Tree of Savior Forum

Greetings from a noob

@Nirimetus Who’s that lady? For science of course…

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Dunno, probably one of your victims LOL.

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Is that so?

@mikai I’ve played around with the level/class planner a bit and I’m wondering:
-How long do stuns last?
-Should I max out every single skills that scale well or should I have a little bit of every good spells?

@Nirimetus Don’t worry, you’re next 8)

ok seriously this thread turned from day to night

What class are you trying to go for?

Happens to plenty of threads here,but they always get back on track so don’t worry about it too much :sunglasses:

It depends on what you want to focus on :smiley:
Stun’s duration usually depend on skill lvl and attribute
check the detailed mechanics for more info. I am not good at this things LOL
forgive me :bow:

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I actually prefer this kind of thread to be in the Community section but they made it into a sub section sadly. Anyway, I bid thee welcome to our humble forum. Quite a nice community so far, they won’t bite you…hard…maybe…probably.

You can get any info/guides about the game here

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Ah… I checked the first pages of the guide and it didn’t display “stun” so I might find the answer after reading a bunch of it or not find it at all… hopefully the first option.

Good luck!~ Hope you find your answers :thumbsup:

I don’t know for sure yet. But recently I’m into Berserker kinda styles so most likely a branch of the Swordsman

@mikai Thanks! Let me know if you want to learn the stuffs i find =D. I sadly can’t read the guide tho… too many pages even my brand new computer cant handle loading everything and I have no idea how to make it load a few pages at a time

[quote=“Kryzen, post:52, topic:142540, full:true”]
sadly can’t read the guide tho[/quote]

nvm, found the fix! yay for downloading the actual file!

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You’re welcome, and don’t hesitate asking me about anything as well. :blush:
oh and thanks, but no need to worry about me I have my guildies to bother w/ questions. hahaha :grin:

About a question I asked in the original post: is there any public Discord server for ToS? I could make one but don’t expect me to be a good admin with anti-flame bots set up and all that.

This seems to be the most popular and reliable one:

EDIT: This one no longer is available. @LaScoot provided the correct one, in another thread. Just follow the link:

seems like it’s not public anymore =/

Oh, the he should PM Icystare then.

Now that the thread is kinda sorta back on track, you guys can ask me whatever if you’re curious as long as it’s not TOO awkward/dirty. I LOVE talking about myself (not serious here)

Done! Thanks for the info btw =)

Ok enough for tonight, or earlier morning, ah w/e it is 03:35AM here and i am sleepy.