Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

I’m going c3 hoplite cause the block rate and crit for aa since block is % chance not flat i might be wrong but in the icbt I block alot yes the build will lack alot of skills to rotate since going doppel serves not much use cause u can’t cyclone with mount and I wouldnt wanna miss a mount ability since u can get it so earlier and only dedicated to spear classes so far even u say it’s barely noticeable but I recall doing a speed test with swordy dash and it’s equally fast and taking it early also makes u have less worry of what to take after 6

(Block is flat, not a %)

You are still not doing anything better though.

Damage: You will deal less damage since you picked a path that lowers your possible damage output.

Mobbing: Doesn’t make any difference without Trot.

Bosses: No difference with or without mount.

PvP: No difference unless you use Trot.

All of those things are a lot better if you pick anything else, like Doppelsoeldner or Corsair. You get more damage, better DPS, faster bosses, faster mobbing, better PvP.

Don’t go for block, trust me, it’s not worth it. I did test with 888 block and you block 80% of the physical attacks. But of course you deal peanut damage and can’t kill anything.

Crit can be compensated with green gem. Currently we only see 6 stars gem but later on 7 or 8 stars will make up the for lower level of finestra.

  1. What will make higher dmg for dragoon:
    2H spear or 1H(+2 hoplite skills) + flame dagger?

or dragoon skills are only for 2H spears? or dragoon has passive skills that increase 2H spear damage?

  1. if somebody will have some info about corsair C3 pistol effectiveness - please write in this topic your experience.

i am trying to choose one of builds:

  1. pelt + 3*hoplite + doppel + dragoon
  2. pelt + 2hoplite + 3corsair (or 3hoplite + 2corsair if pistols are bad choice)


  1. At this point in time, we don’t really know. We need to see what level 200+ equipment we will have available to know which option will be better. This is also assuming they didn’t change how +elemental damage works.

  2. The only information we have so far about Corsair C3 is the new skill, Pistol Shot, as well as the attribute to use pistols on your off-hand.

Corsair C3 doesn’t look good so far, since the skills don’t scale that well and Pistol Shot doesn’t look like something impressive. If they don’t change anything, then I think there are better options to take instead of C3, unless you really want to have a pistol on your off-hand.

We will see, just wait a little more for information to come out of the korean open beta (which started today), so you can take a better decision for your build.

i have hard time choosing whether to go hoplite c3 > doppel c1 or corsair c1 c2 or cata c1 c2 for rank 5 6.
give me some insight…

wait while players in kOBT will reach 280 lvl. now there are no usefull info to choose =))

hi cathexis

currently play sw>pel>hop2>cor on kobt

you guide is very helpful my early day
thank you so much

now to question
i am as well as you feel that hop is aa class because of long cool down

i am thinking to take powerhouse sw>hi2>hop2>dop>dragoon path
hi2 is for sky liner which is buffed to 0cd for 8sp at lv1 as aa replacement which get huge bonus on bleeding target (crosscut, piecing) and also give more option to access strike/slash damage

this build retains hop2 core power while only lose 1 highlander skill that cant be used with spear, cri attack bonus on 2H sword is big though but I have no regret committing to Finestra religious.

do you think it is a good investment in two highlander classes?

right now, if skyliner is as OP as ppl are saying, worth going highlander c2. but i’m not playing the OBT so i’m not sure

Sky Liner is not necessarily OP, but it is very cost-efficient right now which makes it too strong for a Rank 3 skill. I personally think that they will nerf it sometime in the future, but we will have to see if that actually happens.


The problem is that you would be giving up Peltasta for Highlander on that build. You are already playing with a Peltasta on your current character, so you better than no one knows if the benefits it gives you suit your playing style and the overall goals you have when playing the game.

You might also want to try out Corsair C2 before deciding on making another character. You will get Double Weapon Assault and Hexen Dropper, which might give you the power you are looking for. However, if you don’t want Corsair anymore, then it depends a lot. Highlander is surely going to give you that boost of power you are looking for at early levels, especially if you don’t want to auto-attack as much.

While Sky Liner is strong, I don’t think that it is enough to justify taking it on every build. In my opinion, the builds that benefit from Highlander C2 are those that rely on the use of skills to deal most of it’s damage, which means high DEX and a 2H weapon.

