Tree of Savior Forum

Got banned for holding Z

Your name is: tstcbx4v1

That alone should answer your question

The ban is working as intended, proving otherwise requires evidence. Is that so hard to understand on your puny brain?

After this statement, there’s no way this guy’s not baiting people on purpose. I like that, keep up the good job. :grin:

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Don’t give him an excuse to pretend “I’m just trolling lol”

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My fellow fish, don’t just keep nibbling baits trying to prove an angler wrong. You’re an easy prey if you believe he cares about being right or wrong. :grin:


[quote=“Deprox, post:129, topic:204810, full:true”]
Im stupid, i only accept meme.[/quote]


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kthxcya :heart:

Yes, i know. I clearly understand people like you, but you see im not kind enough to let you pass.

Ebay? WTF nobody uses that… Amazon all day!

That is why you train your cats/dogs for. My two raidcats can even raid better than most ppl. They have experience since Molten Core.

Get your raidcats READY

What Macro? I can easily stick a quarter into my keyboard and it’ll hold down a key all night. I used to do that many many many years ago for the original Maplestory.

There are no macros involved.

I’m just showing your name logic is invalid.

Yeah, this edgy community sees it as worse than murder and report you. Worst part is you actually get banned as it’s based on number of reports.

So if there is someone you don’t like just get all your friends to report them.

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For me this can just be one of two things:

  1. OP botted and got banned for it
  2. OP indeed just pressed Z over night and got banned for that in which case that is just retarded.

No need to debate about it /thread

and I thought r/Dota2 was bad :sweat_smile:

I made an opinion poll regarding Z-botting. I kindly ask everyone to vote your opinion about this matter. It would benefit us all :slight_smile: