Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion 💥

Now, at sorcerer c1 i feel myself in a pretty bad shape cause i cant roll it back and dunno what to do. Is it better to go Necro C1/C2 or just sorc c2 for hold ground stuff and then warlock or featherfoot i dont know cause i dont think if this is viable cause of summon sp drain and inability to increase the sp pool :frowning:

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Yeah but how much time passed till these subzero shield changes…I made sorc on kobt in the 1st place just to check how imc is going to change this class due to it buffs or nerfs in the future idk in the future so i would know should i play it or not on international server but still just meh ya know…

You say that like wiz auto attack is supposed to be ■■■■ by default. The auto attack is horrible. The cooldowns are horrible. Besides, I wont have the base hp to tank anything in melee, and if I did that con is gonna have to come from somewhere. And I’ll need to get hit chance from somewhere too.

It’s not even better than arde + skills. It’s a QoL thing for before I (or any wiz out there) can get my (their) hands on an arde. Why introduce this item at lv 220 when a lv 75 dagger is STILL going to be better since it works with EVERYTHING that does damage.

Petrify doesn’t change the target’s element in tos. It does raise their def and mdef though. It makes petrify basically a worse version of sleep or freeze.

Go Wiz 2, and tell me if you want to even play the game let alone talk viability lol.
Wiz C2 > Psykino C3 and tell me if you’d even enjoy the game.
Tempted to take the Wiz C2 > Psy C2 into Ele or Necro but then I think its better off to just play something else given every Archer I made in ICBT2 when most people were complaining about archers being weak was drastically more potent then this Wizard. You have 5 attacks, 2 of which are rank 1 and are pretty crap by rank 4 let alone level 120. Psychic pressure is a 10s channel interrupted by knock backs/stuns/flinches which makes SureSpell a waste (which is the only value of Going C2 Wizard, but I didn’t know Sure Spell would be so mediocre when I was hoping to use it). Psychic pressure has a long cooldown. Telekinesis in practical purposes is single target, and cannot damage bosses making it irrelevant in the majority of boss fights. Magnetic Force does less damage then a Lethargy + lvl 6 Earthquake with no attributes, also can be resisted, doesn’t aoe many targets and is unlikely to do any damage to a boss. Actually forget Lethargy. Magnetic force (40s) has more then twice the cooldown of Earthquake(18s) and has a lower AOE ratio. Just using Earthquake once every 18s without Lethargy is more damage then Magnetic Force lol. You can do about 4x the damage of Magnetic force in 40s, just by using Earthquake…

Brb From Rank 1-5 your usable boss skills are Energy Bolt, Earthquake, Lethargy (for auto attacks damage boost which is currently broken again) and Psychic pressure.

If this constitutes as viable, then viability is a pointless metric as it’s unapologetically inefficient.

Granted I knew something was off from Rank 3 when it weaker then my Wiz > Cryo >Psykino for obvious reasons (as well as my Elementalist) but damn didn’t think the power drop would be that nasty. While some of the blame can be put on Psykino skills a fair amount of the problem is just that Wiz C2 isn’t really good at all (which I knew, but I wanted to test surespell + PP), this was an issue as well for the Wiz c3 > ele C3 in ICBT2 as well, although not a big deal since Wiz C3 makes you somewhat forget how poor Wiz C2 is. Oh well I moved on to another class.

Um that depends on how you define viable because not all class combinations are equal but if your okay with being weak i suppose anything is viable for pve and for pvp everything viable = just no

*[vahy-uh-buh l] *
Spell Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
capable of living.
physically fitted to live.
(of a fetus) having reached such a stage of development as to be capable of living, under normal conditions, outside the uterus.
Botany. able to live and grow.
vivid; real; stimulating, as to the intellect, imagination, or senses:
a period of history that few teachers can make viable for students.
practicable; workable:
a viable alternative.
having the ability to grow, expand, develop, etc.:
a new and viable country.

@Delcas , @thebloodyaugust
i think now you can understand whats is viable.
Most of the games have plenty of inviable builds. I played RO and we had a few awesome builds for pvp who were just impossible/inviable at pve.

in TOS, any build is viable. That doesnt mean it will be good.
Look how much classes we have, in a game with a early launch and not even one month… of course its not balanced, dev will need one year or more to achiev that.

Hopefully, iTOS will launch at a good stage thanks to kTOS.

That maybe the correct definition of viable but that is typically not how its used in relation to mmos.

Good usually = viable in games

But i have nothing against fun builds

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lol… i played a bunch mmo’s and viable to me just means… viable.
and the good builds i’ve typically see people calling them… good.

Joke’s aside, just keep in mind that one build might not be good at one scenario and very good at another.
Other’s might be good at every scenario, but not the best at any of them and we will have even build that suck at everything. That doesnt mean a broken/unbalanced system, just that a few things are not meant to work together.

actually those jack of all trades master of none builds are usually the classes that pvp well.

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Quick Cast buff coming !!! :joy:

28. 퀵캐스트 지속시간이 기본 5초 + 레벨x 2초로 변경됩니다.
Quick cast duration increase to 5s + level x2

WOW!! is that mean we can cover increase 50% damage all the time :scream:

I hope they won’t nerf it later lol…+50% dmg with no down time is just too op.
and wiz 3 became the best choice for ele now.

In the expected buff section, another buff to Wiz c3; reducing after-cast delay for Magic Missile… dayum, so many Wiz c3 buffs, guess they did hear the community afterall

Holy cow, i’m sure Wiz C3 is better than Pyromancer C2 now.
While it is a good news, but I’m worrying if IMC keep nerf/buff classes like that, it will end up screw up the class system further.

Is it ok to go Wiz 3 Linker 1 Ele 2 instead of Wiz 3 Ele 3? Frost Clound is OP and stuff but I feel JP is more OP and Hangman is what wiz need for CC. Sleep is cool but won’t help you gather mob efficiently and safely, especially against flying mob…

Be noted that Rune Caster might coming as hidden R6 class

If you translate it, there is 1 skill called ‘Isa’ which grant Ice Magic +300% damage.
It will be OP combination with Frost Cloud and Hail
Another skill ‘Hagalaz’, which caused the monster received damage will reflected to nearby monster, which could return the glory of linker before it nerfed.