Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - It's Mango Time - Now with Orange Flavour


Don’t trigger the poor fella…-_- cmon I was trying to calm him down.He said that antidote doesn’t help bc he dies in 1 tick because of his OP PD C2 “Saintone” build,attributes and blabla.

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Also, about this, if you think it might not be a simple bug to track out. Let’s say it’s based on something that happens in a really short time window, as in, a monster having the debuff during its death, somehow right after it dies there’s some thread concurrency while it gets the debuff again with something in a messed up state that makes it spread to friendly players because either the mob lost some of it’s “enemy information” or the buff itself lost the ownership information somehow. Depending on how it is coded and assuming it wasn’t properly coded it could be hard to track down the issue and what’s needed to fix (along with a lot of thing devs are still doing/fixing/creating).

Oh will you? Then you should take care what you post. There is a conspiracy going on, that his “stop embarrassing…” comment effectively ended @STAFF_John 's career. It would be a pity to loose you too…


Could it perhaps be that players are friendly units, that monsters are enemy units, that objects are neutral units that are immune to all players AoE thanks to a flag? and they just forgot to set that flag on pandemic?

Only the devs know, sad. They do take their sweet time though.

No, it happens even with monsters, just random, unless something pretty strange is going on.

Like, one day we were waiting for Earth Tower, our PD used plague vapors on someone, the poison had spread to us outside the duel (friendly with the caster) without any other object getting hit. Unless the pardoner shop/base camp who never got the debuff (obvious) somehow actually got it in a hidden version and that hidden version had spread to us ( ? ), guess not.

I don’t know, the 2 plague doctors that I played with and ran ET with noted that it only happened when there was an object around like a dirty pole, a corsairs flag or a diev statue. Never had first hand experience with it though.

The duel thing is interesting, it only spreads to members of the party though.

-edit 2-
They probably should play the game a bit more, if it only happens with members of the party that might have a hint as to why it happens, otherwise you’d have whole fedimian be poisoned on a minute basis.

Sadly they could already know the cause and not know how to fix it, as they’ve never comunicated anything to us.

We were on the same party (duel in same party). Never tested if it spread outside, also, instead of looking for objects as culprits, did you (or the PD) look for a lot of monsters dying to Incineration+Plague Vapors at the same time? This is what feels the most frequent trigger of that bug for me, not 100% sure since I’m not a PD and just observe it on the few times it happens with me on party (like grinding etc).

Crackdown on the forum
Specifically: Trolls, Libel, Defamation, Harassment
Orange thinks the trolls jokes are lame

The new forum era is coming. This new CM needs to banish these trolls.


Hm never had it happened anywhere else than ET, then again we didn’t grind in tymeris or anything we were already max lv.

I’ve noted that it happens to party members only, if it happens to a plague doctor by itself then I don’t know what it could be.

Reading this, I wonder when people will get sick of repeating this bs. IMC’s failed management, permanent IMC’ing, tech issues, etcpp caused most of what you mentioned. You have to address the reasons they are there in the first place, cause just going for the effects will not [RESOLVED] anything.




I hope so, IMC has done a good job taking its share of criticism without really silencing anyone, I have nothing but respect for that. But there’s a limit on what criticism is, and when it moves from criticism to blind unhelpful trolling all it does is discourage discussion and pushes players away.


The only thing that pushes away players is IMC, if you need a tutorial on why this game is beyond redemption then read @Nicola’s new endgame thread where she highlights how they have destroyed this game beyond repair by encouraging afk cancer farming for the last 10 months. I havent logged in for 3 days now and have no plans to, why bother, im sick of busting my as* to get things the right way when everyone else just levels a necro, downloads an autopot script and goes to play overwatch while making 400million a month.

PS - fk this game, fk the cm, fk imc


u got that right fam, huehuehue~

gotta f em all~

is it me or people start this “blame the hues” game again?

by that logic, shouldnt the hue counter “ya all whiteknights the reason why the game so shitty and still 3k people playin”

i dont wanna start criticizing anyone, im only here to joke about imc.

but i wont stay silence if people conveniently pointing fingers at the wrong cause.



If you troll and discourage discussion then yes, you should be silenced, and yes you would be contributing to the games decline. Many people who call themselves hues do fit that criteria, there are also people who aren’t hues that fit that criteria. It has nothing to do labels, and everything to do with actions.


You all wasting energy arguing for nothing, you can give a 100 page suggestion thread like nerkorin did (big respect) BUT I assure you, 0.1% of those suggestions will be implemented by next year.

We all know just how fast IMC programmers work. Very fast. Tremendous speed. Dozens and dozens of class bugs from CBT still need fixing, after a year yo. On top of Missile hole and other very balanced skills. Memory bloat and crashes. And they have to produce new content at the same time too. Well you get the idea.


I do believe that ‘forumities’ are fully capable of knowing when to exercise moderation (self moderate) when it comes to posting stuff. When it is time to hue, by all means hue till cows come home. When the thread takes a more serious tone or such, it will be much appreciated that the discussion wouldn’t derail due to excessive posts being off topic.

@jchsc32 I agree that afk farming has done harm to the game. I believe the fault doesn’t just lies solely with IMC though. As much as we need GMs to actively punish those players, we also need the player community to educate the players that it is not good to do that.

There is only so much the police can do. Sometimes there is a need for the community to come up with their own security. Too bad there are only limited things in which we can do.

Greed knows no bounds, sadly.

Actually, if IMC can make that pets and summons only attack based on some form of interaction it will solve all these problems.

Suggestion to improve on Sorcerer/Necromancer while preventing them being able to afk farm.

Implement a “strength level bar” for sorcerers and necromancers. Know those sports games which we play? For example a golf game where there is gauge bar where the meter will keep moving and the player time his button press so that the meter will reach close to the optimal position. The closer to the position the better the hit will be. Falling out of that position will make the hit go off course.

So to apply this in ToS terms, the pets and summons will always attack and the player will have a strength meter to press to denote the damage dealt to the by pets/summons attacks for the next 5 secs. The meter’s optimal position will be randomised every 5 secs, so if the player manages to hit the optimal spot, the pet/summon will deal 3x damage. Falling short but near there will be
150%, 100%, 75% damage. For all other areas hit the pet will deal 1 damage only.

This makes it incredibly hard for sorcerers/necromancers to afk farm since most of the time macros are just timed presses. Timed scripts and afk can’t gauge where the optimal spot is. It also encourages more interactive play as players can gain more damage if they choose to focus on utilising this mechanic.

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Go Oracle/Cryo botting on the bots you mean?
Might actually be worth a try :open_mouth:

Edit: People actually did that back in June. I don’t see any person in that thread who is still active though.

I wonder why ~

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Limited things which we can do to stop these players, sadly. Changing and balancing how classes like sorcerer and necros function is the only way to stop afk farming, but IMC takes this balancing slowly sighz. These 2 are actually more of a priority imo. Since more silver farmed will inevitably affect the economy and cause more inflation.

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maymay says it all.

discuss or talk all you want, in the end, if IMC cannot deliver, thats all there is.