Tree of Savior Forum

Greedy people everywhere

What server is it? … you will not have any other option than to move D:

See that:


this is what im afraid of -_-

SEA where whales swim together.
what server is that? youre lucky to be there man.

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WTT solmiki boots or gloves to those tokens :laughing:

Joking aside, unless you have 24/7 time to play. You eventually going to buy token anyway like Lostac said.
I would say better to get those token(If you have silver of course) while you can before whales getting monopoly of those

Yeah, it all depends on the server. I bought one for 10m yesterday, but most are listed for 11~13m on Silute.

u can go to work and buy it for real cash u know? no one force u to buy it from market >.>

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do you even read, man?
what about those who aren’t working yet? what about those new players? stop thinking for yourself for once. the point is 20m token is not attractive to players


Off topic here, why do you guys think the prices on items in different servers vary?

For example, a shinobi unlock voucher costs about 15mil in Orsha (before merge), but 25mil in Klaipeda. Costumes cost about 12mil in Orsha but 8mil in Klaipeda?

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I think some people just sold some stuff for some random arbitrary price, and then everybody else on the server just kinda followed suit for most pricings.


true. it only take 1 greedy person to inflate market.

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And it only takes 1 person to undercut you and deflate the standard price.

1 year token = 240kk, I don’t think this is expensive, unless you play 30min/day so it’s better to not have a token that you will not enjoy the benefits.
I don’t think it’s fair for people to pay 100 TPs and sell for less than 10kk, imo it’s not worth and I would never do that.

what are you talking about whale? you’ll earn half of your team storage limit already in minutes which will took us months to farm. lmao that’s no different from RMT. actually you get more silver from selling 20m tokens xD. gtfo

then don’t. it’s not worth for the other party either… you greedy people just ruin the market.

im reduced to buying tokens from tp for myself now every month… when i see 20m tokens… i cant keep my silver if im buying that expensive… and i just used my silver to break gears… :confounded::confounded::confounded:

i cant play all the time and i just play to enjoy… not to be a mindless zombie farming just to buy stuff… oh well good luck to us…


I don’t think 10m (which the poster was referring in this case) is greedy or too much to ask o-o inflation happened so it really is not worth for anyone for any less, unless inflation starts to go down as a whole token price shouldnt change either
If people sell tokens for too cheap people with more silver will just buy them in bulks for their own benefit instead of actually helping casual/new players. I do agree that 20m is disgustingly high and a bit unreasonable the inflation isn’t that bad on other items yet.

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and what about players who spending real cash to tp? they MUST sell it for 10 mln becouse u saying so!? who is selfish here???

When did OP say anything about selling tokens for 10mil? I must’ve missed that part.

I know that they said 20 mil is not attractive for new players. I will go further and say that that 20 mil is very hard for new players who don’t yet know how to farm TOS efficiently on top of earning less money without a token.


Correct. Key word is new.

and Token ISN’T their only problem.

They have to gear up
They have to buy attributes (lol wait time without token)
They have to deal with the tax and delayed silver when using the market
They have to resist trading cause they’ll get them as untradable

Gearing up opens up room for more things to do such as being able to CM effectively though you can get by this by using support characters, but then you’re out of ET/Raids unless you want to do them with less efficiency.

As old players we just laugh at this because we managed to snag tokens around 250k each.


Lmao the guy open a thread for a discussion and then say “gtfo” to someone who hasn’t have the same opinion as him. Who do you think you are ? Fall back to earth, you don’t own the truth.
Also you guys are so salty, hearing you, once you bought something on this game you are categorized as a “whale”. What the ■■■■, are you all kids ? Some people here work everyday and earn money, you have no right to tell them how to spend it.
Back to topic, I don’t agree that 20M is that much. Yes it seems like a big amount for a new player but what’s the point of playing a mmo if you can earn everything in few days by actually playing the game ? (Kmmorpg never has been casual friendly). TP is only a way to get this bonus faster, it’s already cool that we can get it through market, even if maybe you guys wouldn’t have dramatize if it wasn’t sellable in first place. Your real issue seems like you can’t relate with people who spend money in game, not that you really care about new players.
When you reach end game level (aka 340+) you can gather this amount really fast. Farming HG340, farming 350 mats, 20M can be achieve in less than 10h (and I’m not even talking about dailies). Just start to understand how to make fast money in this game instead of complaining everytime that something isn’t easy to get.


Here, it could be that op misunderstood what the person said but clearly he is talking about selling tokens for any less than 10mil, which op quoted from.

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What OP is trying to imply is:

Back in 2016 when you were a noob, it only took you < 2 weeks to farm up even on one toon
(290F runs gave us like 300k? for 3 runs, tokens were 3m+/-)

Go ask a newbie to farm 20m in 2 weeks. (constant income, dont talk about selling HG stuff)
Selling shards back then was like 200k, now its 180-200k post merge.

Just use 1-2 characters for a comparison.

Like our real world, expenses always go up, but never our wages.

Capitalism at its finest