I don’t think that it goes well with auto-attack builds, such as Hoplite.

If you like the auto-attack build, I would just stay with Corsair or go with Hoplite C3 for better auto-attacks, then Doppel and Dragoon would give the build more than enough skills to never have to worry about that. Sky Liner would help you at early levels, but later on these other classes will get more ranks and more skills on their builds, making Sky Liner unnecessary for the success of the build, and having other things (like Peltasta) would be better in the long run.

BUT if you really want to mix Highlander and Hoplite, then go for it. I always say that every build is viable, and this is no exception. You are the only person who can decide what build is best suited for what you want to play in the game.

you get it wrong. it is not that i will forsake my corsair build. it is actually solid one consider its utility and dps on boss. i’m pairing with pyro-link so our duo team burns everything to ground and peltasta play a lot of part in that success. it was so satisfied to stab linked enemies though i missed a lot XD.

Corsair C2 is my next target absolutely. hexen dopper should be another power spike hit. for double weapon assault let’s see if that works well with arde dagger + cafrisun set. R7 path does not clear to me yet…

put that aside in current build i experienced a lot of skill down time and i could not make use of weapon swapping efficiently. that’s dragoon build for my IOBT hoped to fix things up it can utilize 2H spear, fill cd gaps and require less weapon swapping

Swordsman C1 > Peltasta C1 > Hoplite C3 > Dopplesoeldner C1 > Shinobi C1

Has anyone using this build and turn into Shinobi? I would really like to see if Bunshin no Jutsu works with Finestra + Deeds of Valor


I think the build will work as long as you are absolutely sure you don’t want Peltasta.

Otherwise I think it would be better to pick up Peltasta and drop Hoplite, thus making a DEX-based Dragoon that has more skills to deal damage, instead of a STR-based one. Something like:

Swordsman->Highlander C2->Peltasta->Highlander C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon
Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

I wouldn’t worry too much about weapon-swapping during party situations. Your damage will still be good using a 1H weapon + shield/dagger, so you don’t have keep on swapping between that and your 2H weapon to deal damage.


No one is Rank 7 on Korea yet, people are just reaching Rank 6 and the highest level people are around level 200. It is gonna be a few weeks until we start seeing the first Shinobis come out.

Finestra and Deeds of Valor are self-buffs applied to your character, so I don’t think they will apply to the clones, but we will see when people get to test this.

I was wondering, after using Throwing Spear, can you equip another spear before picking up the one you threw?

You don’t literally throw your spear when using Throwing Spear, it is only an animation. Your spear remains equipped on your character and you can still use all your skills even if you haven’t picked up the spear that Throwing Spear spawned. Throwing Spear reduces your Physical Attack kind of like an invisible self-debuff until you pick it up, so while you could swap weapon you would still need to pick up the animation one.

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What do you think about the changes in the last patch ?

Synchro Thrusting: Now can be used twice (overheat) and the cooldown has been reduced.
Throwing Spear: Cooldown Removed. Now it’s based upon whether the spear is on the ground

I saw those, and I think it is a good way to improve the Hoplite class.

Synchro Thrusting: We have to see the actual number of the cool-down, but having overheat justifies taking at least 1 point of this skill now.

Throwing Spear: This is exactly the change I wanted to see for this skill, resetting it’s cool-down when you picked it up. It is gonna be pretty good with Geras Spear and it is worth maxing this skill now.

Now all I want is for Long Stride to get some love too. Having no cool-down would be amazing, but it would possibly be too strong, so I would like for it to have at least overheat with a reduced cool-down too.

While Pierce could use overheat too, I don’t think it is as necessary as buffing those other 3 skills and wouldn’t mind if they don’t give it that treatment, as long as they buff Long Stride too.

Overall I am pretty happy with these changes, I don’t think they are OP or too strong, just brings more life to previously lackluster skills.


The cool-down on Synchro Thrusting is 15 seconds, with overheat. Definitively worth having 1 point on it now. I have to crunch down some numbers to find out if it is worth investing more points into it, but it looks good as a 1 point skill for now since a lot of it’s damage comes from the shield’s defense and increased damage on counter.

ohhhh ok, thx for clarifying :smiley:

I have another question, about cataphract, when you have the Trot buff on, do you lose it if you dismount your mount? or does it work without riding a mount? thanks :smile:

It only works with your mount.

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