Tree of Savior Forum

[GUIDE] Grand Collection Chest Guide

oh thats strange, sorry i dont know then :frowning:

Lacking tenant’s , acqueduct

thanks added those to the list :slight_smile:

thanks added tenants, aquaduct is already there


Sirdgela Forest
Kvailas Forest
Tenants’ Farm
Demon Prison District 4
Demon Prison District 5

Given to you from quest reward - the one at Royal Mausoleum just receive mine

Ashaq Underground Prison 2F

Collection: Nevellet Quarry 1F

this one is probably bugged now because the chest is missing ( i dont have this collection and in the place you have on ss and what ive found in web there should be chesty in that place but its missing)

same thing with:
East Siauliai Woods

hmm are you sure you dont already have them? someone contacted me in the game about east siauliai woods before and it turns out he already picked it up a long time ago.

For some reason some chests despawn forever once you looted their collection, while other chests respawn back and can be looted multiple times. I’m not sure why IMC made it that way but i believe they simply dropped the ball on this.

ive made a list of collctions i dont have yet (from tos database) so i see what collections i dont have and ccording to my list i dont have those ones ;/

And btw even if you have that collection (picked up on the same char or others) you can pick it again and for example have 10x crystal mine 1f collections in youre inventory but you can use only one and only once

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i think its from a boss like with other “rare” collections and only one boss is in my mind right now that is rare in tenet

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can’t get owl burial ground collection chest to spawn for some reason…

are there no collection chests in 200+ maps?

in tosbase theres a collection in tenet church which give +1 str and int but i dont seem to find it anywhre. its not from tenet church b1, 1f and 2f

did you bother to read other posts? its 90% from tenet rare boss)

Lv61 Ramstis Ridge

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Lv 64 Overlong Bridge Valley

Bugged shows as Lvl1 treasure chest

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Lv 69 Tiltas Valley

Bugged shows as Lv1 chest

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