Tree of Savior Forum

Guia de Up (Leveling Guide) - Updated 03/2018

Do you want to try hard and have some buffs on your back? Try this:
Você quer tryhardar e tem alguns buffs? Tente isso:

  1. Don’t forget to always buy pardoner’s buffs (Sacrament)
    Não esqueça de sempre comprar o buff dos pardoners (Sacrament)
  2. Always do dungeons and mercenary post. On mercenary ou may not have a full party but it is still worth it until lvl 300.
    Sempre faça as dungeons e o mercenary post. Na mercenary você pode não ter uma party completa mas ainda vale a pena até o lvl 300

OBS: Old players Warning:
If you enter auto match and mark the option “Match 2 to 4 Players” the game will put you on wait for more players. If the system doesn’t find it you will go in with 2 to 4 members and the xp penalty will we minimun. But be careful, you must garantee yourself in case the other member isn’t a damage dealer.
Se você entrar no auto match e marcar a opção “Match 2 to 4 players” o jogo colocará você na fila para encontrar mais jogadores. Se o sistema não encontrar você entrará com 2 a 4 membros e a penalidade de xp será mínima. Mas cuidado, você deve se garantir para o caso do outro jogador não ter dano.

1 ~ 20 - Hanamings (West Siauliai Woods)
You can solo this. No need for buffs or party. Don’t use your exp buffs here.
Você pode solar isso, não há necessidade de buff ou party. Não use seus buffs de xp aqui.

20 ~ 100 - Tenet Garden
Buy sacrament from a nearby pardoner and, if possible, find/build a party with 2 to 5 members.
Compre sacrament de um pardoner por perto e, se possivel, encontre/monte uma party com 2 a 5 membros.
OBS: I know it seems a lot, but it’s totally possible with a 30% buff + Token. If you don’t have these, take lvl 50 at Tenet Garden and then go to Tenet Church 2F until lvl 90/100. Mage Tower 5F would be your next step.
Eu sei que parece muito, mas é totalmente possível com um buff de 30% + Token. Se você não tiver, pegue lvl 50 em Tenet Garden e vá para Tenet Church 2F até lvl 90/100. Mage Tower 5F é seu próximo passo.

100 ~ 120 - Mage Tower 5F (Fedimian Suburbs)
Buy sacrament from a pardoner at town and, if possible, find/build a party with 2 to 5 members.
Compre sacrament de um pardoner na cidade e, se possivel, encontre/monte uma party com 2 a 5 membros.

120 ~ 200 - Demon Prison (District 2)
Here you can buy sacrament, find/build a party and grind or you can find a high level SR/Enchanter player who can create a party, invite you and kill the mobs for you while you follow him around doing notting and getting xp. It’s from now on that you will spend your buffs.
Aqui você pode comprar sacrament, encontrar/montar uma party e grindar ou você pode achar um jogador de SR/Enchanter para criar a party, te convidar e matar os monstros enquanto você o segue sem fazer nada e ganhando xp. É aqui a partir daqui que você vai gastar seus buffs.

200 ~ 250 - Igti
Buy sacrament, find a party and go. You can skip this with a lot of dungeons, mercenaries, buffs and entry reset vouchers.
Compre sacrament, encontre uma party e vá. Você pode pular essa parte com muitas dungeons, mercenaries, buffs e entry reset vouchers.
OBS: You may want to go Alemeth from 200 to 220 and then Igti
Você pode querer ir Alwmeth do 200 ao 220 e então Igti

250 ~ 300 - Kalejimas + Solitary Cells + Dungeons + Merc
Buy sacrament, find a party and go. You can skip this with a lot of dungeons, mercenaries, buffs and entry reset vouchers.
Compre sacrament, encontre uma party e vá. Você pode pular essa parte com muitas dungeons, mercenaries, buffs e entry reset vouchers.

Here is where the fun beggins. You have here a few options to follow:

  • Do dungeon 300 everyday
  • Do Challenge Mode Sausys Room 9 (SR9)
  • Do Haunting Grounds lvl 270, 315 and 340
  • Do Challenge Modes from your lvl

Aqui é onde a diversão começa. Você tem algumas opções para seguir:

  • Faça a dungeon 300 todos os dias
  • Faça o Challenge Mode Sausys Room 9 (SR9)
  • Faça os Haunting Grounds lvl 270, 315 e 340
  • Faça Challenge Modes do seu lvl

That’s all. This guide was built considering the informations I got in game and forums. Sorry about grammar mistakes hauahau
If you have any questions or sugestions I’m EssiDaven from SA

Isso é tudo. Esse guia foi montado considerando informações obtidas em jogo e foruns. Desculpa pelos erros gramaticais haushau
Se tiver qualquer dúvida ou sugestões sou a EssiDaven do SA


Tanet garden 20-100?!?! No way!!!
Tanet church is more like it, but till 75-80ish (rank4) imo. 80-120 at dvasia is not too bad.

Thanks gexmnlin13!
I’m considering that you would be using buffs, since it’s viable to level up on Tenet with Token and some 30% more from events (since there are xp buffs almost always).

Why ppl even put this as grindingspot?
Its Full of afk necros.

I don’t know about other servers but SA players have been very strict about afk necros since the reports are working. Kalejimas in special is a very good place to lvl up now.

@shenhuehue is it full of afk necros?

I play on Orsha and never encounter any when I do the quests there.

On Fedi theres an afk necro army since months.

I can do better

0-80: Nefritas Cliff, Tenant Garden
80-110: Tenant Church 2F
110-180: Demon Prison 2
180-190: Dina Bee Farm, Verkti Square
200-220: Cranto/igti coast
220-260: (259) Kalejimas Visiting Room
(265) Solitary cell, Sekta Forest
(279) Inner wall destrict 8
(292) Jeromel Park


Thanks for the reminder, I will increment solitary cell to the guide! :slight_smile:

Mobs in inner wall district 8 gives very little exp iirc. But there is a huge amount of mobs in that map. Not sure if this compensates it.

Forget about this nonsense. Silly grind - the way of stupid ones, which also make your character weaker, cause you miss:

  • collections (especially ones that can give you stat/crit rate/hp-sp regen and other);
  • world lore… oh, ok, who i’m trying to deceive - no one reads quests nowadays, but some of them also provide stat points, stats, carry weight improvements, sp and hp;
  • exp cards for quests/exploring.
    Just follow this:

Unfortunally it’s incomplete, but orsha/klaipeda roads are merging and the rest is easy.
Also this staff can help you with collections.

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I don’t think it is nonsense. It is the opposite. If you follow you get end content and other things faster. Also, probably most of people here are doing alt characters, they already passed some of the hundreds quests.

Even if it is the first char, I would recommend. After getting high level you can easily go to whatever quest (for status points I presume) and do easily.

For first character, I would recommend questing. NOT because it’s faster, it’s just important to finish 100% map so leveling alts is more convenient. Doing quests is just “might as well” along the way.

Grinding, especially at lower level (lower than 200), is WAAAAAY faster than questing. I remember when I first started playing, took me 1 week of questing to get to rank4 XD, but grinding to rank4 is just 1 hour or so.

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