Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Bro. You won’t start your trip in ToS on lv280 with Lolopanther stuffs.
Gung Ho and Concentrate are good for leveling from lv1 up to lv150+ and more usefull than others swordsman C1 damages skills.
And even with MAX attribute and end gear it still give a little buff (instead of others swordy C1 skills).

On the other hand, yes, it s bad to pick C2 or 3 swordy just to increase thoses buffs.

That’s correct, guardian is mainly for evasion.

High Guard is kind of tankung skill, but it will also boost your umbro and rim blow damage greatly

If you are using pelt2+ you really should consider using umbro and rim more often, especially on staggered/frozen targets, as with high guard they deal most damage of all peltasta skills. Block rate per level from high guard is very bad, so you don’t need it higher than level 3, it will start to do more harm then good at higher levels.

Honestly, I assume that even in mid games such as 150-200 ,
High guard and Guardian are still useful in dungeons and grind parties.
especially since I tried them out during missions, using guardian lvl 10 in the said event made me a lot better at tanking.

I use langort/umbo thrust and butterfly over umboblow/rimblow because , well they cause more damage. and I dont use highguard that much(unless tanking specific bosses), for that attribute which increases Umboblow/rimblow .

Regarding guardian, difference between level 1 and level 10 is very small, and is meaningless at 200+ levels. I personally have never had problems tanking as peltasta, my only concern is dealing high enough damage while tanking.

And umbro/rim would deal more damage than r3 skills if used wisely.

In the sugested rapier builds there is one.

"Swordsman > Peltasta > Highlander C2 or Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Fencer

Stat distribution: High DEX"

Can you make a little more deep explanation about the pros and cons of chosing Highlander 2 or Barbarian 2, considering the possible upcoming things about skyliner or barbarian buffs on ktos.
I would be OK with either, just would like to pick the most versatile (PVP, PVE, Good AoE/mobbing, Boss killing, style…) i know that hoplite probably would performance better at all aspects but i want to meke an “Count of Monte Cristo” like character, só swords and fencer are required.
Ty in advance.

Considering kToS buffs and the 0 cd skyliner on kToS they are the same.

Not buffed barb is as strong as nerfed highlander. On iToS I’d get barb2 over high2 for sure, as barb will also buff your sub weapon. If chosing between high3 and barb3 I’d get high3, skull swing too good.

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I am lvl 161 Highlander 3 atm and i am not seeing any considerable damage increase at all when i use Skull swing.
Maybe i just don’T see the damage increase don’t know. I put 5 points into it and i don’t think i do much more damage with mobs or bosses having the debuff.

When you said “when used wisely” you mean under the effect of highguard or if the enemy is frozen right?

Damage scaling is too low for umboblow/rimblow compared to the pel3 skills.

I see. Its too small of a difference.
Thank you for that

Hi Cathexis can i ask what is the advatage of 2 in terms of killing mobs fast and which of the 2 have better survibility. considering the stats.


50con-full str


50con-100dex-full str


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Hi @Cathexis!
I’ll make a fencer and want to be a tanker… that’s my build:

I want to play pvp too for fun… that’s why corsair over barb3, do you think that barb3 is much better?

Thank you!

I would suggest your original plan, Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3.

They do well in different types of combat, so it depends on what scenario you are comparing them with.

I suggest to instead wait until you are max level (or at least 250+) to do your re-skill, that way you will know for sure which skills you want take over the others.

For Peltasta C3 skill allocation, you can look at one of the builds I recommend for it:

Swordsman->Peltasta C3->Corsair->Fencer->Doppelsoeldner

Yeah, focus the ones that you use more frequently first (like Butterfly), but try to not focus too much into one of them. It is better to level them up horizontally because of the cost they have at higher levels.

Although I suggest to focus on equipment first, then get your attributes leveled up.

It is only used for the +18% Evasion that it gets from the attribute. The amount of Defense it gives is meaningless at higher levels.

I think the second one is better overall, but you could go with a heavier DEX build if you are interested on having more evasion.

For early levels, yeah.

You could always re-skill at higher levels and use those points on Pain Barrier instead.

I was leaving that to Autentist, but since he has been gone for over a month now, then I think I will add more details to that section of this guide.

But the difference lies in the tools that you get, mainly the stuns+physical attack buffs from Barbarian vs the debuffs+blocking (Pierce damage enhancer) from Highlander.

Right now either choice doesn’t make much of a difference overall because of the current state of the game, so you wouldn’t feel any significant improvement by picking one over the other.

