in a premade party with heavy AA buffs, like Chrono and Co. Otherwise your damage would be too low to compensate the peltasta loss, and you wonā€™t be able to keep up aggro.

Usually if I get swordie w/o peltasta in dungeon, I just kite mobs with my wugushi while those swordsmen just chasing them all the way trying to hit their skills. Some extra critical rate wonā€™t matter too much if you need to kill mobs one by one.

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Hi guys 2 question here, Deed of Valor does 10 stacks at lvl 10ā€¦does it requires me to get hit for 10 times to get max stack?

Another question isā€¦how many hit does Cyclone does at level 5? 1 sec = 1 hit?

First, thanks for this topic!!

I have a general question, I wanted to create a dps swordsman, only pve in fact, I was thinking about swordsman1->peldasta1->barbarian3->doppel from Cathexis builds amd higher dex as stats.

Is a good idea? Or is there another better way to be the main dps player in a party being a swordsman?

Iā€™m lvl 224 I play Hoplite3>dop>dragoon What lvl100 enhance attribute should I max first ? cyclone,stabbing,dragontooth , orā€¦ ? TY Cathexis

@Cathexis Is Swordsman > Highlander > Barbarian 3x still the most OP class structure right now?

If you would like to cover more areas for your character, yeah. Although Shinobi could give you a different playing style with their skills.

You would do fine without it, but it is helpful during party play.

No, you still use them but they wonā€™t be your primary damage tools anymore and instead become fillers or utility skills.

C3 means Circle 3, so in this case Hoplite Circle 3.

You would max out Finestra, Stabbing, Throw Spear and most likely give the rest of your points to Pierce with 1 point into the other skills for utility.

Overall, yeah.

Shield or dagger. And yeah, it is easy to switch between both weapon sets to be more efficient.

They are strong at early game. Mid game they still hold their own, but only Gung Ho stay somewhat relevant at higher levels (unless you switch to Guardian for the evasion).

It is still good to max them for the extra damage they bring during early levels.

Doesnā€™t really matter, both are weak damage wise but I would say Umbo Blow.

Not that many, but you will have to use them frequently on stuff like dungeons, etc. It depends on how good you are at managing your SP.

Iā€™d say that if you feel comfortable with your Corsair C2 skills but want extra AoE, then pick Doppel. Otherwise, if you would like to add more skills to your rotation then pick Dragoon.

I would say that both builds fit pretty well what you are looking for, since they cover every aspect of the game.

The main difference will be between high AoE damage with Cyclone from Doppel on the first build, versus the high Burst damage with Hexen Dropper from Corsair.

Iā€™d say pick the one that appeals more to you, as both are strong skills and worth getting for their own reasons.

You have a pretty good allocation of skill points on both builds, so I donā€™t have much to add on there.

If you want an evasion build then it is going to be DEX, otherwise STR. All-Around for PvP too.

For the skills:

  • I would suggest getting Peltasta instead of Highlander to be able to provide utility during party content.

  • You want to max out Frenzy or/and War Cry as they become your damage enhancers at higher levels.

  • You might 1 point into Pouncing as a filler and maybe 1 point into Giant Swing for PvP utility.

  • You really want to have at least 1 point into Redel, but not leave it at 0.

High Guard is pretty much useless. The only reason to go into a higher circle of Peltasta is because of the increased Swash Buckling level.

I would suggest using:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Cataphract C3->Dragoon

As it is the build that utilizes the most out of the build. Unless you really, really want to have Peltasta C2 then you could do either:

Swordsman->Peltasta C2->Cataphract C3->Dragoon


Swordsman->Peltasta C2->Hoplite->Cataphract C2->Dragoon

If you are completely sure that will stick to PvE and not do PvP/GvG, then I think it is fine to take either of these two builds. You could also use the one you said:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Cataphract C2->Dragoon

Although it doesnā€™t have Peltasta C2, so it depends on your priorities as a player.

I would probably say to make another character, unless you are aiming for a sort of PvP build with Swordsman C3.

Otherwise then I would say to see how well you do going into Rank 7, if you think you need Peltasta to keep on playing at higher levels then you should take it, otherwise just keep going with Doppel C2.

It will be easier to find grinding parties with Peltasta, but if you have friends to party with or if you create your own parties then you shouldnā€™t run into too much trouble to keep on leveling.

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Cataphract->Squire C3

Depends on how highly your value the Squire skills, they could change around.

  • You should leave Bash at level 3 for the Knockdown attribute, not nothing more than that.
  • You really want to get Gung Ho as it scales better than Concentrate into higher levels.
  • Penalty Reduction and Armor Maintenance are not very good right now, so it is much better to max out Refreshment Table as it is one of the most important aspects of being a Squire.

I am not exactly sure why you are picking Rodelero, but I donā€™t think it is a good fit for this build. As it is not doing much for either PvE or PvP.

I would pick Cataphract or Hoplite C2 instead.

Any skill that is not listed on the Cataphract section can be used while mounted, that includes Dragoon skills.

Nope, nothing out yet.


3 hits per second at all levels.

Well, you are never going to be the main DPS player in a party as a Swordsman simply because you will always deal less damage than Wizards and Archers. At least in the current state of the game.

I would say that your build is fine if you want to use 2H Swords as your main weapon. Otherwise you can also choose to use Rapiers or Spears with other classes.

They are all pretty expensive and you should level them up at the same time rather than trying to get one to level 100 first.

So keep on gradually leveling them up as you have spare silver to use.

It never was and it isnā€™t right now.

Thanks @Derael for answering the questions!


@Cathexis, im doing the build SW1>Pet1>Hop3>Dop1>Drag1
Iā€™m level 142 now and my status is like this: 200Str, 50Con, 47Dex.
What do you think about this stats?
Should i focus on more str now ?

I think he mans when savagery was a thingā€¦
that ā– ā– ā– ā–  was indeed OP

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I wonder, why do you keep telling people to take pounce only at level 1? Its a brilliant skill with no aoe ratio limit that hits 30 times in 10 seconds. Definitely strongest barb skill right now and might stay this way even after ktos changes come in ( if they do ), due to it being multihit and thus scaling really well. Yes, long cd but we will have more skills to fill up the gap and its pretty awesome in pvp aswell.

I think it must of been weaker in the past for you to be stating that, I dont see any other reason why.

@Cathexis Hello, thanks for making this topic!
Want to know if this is a viable build, i usually do pve and i normally play solo.
Didnt pick hop or dragoon because well i just enjoy more playing with swords, I thought on going highlander for the crit atribute but iā€™m not sure if barbarian would do more damage.

Thank you c:

Hi Cathexis,

I want to be a full CON tank and support at the same time, I play party with my friends with their DPS type build. Currently, I am in Peltasta C2. Maxing SB and What classes should I acquire in the next ranks?
Some say RodereroC2-FencerC2, how about corsair and squire. And if you may please, post the skill simulator for this build. Thank you so much!