Tree of Savior Forum

Give an attribute to c1 wizard with 50-75% chance to avoid intteruption

Playing on my alt 200ish Ele3 which is cryo/linker, I think this is stupid. Wizards get a hell of a lot of CC, and even if you went Pyro 2 instead, at the very least you should have sleep. You should have no problem getting your spells off 95% of the time (especially if you actually, you know… learn how to dodge and jump).

Wizard circles are seriously crap & need rebalancing as the only reason to get them PVE is a broken OP attribute. Taking sure spell off just makes that even worse.

A much bigger issue that i think affects a lot of wizards including sure spell ones is long animation times getting interrupted like when your electrocute gets cancelled half way through by knock back and you dont do all the damage + the CD is activated. Now that is annoying.

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I know. But those are very few like ressurect. And all the new classes at rank 7 which most likely will be upgraded when rank 8 comes out.

I am not trolling. And I’m not streamlining classes to make it easier. Since most people are saying that they never even need surespell, so what’s the issue with a random chance to avoid intteruption? It will certainly make others more happy that wants to have that choice.

Everyone here are saying that they’re the super elite player that never needs surespell, they talk about it as if noobs uses surespell. So if that’s the case, then giving an attribute to have a chance to avoid interruption isn’t a big deal at all.

I play priest yes. Let me give you a simple example of knowledge.
You, probably like 99% of all the people that watches soccer talks about it as they know what they’re talking about even though they’ve never even played soccer. And it is possible to have knowledge without playing.

Yet another flame post on something I don’t even play? when have I done such thing before? and how do you know that I’m doing a flame post on purpose? I am the aggressive type of person, if someone shits on me I will ■■■■ at you back. I won’t change that attitude, I’m not your average sheep that will take it all and suck it in and then punch a pillow when I get home.

there is a good example, enjoy. I’ts funny.

Do you know how a liar works? I could obviously be incorrect, but when I see someone lying I will tell that to their face. And I’ve only called one person a liar in here. You say it in plural as if I tend to say to everyone.

If you don’t know the basic idea of lying then I would suggest you searching what it actually means. A liar will tell you that they have “read everything” that they have done what they’re “supposed to do” even though they haven’t. And the guy saying that he had, and he obviously had not since all his responses didn’t prove it. Either very ignorant or a liar.

How have I wasted peoples time? They’ve clicked on this link because they wanted to, they’ve responded because they’ve wanted to. Everything has been their own choice, I never forced anyone to come in here and discuss. And I wouldn’t be able to force anyone to come in here and respond even if I’d want that. This is ridiculous

At least the others respond about the topic, at least they show their anger towards something they’re against in which the topic is about.

All you did here now was enter the forums, ignore the topic and plainly attack me personally, and only that. I wouldn’t mind if you attacked me personally while engaging in the topic. but you didn’t even do that. You only engaged me and ignored everything else. Yet you want me to be banned.

You’re showing a perfect example.

For your pleasure I actually created a wizard, I’ve reached rank 4 and Indeed I don’t have issues with interrupt, I didn’t go c2

There are some instances where I get in to a situation while grinding in certain areas where they suddenly mob me, and in those situations I make the choice not to cast something that requires casting time.

Yet I’ve had a lot of friends complaining about this and all I want is for their experience to be slightly better. So giving an attribute still wouldn’t be a huge issue nor gamebreaking. And since most people in forums says " no one goes c2 unless you go c3 because c2 is ■■■■" Then I don’t see the issue why not adding such for people that are suffering but doesn’t want to waste a whole class rank for only one spell.

1: I don’t see how this breaks the game.
2: I don’t see why not give this to make less skilled players happy.
3: I don’t see why all of this would stir all the people emotionally since they at the same time say that surespell is crap. I can understand that giving surespell to c1 would piss people off, at least I understand that now. I’m a simple guy, I would just reroll if something doesn’t fit me. But I see now that some hold to their character like it’s their divine life. So I give up on moving surespell to c1. Instead adding the attribute in which certain people on this thread has actually liked the idea of would be good in my opinion.

Get better friends


I’m persistent because I have friends that complain of interruption when we play, and they don’t want to waste 1 rank only for surespell, and I don’t think they’re the only ones that think this way.

And I myself though of it as well and thought it was bad, really bad that they didn’t have at least an attribute to increase that chance of avoiding interrupt.

I think this is as bad as only templar can create guilds. Bad, really bad.

And please don’t neglect that a few people has agreed on the attribute that I preach on. And I bet there are far more only that they’re scared to write in here because everyone is being so emotional and aggressive. And they see me as being on so if they voice themselves they would also be sha.t on. But this is the truth of internet, I’ve seen many posts on this forums with not gamebreaking ideas but people are so extremely emotional and shi.t on everyone with a new idea. No matter if you come off as mature and respectful, they shi.t on you regardless.

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adding an attribute like that to c1 would not happen. it would make c2 even more worthless than it already is. there will be other skill changes/buffs that will come but not something like this.

I don’t undertand why such a non-sense sort of topic is getting so many replies.

They obviously won’t do that, MANY wizard classes don’t rely on cast times.

No job in the game is able to cast things without being stopped but Wizard C2, and you still want it to be a C1 skill? It’s just absurd.

Exactly We should kill this thread by just not responding to this topic. Wizards are balanced and already have surespell they don’t need an innate chance to not be interrupted just because your friends dont wanna take another rank of wizard because it would ruin their dps dreams. cause we all know that your rank 2 determines your ENTIRE CLASS. and if you deviate in any way your ruined for the rest of the game…