Maybe stupd question, but I would like a confirmation. Since everyone uses Grand Cross as QS, because it gives +2 to all QS skills, does that mean that I should never max any of QS skills, since I have +2 on them most of the time? I am asking that, because it looks like no builds on the web take that into consideration, while it gives you a lot of bonus points to use on other skills, when you never max anything. Is it the way to go?
It means you should max running shot and benefit of the 2 additional levels of OP-ness.
by doing that youll be missing out on an extra 40% damage on running shot, i suggest looking at the skill scaling first and aside from running shot most of the qs skills fall off later on.
Wait… how can it increase if max level is 5? It goes to imaginary 7?
8 with gem, 9 with gem and divine might.
You think this is expected behaviour, or will it be nerfed in future? It doesn’t seem normal to go above max skill level.
It’s as intend.
When u max some skill. Try to hover ur cursor on that skill. It will show a next skill level description.
And the meaning of “max level” is max level that u can up it atm. like every(exactly most of all) c1 max skill level is 5. Not max level u can use it.
There is no max level (for skills that don’t have only 1 level).
There is only a limit on what level you can get a skill to with skill points. There is the buff divine might that makes all your skills +1, there is monster gems, which increase a specific skill by 1 level, and as you know, there is certain equips that give +1/+2 levels to a skill or all skills from a certain class.