Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - It's Mango Time - Now with Orange Flavour
is meele attack

Jesus christ @LunarRabbit, you literally have over 300 replies in the last 8 hours atleast, you talk about us over doing it on ToF, go to bed chick or dude, idk which but seriously, step away from the fkng keyboard, your soul purpose in life is not to argue every random topic someone brings up here.


I know, that’s why I’m saying that Hunter isn’t excuse to “hey, missile hole is balanced, use hunter”. It’s Melee. The name already says Missile Hole, which is where its unbalanced effects works.

@jchsc32 it’s not random topics. If I have anything to say I won’t refrain myself from doing so, we have rights to express ourselves and bring up discussions on skills/items that makes the game unbalanced like everyone did with Agny Necklace, I’m just exercising my right of discussing about it and did a separate thread to discuss about its rebalancement.

Just answering here because people answered me to say it’s a balanced skill when I simply asked staffs if there was any news related to Missile Hole adjustment.

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  • Attacking targets affected by the Cryomancer’s Subzero Shield skill with Hunter or Falconer companion skills will no longer freeze your own character.


4 months ago, freaking 4 months ago and this is still going seriously [RESOLVED]


How much Matk you have?

“Create a curtain of ice for defense. Inflicts damage after blocking enemy attacks and has a chance of freezing enemies.”

“For a period of time, grants an effect that can minimize damage from missile attacks and magic bullet attacks for you and your party members.”

I do believe that an announcement through an official medium should hold more water than the fan translated skill description, but then again. IMC.


forgot i got that kinyau87 alt account


lost all hope, no more falling for sweet talk

imc, at this point, take all your time or what ever

only your action and decisions will be judged

as i am responsible for my own decision to waste 1k hours on TOS, prove your worthiness and show us TOS is worth playing again.



whole iTOS is fan-translated, qc-ed by IMC

at this point, some manga translating group have better quality than imc.



Sir, sir I have been in the hole for too long, what’s that quality you speak of?


Its going to get nerf like how Healing Factor,Stone Skin and Bloodletting, just give it time.

Summarizing, this ^ explain the current situation.

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mr hkkim is sad with u now

[insert hkkim emoticon]

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Mango, Papaya… Whats next? Pineapple?



He’ll have to be sad with me until he makes a bard that sings in his ferrari’s honour, cause I’d make one like in RO.

Really U talk about this last week… hue hue

I love this threads, they are the flower that grows on the dirt of this forum…


Thank you @Queue :smiley:

We need GMs to be in the game more often so I can ice wall them!

Is Mango @STAFF_Amy ?


…what ? :anguished:

for the banned players ? when is the 30th day ?