Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - It's Mango Time - Now with Orange Flavour

About agny rebalancing

Put agny to climb% to each rank.
Ex: Agny gives a total of 200% fire damage? So at each rank he gets a 25% increase in damage.
So the agny at the lower levels would not be a bit distressing and with each rank the player would be stronger. This would cause builds with focus only on pyro 3 as damage would not be impaired.

About farm Necro and Warlock

To solve this problem is simple, put to a difference of 40 levels when you do not get more XP also stop dropping Silver and Colored Gem, letting drop of Gem if monster and materials.

Faced with this there would be no afk farm.

I hope my ideas are useful and sorry for the horrible English.

Oh it might be too late to get a response, but, I’ve got try anyway.

Any info on when this will be addressed?

I mean It’s not like seeing the doge chase after an enemy isn’t funny, but, It’s losing its grace after the 12 million time.

Maybe if recall skill get 5 min CD (GVG ONLY) and templar skills should be usable in companion … (mortal slash / share buffs)

Im sorry to tag you here @STAFF_Max , but you can inform if Templars are on the future balance patchs? we really want to play like a leader in gvg’s and guilds raids … I think templars can be more than administrative leader and can be a “key” to both: guild PvE (Raids, Missions and BOSS) and guild PvP (Guild vs Guild).

What you think?

Firmly agree with your opinions of re-balancing templar for the future patch. However, let us think the priority of works(homework the words from GM Mango, thank you mango) that would be done for our players. Readjusting rewards, fixing bugs and changing the method of guild raids to get better have more priority than templar issues. Then we can discuss with players like @Sandu to find ways to make ‘key’ to both guild PVE and Guild PVP. Hope that my comments are helpful for your inquiry.


For sure, thank you … you are always helpful.

Able to sympathize what you are feeling thus I keep on supporting you guys to enjoy iTOS forever and ever. Even I am considering that we strongly need to improve Guild Contents like you mentioned (obviously for bugs, balance, etc are important). If there is any good news regarding those things, then will be making topic on :smiley:


I will be attentive to any news related to the subject.
I hope we can soon have a templar who is more active and useful in guild events (PvE and PvP).
Just a note: Templars are unique in the guild, there may be all sorts of players, but the leader is unique.
It would be great to explore this in the form of a leader who would encourage and bring his guild into battle against players or monsters.
One suggestion: Do not limit the abilities of the Templar to weapons (such as the mortal slash) or mount.
This would encourage all kinds of builds to fit with Templar! ^^

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Absolutely support this. Templars should be able to use anything in their arsenal. Please save my cata3 templar :3

No all things are becoming trial and error.

I can’t thank you enough for consistently doing this every time. Keep up the good work!

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You’re welcome.

I actually have a little more from GM_Orange but unfortunately not enough was said to warrant a post.

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But you can at least post here XD

17-02-2017 UPDATE:

I feel this didn’t warrant its own post due to the amount of information, but the unexpected hero, Orange, answered a couple more questions late on Feb 15th in Klaipeda on Orsha.

Crackdown on the forum
Specifically: Trolls, Libel, Defamation, Harassment
Orange thinks the trolls jokes are lame

Primary focus is still Optimisation, Stability, and Bugs

Focus of the GM’s on communication

Social media is run by “the fruits”

Other Staff are involved in communication as well

IMC is still in the process of hiring a Community Manager

Kadumel Cliffs gimmick is working as intended

Took some feedback, especially on Inventory sorting

Orange likes Fridays

Thanks for answering questions Orange, especially with how busy you were at the time.

There you go. :slight_smile:


Yet we still have the same bugs we had in April of last year along with countless new ones anytime they touch the servers.

Why, its all true, are the steam charts secretly all green and rising and we are just posting fake charts, are the bugs we complain about week after week fake, is GvG really working, do people get practonium from their cubes in less then a month, is half the game not afk necros and warlocks and we just are imaging things, I can go on.

That requires more then appearing for 5min once every 2-3 weeks on a random server at 3am EST b/c they cant be bothered to use non-korean times on their international version.

Who, there has been ZERO communication for 10 months, you are literally the ONLY person posting info once every couple weeks, are you the chosen prophet of ToS, only you can hear god, wtf is that about.

God help us, the people asking for this job have several posts hidden a week for foul language and direct player attacks, this one really makes me cringe.

I dont even care at this point honestly, didnt even log in today, played 30min total the last 3 days, im back to not even wanting to log in with 3,800 hours in. It will take something drastic to turn things around and for the white knights that want to argue this then why are there about 300 actual people per server playing, obviously im not the only one that feels this way so save your breath on the salt and venom replies.


Is it one year yet? Will the community compile an annual review on the progress made in the past year?


why is this community’s responsibility?


Can you guys fix Conversion, Palladin skill? Skill is broken, really broken.

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get in line, when conversion starts literally killing you 18 times a day you can get mad, atm plague doctors are first


Dude relax lol

You already got your answer and you replied to it.So why can’t others ask the Staff to add more on the to do fix list.Are you that self-centered?Sure its an annoying bug that been there for sooooooooo long,I also got a PD C2 and I died a lot as well but your really getting out of hand with this even after they responded and acknowledge your replies.

Really…? LMAO
They’re not going to fix the bugs base on the order of people replies nor due to the duration of the bug.

Note:The Staff mention that they were already working on it and still will forward your concerns about the PD C2 issue.Just calm down and relax there LMAO.