Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion šŸ’„

well, thank you, now i will see some builds around it.

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Iā€™m not sure, there are no video about this build yet.
But, as we understanding more about Psycho, I think this is a viable build that do good in both PvP and PvE, but not as good as specific build for each area.

Update: heres the video:

I think take off the Pyro1, you will be doing good with Sleep + Magic Missiles till rank6.
Either Wiz3>Link2>Necro1>Ff1 for more damaging skills, since wiz3>link2 is good for necro1 as well.

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How good is ā€œQuickenā€ from the Chronomancer really? Is it a higher priority than slow?


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Here is my build. Iā€™m having trouble shuffling points to max out Haste, Pass, Quicken and Slow. Suggestions anyone?

Guys, I have a question, need your advise here. What control skills are good for duels/solo pvp? Maybe something is op, and something, in contrary, useless? Thank you!

Seems fine, just spread the 9 points between Stop and Slow as you see fit. Are you sure Backmasking really needs 5? I thought it was just a gimmicky skill

Iā€™m second guessing my build. I had originally planned on goin c3 cryo and c1 psy but now Iā€™m wondering if I should try something else because of th 65 second cool down on ice wall. =A= I plan on being an alchemist, so I wanted some effective CC + damage that wouldnā€™t fall off too much late game but Iā€™m not 100% sure.

I considered linker because I like to support, or pyro due to the general fun of the skills or even wiz c3 to sort of future proof the characterā€¦ but I donā€™t know. ;_;a

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I suggest donā€™t take alchemist as your main character, it tool 3 ranks for off-battle content quite a waste,
However, if you plan to max C3 only the easiest path could be Pyro2>Linker, from this way you can solo until 180+ and with Linker2 to dungeon until lv280.

But if thatā€™s really your only character, i think is okay to go Cyro1>Psycho3.
For Wizard, max sleep and reduce from reflect shield.
For Psycho, I think telekineses is better than teleportation, however it doesnā€™t matter.
For Cryo, IceBolt lv1 is enough for freezing purpose, the rest go more icewall or gust.
Else, Wizard > Cryo1 > Psycho3 > Alchemist2 also quite good in term of damage/boss/control ability, but you need some SP regen item else it will be tough time in early game.

I have a couple other builds for my ā€œmainā€ but this is probably the character I will level up first. Iā€™m just not sure about it.

I played pyro-linker in cbt and itā€™s fun but I prefer the skills from cryo.
Telekinesis I can put more points into for sure
And ice bolt isnā€™t a problem to change either.

I havenā€™t messed much with Psycho yet, I figure if I like it (since I plan on taking at least on rank of it asap) I might change it over to cry 1 - psycho 3.

Thank you for the feed back :slight_smile: If I like it enough it may end up my main, but I plan to try out several different characters this month from wiz and the other class types. Wizard is my favorite tree of classes in the game though ^ ^

So, what about summoner build? I personally thought about quick cast > meteor + flash cannon damage + surespell to not cancel my casts in pvpā€¦ I personally didnā€™t play the game, so Iā€™m asking that much about the game to not fail my build Mb something like wiz-cryo-kino2-sorc necro2 ?

Like this Will it be any playable in 5v5 and 1v1 pvp?

I think this build ok for 1v1, but I think it wouldnā€™t do good in 5v5.

  1. You are harder to move into melee range while your skill mostly short-mid range. If you get close, you will likely get shoot first.
  2. You summons AI is broken, they will just run to random target or stuck or get CCed.
  3. Plage Doctorā€™s blood letting can immune your Frozen.
  4. You lost of range CC like Cryo C3 FrostPillar or Pyscho C3 Gravity Pole / Raise force pulling cc which cannot be immuned, you arenā€™t support your teammate either.
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Thanks for the reply
something like this:



Elementalist too many AoE, and peoples can escape AoE easily with just walk fast away, unless you have teammate to CC them.
Wizard > Cryomancer > Psychokino > Psychokino > Psychokino > Necromancer > Necromancer is a better choice.

  1. Icewall+Physic Pressure is like Gatling gun in 5v5 PvP, while your teammate is engaging opponent, your shooting on the back make their life easier.
  2. Raise / Gravity Pole also good CC to make your opponent think twice to get near you.
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I expect that there will be a great number of UNORIGINAL PSYCHOKINOS. Sure.

But at the same time people say Temple Shooter is op and hit like a truckā€¦ Iā€™m little confused

Sorc C1 doesnā€™t allow you any control on your summoned devil but honestly, even with the controls it doesnā€™t do much to help the dumb AI. So donā€™t worry about it. For PVE itll be fine. For PVP I doubt any of the summons will amount to much.

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And without skill to manually target people it wont do much in pvp?

So, cryo1-psychokino3 is definitely better than wiz3-elem2?