Tree of Savior Forum

Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Updated December 12, 2017

Click here to see the full list of items included in the new edition of the Goddess’ Blessed Cube!

more loot crates. Never again, IMC. Offer your costumes and cosmetics as straight buys and stop forcing people to gamble for pixels.


I’d totally put $20 on the sled straight up. Damnit, now I gotta wait until someone puts it on the AH :frowning:

Yep, and those people who gambled will try and get ridiculous prices for the cosmetics that only whales will be able to buy.

This will further encourage gold sellers to spam up bots to flood the servers with silver, and the vicious cycle continues.

If IMC gets over the loot crate nonsense and offers straight buys, they would make more money in the long run from the general populace instead of relying on the freemium whale who may or may not stick around forever.


I hope that the law prohibiting this type of mechanism is implemented soon, IMC abuses this discreetly, even the “official” version of the game have another way of giving those same items.

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I tried echoing what was said here to the guild I’m in but it just falls on deaf ears. I have whales in my guild who blindly defend this game while giving the game money, then turn around and complain about the game when something is bugged or isn’t fixed.

The players that are left in game are the ones who are ok with the state of the game and will gladly give IMC all their cash as long as they keep delivering these cubes.


eh, so be it, they can enjoy their cosmetics and I will just play the game with what I have, and buy tokens from the marketplace.

If IMC wants my money, they will offer me straight buys. If they make more money from the whales oh well.

Happy you, my server has zero tokens on market.

If i HAVE to, i would purchase TP for a token, but that is the extent of what I would invest in this game until they change their practices.

I want a santa costume, but don’t want to get movement speed: 1hour potions or medals. :sweat_smile:

I heard they’re selling those costumes outside cubes on KToS and JToS. I mean: they cost tp, not gamble’s cubes. If that’s true, we’re idiots for letting them do that with us.

Not all.
These new costumes are not yet in the KR shop (yesterday)

But the last ones, last month: did they came on gamble’s boxes or not?

But in Ktos they sell the PACK, you buy a box that comes to CLOTHING + items.

This system of gasha, as we have here in itos is our exclusivity. :slight_smile:

I am not sure about kTOS but currently on kTEST, there is a Xmas tree in the middle of Klaipeda for Xmas event. You can exchange for Goddess Cube in that tree to roll for xmas costumes. Exchange materials can be obtained when you keep being online for several minutes.

Last year Xmas costumes were sold directly in TP and everyone was happy to buy it. Now everything is on gacha…

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Sounds much more fair than what we get here, monthly. :haha:

Soon Rank Reset in Leticia or gasha …