Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Damage formula

Well i wasn’t talking with the good names of the real stats of the game for this formula so that’s why, for me CritChance was the flat number and CritRate was the % number because in most of the games i played CritRate is the percent stat. But yeah it was sure there would be some additional variables 'cause it would have been too simple to get 100% crit or 0% crit against an ennemy ^^

this is what i mean by lacking information. if someone wants to datamine the formula…

Hey there! I’m now to this community, but i’ve played Ragnarok before (for nearly 7 years) And i was linked here through a friend of mine who was also a Rag player.

My question is simple. I’ve read in on of the posts above that the CRIT damage is a damage multiplier and linear.
Is this how the mechanics is going to be?

Or more like how ragnarok where, CRIT ignored DEF (Armour, not VIT Def) this had a lot more understandable mechanic that made sense in creating a build that need not have STR.

I would also like someone to point me to a data sheet/mechanic page/post that talks in detail about damages and damage multipliers.


Hi @rodnixm, welcome to the community. Do you read the first post of this exact thread?

Thank you @jochris
Yes i’ve read the post. i was trying to confirm if this is the case. of having CRIT being a damage multiplier rather than a DEF penetrator.

It works both as a damage multiplier (x1.5) and a DEF penetrator in term of the additional “critical damage” status because it is calculated after defense reduction of the enemy.

Please note that “critical damage” is a separate status (which is affected by STR and some skill/equipment). Therefore, the first damage (x1.5), is not DEF penetrating. Only the additional “critical damage” ignores def.

@jochris, Ok. that clears some bit of the original confusion for me. Thx.
So there would be 2 separate boxes that would pop up, [CRIT] and [ATK Damage x 1.5].
Am I right in stating this?

I had two question(only for autoatack):

  1. Crit_DMG = “no_crit_DMG” + Critical Attack?
  2. for autoatack is very important number of hits per second(HPS), how to calculate?

I saw a corsair with 2:1 and 1:2 STR:DEX stats, there are visible difference in HPS, but Crit DMG is LOWER that FULL STR no_crit_DMG. So we need to have HPS to calculate total DPS for autoatack(excluding ping-issues).

total_DPS(autoatack) = no_crit_DMG x HPS x (1-crit_chance) + Crit_DMG x HPS x crit_chance

crit_chance = %/100

This is important for stat alocation of autoatack builds like corsair.

i like this formula makes it alot easier to calculate and include in builds than some % base

so just as an example from the stats you showed (331 x 1.5)+131 would be how you calculate the crit damage (not including defense/crit resist if thats how resist works)

on a side note you have video proof of variable hits per second? you sure it isnt ping or sub weapon canceling? from every possible source so far all signs point to there being no way to actually increase your attack speed. unlike RO there is no aspd stat or anything like it.

but if you wanted to calculate dps i would say calculate non crit damage and crit damage, find the difference then go along the lines of hits per second/100 + ((crit hit difference/100) X crit hit %) or something like that. its a little late so i cant entirely be sure i worded that correctly but basically just find your not crit dps then add the difference between that and your crit hit dps divided by your crit chance.

again using your example lets assume 331 hits 1 per second and the difference would be
331 x 0.5 =165.5 this is the 50% bonus from crit
165.5 + 131= 296.5 round off the 0.5 damage to get 296 this is the bonus+ “crit atk”
then lets just say for the heck of it 50% crit chance so…
296 x 0.5 = 148
so on average dps would be 331+148= 479 without factoring in defense or crit resist (which again details on crit resist are lacking)

Thank you for information, this is video:
Moment when they change stats, please compare before and after.

can you link to specific times? this is a poor video for comparison there are tons of times where he either sits around doing nothing for 10+ minutes and times where even mid fight he seems to be distracted, running around in circles doing skills only now and then. find me two points where he is completely focused and serious that actually show the difference. im not gonna watch 5+ hours for something im pretty sure doesnt exist.



white = normal
red = return
yellow = crit?

this looks exactly the same to me

Some statistics: Bosses(on ~200 levels) average 50 crit_resist.

N=0.3 (for ex.)
on 200 level Hoplite_C3 with Finestra level 15 (DEX=128), CritChance = ([128+150]-50) * 0.3 = 68.4%

N can be calculated based on (number_of_crits in 100 hits) and date from:

interesting find. I had a feeling it was crit - resist with some kinda modifier, just going on how every single stat works in this game.

so N isn’t consistent though? see this is the problem with crit right now, we don’t know all the variables.

Actually now I’m pretty sure N is constant. When I tried to find it out I went into starting area (I supposed that lv 1-6 mobs have crit res somewhat close to 0 so it may be excluded from formula thus easing my life :smile_cat:)
Now when Flash added monster’s stats to the database I know that their resistance actually varies pretty significantly (from 1 up to 11-12) and thats why results on different mobs were inconsistent.
Gonna remake on next beta anyway (evasion too as it was nerfed) but N is probably 0.4

Hi, quick question on the wizard 1.5 Magic Amplification factor–is it present on all wizard magic attacks, or was it just Energy Bolt? Is it possible that the 1.5 multiplier is from a full-charged cast? I guess what I’m asking is if skills like Earthquake that don’t require charging also get some kind of amplification like Energy Bolt does.