Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion šŸ’„

Does wiz 3 have any synergy with summoner classes? i dont know much, but it seems like quick cast wont give more damage to ur summons (need to check). If summons benefit from quick cast in someway, i would probably go with option 3.

If wiz 3 doesnt ā€œworkā€, I think i would go with the first option (not sure what wiz c2 brings to the table in this case), so u would have some DPS classes to go through the game before reaching sorc-necro. Linker 2 Is awesome for summoners as u link up to 8 mobs and share the damage dealt by ur summons (and u also have spiritual chain), so linker c1 may be not enough specially after the nerfs (almost no CC duration with HK).

Yeah, thatā€™s all of my worries.

Iā€™d like to think option 1
Wiz > Pyro > Linker 2 > Sorc 1 > Necro 2

Would work. But Iā€™m worried about Wiz C1 and Pyro C1 later in the game. I feel theyā€™ll both become completely useless and Iā€™ll have to rely on my Sorc 1 and Necro 2 only.

Remember pyro is not so good in pvp

u cant feel bad for wiz 1, as we have no option, is just the standard hahaha. Pyro may ā€œfall offā€ but is still a low cd class to be used beetween cds later on. Wiz 2 will give u absolutely nothing and cryo1 just doesnt fit ur build. Pyro and linker have good synergies so itā€™s fine (at least used to have some)

Alright, thanks.

Wiz > Pyro > Linker 2 > Sorc 1 > Necro 2

Is what Iā€™ll go with.

=D. Mine is wiz 3 - linker 2 - psychokino - featherfoot. The first character is always the memorable one. LETā€™S DO IT

Hi, Iā€™m trying to choose my build with cryo3 and alc2 (becauseā€¦ i wanna build a snowman)

Can anyone suggest if:

  • Wiz > Cry > Psy > Cry2 > Cry3 > Alc > Alc2
  • Wiz > Cry > Cry2 > Cry3 > Chrono > Alc > Alc2

Are viable for solo PvE?
Or what class should I fill between Cry3 and Alc2 to not want to slap myself?

Thanks in advance, you beautiful people! :sheep:


PvE available? not really
But Psycho + Cryo synergy is good in kill boss

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I am thinking of going a cold sorcorer build (

Do you think this could be a viable build in both PvE and PvP?
I will be primarily level with my friends, I am not looking to be the best at either, just that it isnā€™t utter garbage for these things.

Thanks for any input!

Iā€™m looking to play a support linker as well but none of my gaming friends will be playing. So I would need to solo with out it becoming too much of a job, it would be nice if I could also PVP down the road.

I never got a chance to try out the game before and I donā€™t usual like summoning classes, it seems a linker / Necro combo is a popular choice.

There also seems to be some anti Pyro posts when reading around.

Yeah, the setup problem doesnā€™t matter to me, but since the spells have quite low base damage, I would need a lot of INT for those to hurt the enemiesā€¦

Since I will main Psy, i think high CON is needed cause melee range and stationary skills, thus I will probably end up going with the second build choice of Wiz3 Psy3 Necro.

It is still within my kind of role-play wish, so it is okay, LOL.

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I donā€™t think you will have any problem as Wiz3-Psy3 with damage or setup. This guy went a split of CON-INT-SPR and seems to be totally fine.


Hey Guys!
I wonder if my build will be working or not.

The idea is this set will be AOE dps with decent CC skill
so I can invest more points on INT to make my spell stonger
Combo1 Stop-Quickcast-wait for effect to nearly end-then Meteor
Combo2 Slow-Hail/FC
Combo3 Slow-Rain-Electrocute
PS. sorry for grammatic error.
English is not my main language :blush:

Looks like that one went Featherfoot at Rank 7.
Iā€™m still not sure whats so special about Featherfoot.

Nice, I thoght Gravity Pole would only hit once per second, but it is the same as PP.

I wonder when I should get the third circle of Wizā€¦ for now I am planning of only getting it at rank 7. Delaying new damaging skills (and their decent base damage) may hurt me more than waiting for the magic damage boost.

Definitely go Wizard 3 ASAP. You turn Psyko at Rank 4 which is about lv 77? Which is still low enough to not be a pain in the ass to go through~

Actuallyā€¦ despite of what you may read often here in the forums late game is not that demanding on circle picks. Psychokino is a solid, powerful (finally :joy_cat:) class on itā€™s own so you are safe either way.

Thanks to itā€™s range Gravity Pole may become your saving grace even at Earth Tower, let alone ā€˜normalā€™ dungeon.

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seems like they cannot move from there for the duration