Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - It's Mango Time - Now with Orange Flavour

Did I hear something that could have come from Kim Jong Un? You try to suppress the opposition here, which is exactly what a dictator would do.

How about this one? IMC finally delivers the badly needed bugfixes and doesnt break dozens of stuff with each maint, along with fixing the fps/server capacity issues. That would lead to less hueing cause the IMC’ing has ceased. There would be few threads to hue then.

Blame IMC, not angry players/hues. That should be your mantra.

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Bad comparison, bad logic, bad reading comprehension. You even quoted me and you misunderstood. I want to get what you’re saying, trolling and discouraging discussion should be allowed, on a forum?


I believe there is a marked confusion between expression and discussion.


people can say whatever they want (as long within the rules)

but why its the other people fault if the person is so easily offended.

discouraging? but not like we can take away your keyboard, so whats stopping u from continue discussing?



Discouraging can be anything from derailing, to trolling, it has nothing to do with being offended. If you can’t understand the blatant kind of trolling I’m talking about you are very ignorant about what goes on around here, and why Orange felt the same way.


but… like u said, u know a certain post is just trolling, were u so weak to fall for that?

u may just skip it and continue posting what you normally would.

sorry but this seems like “a vegan is irritated by someone eating meat infront em”

how do orange feels about working in a company that releases countless IMC’ed situation? proud?
(no need to answer this, just a gist)


That’s such an awful way to have a forum. You ban the trolls and allow the actual discussion to continue. And the fault isn’t entirely on IMC, the users response to IMC is their own responsibility. Absolutely IMC need’s to fix their problems, and player outrage is justified, that’s why the GM’s haven’t cracked down, they’re open to criticism.


likewise, tos is such an awful product.

u might think gm is having mercy on us, but guess who is struggling to keep itos afloat, the meager 3k pop.

in any business, u never blame the user…

if the business owner dont like how the customer is acting, the owner can shut it down and move to different field, but its never the customer at fault.

(i guess i write enough on the “Troll” aspect of this thread. i’ll end here.
great job Queue, appreciate your effort.)


Sure let’s belief that.
They aren’t scared or underpaid at all. Definitely.
And IMC sure listens to criticism and suggestions.
Speaking English isn’t even an requirement to work for iToS.

If there is one or two trolls, sure it’s their fault.
But if the number of trolls and ToF people increases by the week while the player rate is constantly dwindling you can’t blame the players anymore.
This forum is one of the rare cases where people resort to trolling because they know that it has the same effect as using reason and making suggestion threads. Nobody who is in charge cares either way.

Might as well have fun~

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The GM’s should ban trolls, that shouldn’t be a controversial statement. And blaming a user can definitely be justified, go work an hour in the service industry. In this case TOS has problems which causes anger and criticism, that’s justified, trolling and shutting down discussion on a FORUM is not.


As long as the trolling doesnt result in cyberbullying though. Lets have fun playing TOF!

Right @Alyosha ?

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Oh? Does Hillary blame the voters cause she didnt become president?



Bad comparison, bad logic, bad reading comprehension. 2/2 today, you’re on a roll. I’m blaming people for trolling a forum, not the players for being upset. I’m upset too! That’s why I keep asking the GM’s the same questions about improving the game.


And the forum trolling is the result of what… Who incited the waves of trollposts?

Right, IMC did, so they deserve all possible blame. @jchsc32 starts a thread for every maint… sorry breaktenance to discuss what has been broken. And the ongoing daily “xyz is imba, needs nerf” threads also speak for themselves. IMC does shiet and trollposts regarding that should be suppressed? My, what great censorship indeed!


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That’s not how anything works. That’s an incredibly immature and unproductive attitude, and exactly why moderation exists.

Quote me on where I said his post should be removed (when you can’t find it refer to this picture). IMC has a track record of buggy maintenances, there’s nothing wrong with a post like that.


I dont need to quote you specifically. jchs weekly breaktenance thread is just one example of a trollpost-wave incited by IMC.

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We should start doubting your comprehension skills.
Taking stuff out of context to fit your perspective, aren’t we?.


Isn’t this what is @kurayami1234 is doing instead? All I can see is a bunch of trolls ganging up on someone just like they did to me, guess the trolls are always correct, “if you don’t agree with me I’ll troll you”.


Out of context? I called him out for straw manning/misunderstanding the conversation. Arguing FOR trolling is insane, especially on a forum of all places that relies on discussion and the exchange of ideas.


Hey bud. I feel sad that this thread for derailed by such egocentrism, but I do believe that you are providing good info here. I do, however, highly suggest that you simply ignore these trolls. You cannot win with logic here, it is not logical.

For example,

“WAAAA! FIX MY SKILL NOW!” is not an argument, and neither is “HUE HUE HUE”. Those are emotional responses and cynicism, I think of it as “Thanks Obama”. The challenge here is that we can see what triggered this, IMC’s poor performance, but some of these “internet behaviors” are simply denigrading.