Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Damage formula

to be the most effective it should be 1% of base attack power turned into concentrate damage (not reduced by slash/hit/stab modifiers)

You usually have time to use the buff while dodging, when you can’t hit the boss because it is dangerous. But yes it is probably not good for 2h builds with high burst damage like Barbarian. I’m thinking about using it on subweapon cancel because it would make a significant amount of the DPS with enough attribute points.

Hi Dyne, thanks so much for sharing this. Amazing job that you did. I have two issues nonetheless:

  1. A question, where does the “atk bonuses” from “Actual damage = (atk+skill atk+ atk bonuses - def)” come from?
  2. Bonus attack damage from buff varies. Ranger’s steady aim is multiplied by critical. The additional damage is even visible on the screen (e.g: steady aim +18, if crits steady aim +36)

Oh, I have another inquiry. Does anybody know how attribute multiplier actually works? Does it +% your skill attack or your overall (total) attack? Thanks!

  1. atk bonuses are just that, buffs which boost atk, or gear.
  2. “additional damage” as written verbatim always shows up in game as “concentrate +15” next to the damage numbers over monsters heads (15 is just a substituted value here for and example) it does NOT crit, the ranger skill might be a mistranslation or a odd case cause yeah i see it saying the same thing.

crits arent 2x damage anyway so your numbers are not actually pulled from the game.

I’m not guessing.

I know.

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attribute % boost is calculated from FINAL damage not including concentrate damage

Oops. I have to apologize for almost giving mis-leading information. Thanks again for clarifying this! I checked my screenie and didnt realize that the + damage I got was from blessing instead of steady aim. Silly me haha

And if you would please elaborate a bit more about the attribute % boost, I would be grateful.

If for example, I have lvl 5 Critical Shot with 200 skill attack and my character attack is 1000. Thus (without crit), the damage will roughly be 1200. With crit, take it roughly as 2x so it will be 2400.

Then I have attribute lvl 100 of Critical Shot which is listed as +100% damage. Would it be:

  1. Critical Shot 200 + Attribute bonus (100%x200) + character attack 1000 = 1400. Crit be 2800; or
  2. Critical Shot 200 + character attack 1000 = 1200 + Attribute bonus (100%x1200) = 2400. Crit be 4800; or
  3. else?

Sorry for buying your time, but I will appreciate your concern. Thanks a lot mate!

no look at the formula as i wrote it. where it says type you can substitute attribute in there too. before or after type, it doesnt really matter

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Got it. So it comes after the crit modifier. Thanks a bunch.

honestly im not entirely sure but the math should be roughly the same in either case.

Is Concentrate somehow different from Blessing? Or is it just how the spear’s multihit itself.

Because Blessing definitely adds damage to both my main swing and Sacrament’s proc.

its the same thing if it shows orange numbers and the value on each hit

From another thread.

And I’m not sure by your ‘its the same thing’ as in
‘the total damage is equal to (atk-def) + conc’

or that Concentrade will add bonus to Sacrament/Enchant Fire bonus hit as well.

Mainly because the post you replied to mentions using multiple elemental damage proc to benefit more from Concentrate as well as the multihit spear attack from Hoplite.

does sacrement add to your stat window’s “attack” stat? what about blessing? are you playing on the korean server? with blessing on iCBT it would show “blessing +82” on each attack. How old are these screenshots? as it’s beta things are subject to change.

also your sample size is inadequate for weapons you can see the physical stat has a 30 point variance and I don’t even know if this monster is resistant to your weapon type or holy damage. do it again with punches to remove the weapon variables.

also do one with blessing and no sacrement

It’s not my screenshot. And it’s iCBT if I’m not mistaken. (also, I’m not in KR beta)

I’m just asking for clarification of Concentrate + bonus hits (Sacrament/Enchant Fire/4pc Cafrisun) since your original post seem to lump it together with effects that make one attack into multi-hit (like Catar Stroke from Highlander) with these, and that screenshot shows that for Blessing at least it add to both the main hit and extra hit.

If you’re going to make a damage formula, then might as well cover things properly, no?

As someone that is going to be playing Hoplite this would be great to clear up. It would also be even better if there was less hostility in here.

except hes doing single melee hits, the sacrament seems to just be adding a second hit equal to the value of sacrement, clerics dont have a multi hit melee attack. but what concerns me the most about this is none of these shots show “blessing+x” like it displayed in game. which is why i was wondering if this was from a past beta. as when i was in game testing this displayed every hit you had blessing for, someone even linked one here.

first im gonna say this data is too random and incomplete to really KNOW anything. but if i had to guess id say that sacrement’s holy property attack (which is what im guessing the 50 is) counts as a separate hit. this makes a bit of sense considering elements and physical types might be on the same “chart” so for example you might not be able to have a fire and slashing attack just one or the other. in this case element bonus just calculates a separate hit i guess? but this would then also remove multiple stacks of blessing with each hit. good if you cant use em all up in time.

as for the guess on why its doing 50 it could be a number of things. it could be a % based off raw atk or final damage which seems likely. or it could be flat and the 24 bonus atk is somehow adding into it (which it shouldnt in this case i think…) or the additional atk from sacrement is just like blessing, adding 24 to each hit but it doesnt have a hit count.

Sorry if I’m being curt but it’s quite an annoyance to have people post incomplete info and say I’m wrong when i tested this for hours and hours. A value of a single hit doesnt matter, unless you took of your weapon and other damage modifying gear your attack range can vary wildly and that’s not even considering that some weapons seem to deal more or less to small/med/large or something? (same attack different weapon yields slightly different results, not including type modifiers)

these blessing and sacrement screenshots for example are totally useless cause it’s one each and the range would cover almost all this “bonus” damage depending on the def of the monster which is established. also we have no data on what blessing looks like on it’s own to compare as a third data point

all of that isnt even considering that we really dont know how “light attribute” attack works and what the resistance of the monster is. if light attribute 24 means 24% more damage based on the initial hit this could be completely off base. also no screenshot of what his status window looks like after each buff.

Does anyone know what is calculated first when you have an attribute that adds a flat value and one that adds a percent value?

Like the attribute that increases damage done by electrocute by 50% of your Matk to frozen enemies.

and the attribute that increases electrocutes damage by 100%

For example ill say my MATK is 600 so would it be
(609+300) * 2=1818
(609*2)+ 300 = 1518

Assuming no other variables come into play?

I recorded my damage from Enchant Fire as I was leveling to see if it would scale. The fire damage given by the buff shows up as an additional number after the initial auto attack damage is shown, so it would show my auto attack hit for 100 without the buff, and 100 + 30 with the buff. I noticed that the higher level I became, the more damage it would do, as if it were scaling alongside my auto attack damage. It started out doing about 20 damage with the skill maxed out at level 30, and gradually increased to about 30 damage at level 60.

I was unable to go through the steps that you took, so it could have been that my attributes and +fire stats were increasing the damage, but I wanted to ask and see if anyone else noticed the same thing. It could be that purely your level increases +element damage skills like this, which I really doubt, but is something worth testing.

Seems like this is also how it works with Sacrament. Not entirely sure if +element damage is special, or if your formula missed accounting for something when it comes to +flat spell damage.

its 50% matk so skill damage doe not play into it at all from what i know. but it also ignored defense im pretty sure. it was the same way with the similar talent that catar stroke has. 50% phys atk delt to enemies that are sent flying. but this damage ignored all defense, monster i hit for 1 with catar took the full 50% physical anyway