Tree of Savior Forum

Getting stuck in cutscenes

Amazing how a bug this big isn’t being addressed, it’s not even on their list of known issues. I haven’t played the game ever since this bug started, and I don’t plan to get back to the game while it’s not fixed.


By this time, most of us already know the work around for this bug. But, i’m soooo amazed IMC havent solved this issue until now. No mention of this bug in known issue nor in any maintenance notice. Like seriously, how incompetent the people working in this company? Almost 1 month passed and still no fix for a bug this caliber? Come on, the maintenance before this buf happen didnt even a big update one. Is it so hard to just check what’s different in the code before and after maintenance?

I really dont know what to say about them anymore. Like if i understand about coding, i would fix this problem myself, which sadly i dont. And ridiculous part is if you even have time to think of naming each bug, why dont you use that time to fix this basic gameplay bug?

I’m sure this game will run long and many players will willingly spend their money on this game if only IMC staffs work more professional than what they’ve shown us this far.

Tired player who keep using work around for this annoying bug and still getting stuck sometimes.


I considered that this bug causes losses on TOKEN player. My friend and I used TOKEN right after bug occurred. We know the workaround thing. Still, it annoying and really bring players down.

IMC might just expect players to assume that this bug has been fixed by the workaround solution? Great job.

I suggest that IMC shall be responsible for all TOKEN players.

Cheers to the dev team.

Sigh… When will the bug be fixed?

Hello Saviors! We apologize for any inconvenience. We are now collecting all the reports with regards to this issue. We request for your patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and understanding while we assess the situation.

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We will try our best to improve this feature in our future patches. Please be excited.


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Imagine being a newbie to this game, coming in with friend getting all set to step foot into the world of TOS then within the first 10 minutes, get stuck in quest. Ok, maybe a bug, relog try again, and it happen another 5 times. Yeah, fine way to introduce this game.

This bug needs a fix asap or this game will really suffer some consequences.

Yep, that’s totally me and my girlfriend… We’re playing since not even 1 month, sometime we stop because of this. I’m kind of lucky, when I relog my loading screens are fast, but not for everyone.

Every patch we hope for something, a spark of light that’ll tell us “You will be able to play normally my childs”

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Orsha serveur here. Also have the problem where if you are in a group you cannot do quests or everyone except the initiator of the cutscene will get stuck.

happened on at least 5 different maps. Everyone i talk with who try to do quests in a party says they are also affected.

have to change channels to get unstuck.

I am looking forward for this bug to be in the known issues post at the very least. The voices of so many people from around the world with many different machines, characters, servers, groups and quests all experiencing the same bug is a major subject that has to be acknowledged.

New content is not interesting if it cannot be played with friends. Please i want to continue enjoying the game as much as possible. This issue has to be part of the priority list.


Hello Saviors! We apologize for any inconvenience. We are now collecting all the reports with regards to this issue. We request for your patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and patience and understanding while we assess the situation.

1 month since the bug started… wow… they grow up so fast <3
I should’ve made a cake :cry:

Same issue here. Silute.

please fix this bug :frowning:

Cmon fix this already

I dont understand why this is taking so long to fix… I can understand a week or two to fix… but a month of it not being fixed is a bit too much… This is a MMOrpg… not a SOLOrpg… It’s almost like you dont want us to party with anyone anymore…


Same issue here for months now. You cannot play this game with other people. Whenever there is a cutscene/boss someone gets stuck and has to re-log. My friends quit the game over this issue and the devs need to seriously start talking to us about it. It is very serious and acting like it is not is just making people upset.

Same problem here for quite a time already… made the questing with my friends next to unbearable.

Hi it’s one month after the bug but it’s still not fixed .
GM are u guys working on it?

Seems like they can’t handle it. IMC (Gravity) please… was RO as buggy as this when they released it?