The build already covers hard CC in PvP because of Corsair’s Iron Hook, that could be a deciding factor for picking soft-CC’s with Highlander or choosing to have another source of hard CC with Barbarian’s stuns. But that is based on playing style rather than effectiveness.

If we consider the possible kTOS buffs for Barbarian that could come into our version, then I think Barbarian will pull ahead simply because Highlander is not getting any buffs itself. But this is to be expected, as the game will keep on constantly changing through future patches and most likely we will see a few more times scenarios where one is stronger than the other on that current patch.

If you want to be safe for now and perhaps the close future, then I would say to pick Barbarian instead because, out of the two classes, it is the one that requires less tweaking around to reach a “balanced” state.

I think their survivability is pretty much the same. Corsair gets more evasion because of the DEX, while the Doppel build gets more Block out of a higher level of Finestra which paired with CON and Aias shield is pretty nice (but it requires you to have a shield equipped). So probably Corsair wins by a little bit, but it is not a huge difference.

In terms of killing, Corsair has higher Burst damage while Doppelsoeldner has higher AoE damage, that would be the main difference. They both shine on different combat scenarios, so there is no clear winner.

Nope, it hits 6 times:

Unless I am imagining it, I think there was a point in which it was 1 hit, from the first Corsair C3 videos that came out from Korea a few months ago but it changed shortly after that.

The problem is that it still has long cooldown, no overheat and it is limited by it’s hitbox which isn’t particularly big, making it a much lower damage tool compared to other things that you could pick at Rank 7 (such as Dragoon, Doppelsoeldner, Fencer or even Shinobi).

Although it is pretty good for burst in 1v1 scenarios since it can be combined with Hexen Dropper for a very high amount of damage in a very short amount of time. But other than that, C3 is lacking in general.

I think TOSBase is down right now, so I can’t look at your build. I will update this post when it is available again.

But I am assuming you took something like:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C2>Corsair->Fencer C1->?

I think that trade is fine since you are aiming to have a more balanced build (in this case with Iron Hook for PvP).

Since you are going into Fencer, you don’t lose too much from not going into Barbarian C3, at least when it is compared on the scenario at which you are aiming at (PvP). PvE could be different, but it shouldn’t be much of a difference to worry too much about it since you are a Fencer (it would be a more significant difference on something like a Doppelsoeldner C2 build).

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Thanks cathexis…i think i would go for corsair…

Thanks cathexis! Lastly, is fencer type the
1str:2dex type? Im tanking btw without con and so far very effective since i can also dps hard.


Hello, i was planning to make a Shinobi, could you give me a viable path to follow ? I was planning on going sword c1 and peltastea c1 for the evasion since it seems he loses evasion when he summons his clones. That way i tought it could compensate the evasion lost. But i’m not sure what to go for after and the stats neither :confused:

Hey Cathexis which end game circle would have a better dps?
My current build is
Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hop C1 -> Hop C2 -> Cor C1 -> Cor C2 ->Dragoon or Shinobi

Also thanks for all the insight on the swordsman classes , keep it up!

Dragoon has much better DPS. Clones are too stupid to do damage.

Doppel can easily compete with dragoon in this build though. 50% is not a joke. But you need linker and QS3 to share running shot for you.

It may seem low, but you can get up to 1000% damage if apply all the modifiers. So in the end you’ll get more damage than c3 skills provide, taking into account CD and overheat.

Though you can leave them at level 6 and rely on your patk more, while maxing R3 skills instead.

That distribution is fine. You will want to add some points into CON once you are at Rank 7 though (or close to), if you plan to go without it until that point.

Many ways to go from there. But some of the easiest ones to think of are:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair C2->Shinobi


Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C2->Corsair->Doppelsoeldner->Shinobi

You want to follow a High DEX or All-Around build with a focus on DEX (mainly for evasion, but you will get a high Critical Rate because of Finestra too).

A STR build is an option too if you use block instead of evasion for your defense mechanism. But evasion allows you to switch between spear+dagger and spear+shield without worrying about that.

Shinobi has a small window for very high burst damage, while Dragoon has consistent damage through the entire fight. Dragoon has better DPS overall as it is not limited to any set-up or linear way to deal most of it’s damage.

Hmm i see, then i think ill go with corsair c2 tho the cyclone from doppel with my hiding skill isnt bad either not sure i’ll see when i get there xD.

But my only problem is the hoplite, i don’t know but i find a spear shinobi a bit unreal, i know it’s because of hoplite’s skill but isn’t there another class i could peak that would still be good in pvp ?