Tree of Savior Forum

Good bye Tree of Slavior

Not so true at all, i play with a friend doing quests with him i told him about he have to kill monsters in certain amount to get some extra cards, i just made a new char just to play and do my quests along with him, And monster kill count its one of the things we do before to go to the next map for the next set of quests, and i can confirm, monster kill count its shared between members.

you wouldnt get a kill count if you are far away from your friend though. so if you kill a monster and dont see the “small lights of xp orbs” fly towards him or towars you, then you didnt get that kill to your count and that mean you are far away from your friend.

Now i will agree on something about “playing solo most of time” and its you dont have an entire freedoom to do your build whatever you want, in the case of swordie for example. if you dont have petalsta C1 in your build you wouldnt be welcome in parties. then i can say you would play Tree of solo in that way.

Well I havent farmed for what I needed that much cause you really do make a lot money by grinding as a chrono too at higher lvls. You wont need to upgrade that many attributes so it’ll save you a lot as well. Not to mention low repair costs cause you wont really get hit in a aprty situation.

Just keep lvling and the money will come! Fromt he picture I cans ee youre only lvl148 which is way too early to judge anything unless you just dont like the game. The first time you will start getting noticeable money is from demon prison and bee farm. Then truffles wont make you much but once you get to evac you’ll be making decent money again.

Yes Ive lucked a few lucky drops when party questing so that has helped a lot too. I also did lvl a cleric to lvl 234 before making my chrono, but im currently at lvl 240 on my chrono.

I’m not exactly sure how the OP is posting forum bait of any kind - even though the points he made have been discussed to death on these forums, his opinions seem honest enough. Ironically, these forum bait GIF posts seem to attract more unconstructive (and sometimes outright spiteful) responses than the OP.

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Considering you can hear say chat some distance away… ALl you need to do is pay attention. O_o

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I started this game because a friend of mine pulled me in ( i came from iro ragnarok )

Already from the first moment it’s so much more better then the RO everythign i wanted fixed in RO this game basically provides.

Sure if you come from a game like world of warcraft it can be seen as a little bit of a not well worked out mmo, but if you compare it towards it’s older brother ragnarok, it’s basically a full blown ro2 successor.

I’m currently ~130 with wizard 3 and elemental 2 and i must say i love it still to this day.


The goods:

  1. works really well in my opinion, i didn’t had to wait longer then 5 minutes at the absolute worst moment. So that’s fine.
  2. party system works great, it doesn’t remove you out of your existing party iwth your friends, so you are directly back in that group after you finish
  3. they are overal fast and give great experience, the loot i honestly don’t care about.
  4. so much moe better then ragnarok in every way really, it’s how ragnarok should be

The bads:

Can’t really join a search part with a premade group of friends for the extra experience, which makes leveling through dungeons impossible or else you lose exp which nobody wants.

Only 2 of them max a day, should be unlimited in my view. But got to sell those money scrolls i guess.


The goods:
Really really love these things, little bite sized maps that you can push yourself through without issue’s and never overstay there welcome. I really hated that in other mmo’s. It works really well. And i love it.

the bads:

  1. To little amounts of maps after 100+, it’s hard to level without popping scrolls, i rather had more maps then we got now. but oh well.
  2. the gain of silver is to low, need far more silver in this game to actually buy stuff like potions and attributes, because they are insanely expensive.

Stat reset / Skill reset

It’s a step back on what ragnarok has, you can actually buy items to reset it for decent prices. Atleast you don’t have these massive prebuilds that needs to be done before you can actually get a later job skill, but still it’s hard to know if a skill is good without actually having to use it.

This is why i didn’t push much skills in my early wizard build because i didn’t know if earth quake or energy bolt or sleep would be worth it. After a discussion i had with a 270 wiz3/ele3/warlock1, he explained me that both bolt and earthquake where crap, and i ended up getting sleep ( best decision ever ).

But still people will have to rerol at this point if you they want to fix there build or pay insane amounts of silver.

It would be better that at lvl 100 and level 200 you can reset your skills and stats one time for free. So that you can just pick what you want test it out and make you final build after it to advance. Which ragnarok has.

Skill tree’s

I really like how you completely decide how your char is going to be. Not some set in stone build, everybody can be different etc. I also like how the skills are easy pushed out and do not have follow up tree’s like ragnarok has which made things over complicated and difficult.


While the loading needs to be improved ( needs to be a lot faster ) and the towns need to be optimized a little bit more + skill delay lag, i’m overal happy with it. It’s a really smooth experience on maps in general for me. Something i didn’t aspect.

I personally don’t care about story’s in game. i skip through all of them. What i do like is lots of different places to go and actually have the feeling to advance. That’s something that happens very well in this game.

While the market is a step forwards from ragarok, the silver being locked to your character is a step back. THe market also while it’s a step forwards is heavily crippled in this game.


  1. you can’t decide your own price
  2. you have to pay money to put it on the auction house
  3. you have to pay 30% fee from selling items that’s from 1milion silver a whooping 300k down the drain
  4. only 1 item at a time which practically makes it totally useless
  5. your money is locked up for 2 days before you can even pick it off from the market.

This makes trading in this game in general a hell, as you don’t want to use the market at all as it’s counter productive. So they really have to remove limits on this department to make it anywhere near usable.


Not capable to trade it is a huge problem, people now use tarts to trade stuff for and exchange there silver for. which just overcomplicates stuff and actually makes it more difficult then anything else.

Also attributes and potions need to go down in price or the silver drops need to go up, it’s a huge grind to get your attributes up. a single attribute to 100 costs 64m, i only grindeda bout 900k and i’m currently 130 with cards to push me to 150 tho. So that basically means half way and not capable to do anything half decent because of money issue’s.

Still it’s better then RO where money / market was completely broken concept.


There needs to be more items in there, i would love to see a stat reset scroll and a 60 day token or even a 180 day token. But i won’t pay more then 5 bucks for a month of token solution, atm a token costs around the 18 euro’s for 30 days. Which is way to much. They are going to cut that down to 9 euro’s, but still it’s to much money for just barely any extra’s.

But that’s just me. It would also help if tokens are untradable to get the real money trading out of this game.

Anyway, played it now for 2 weeks with my friends, and i love it so far. Really well made mmo. I will keep playing it for a while.


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Exactly, after this I finally realize why RO is still popular.
Although the game solely rely on grind, but at least the grind is fun, which is open to many options, strategy and forgiving party size, but at least everyone do the same thing.

In ToS, everyone do different thing, dungeon/quest/grind, you need to pray hard and get a party, good luck for those non-meta attacker, can’t even solo kill in quest. No party = main reason players are leaving

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