Tree of Savior Forum

Getting more and more unplayable

If bots and lag wasn’t enough, now there are constant random DCs since yesterday(Which I suspect are caused by blank whispers, always happen after being bombarded by them) and the lodge DC/Cannot connect the server bug.
The game itself is avoiding me to keep playing by not even letting me get in/stay in.

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Damn you still haven’t quit yet? Maybe it’s time to play something else bro.


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Why would I quit a game I like?

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I’m also disconnected a lot since last update but it is not because of bot for me. At least, I think since I didn’t get any whisper)
It’s just the game becoming more unstable than before…Now I crash 1/2 times when I’m trying to warp with the vakarine statue… (Because of the Map opening)

From your post history and the way you act on here sometimes, some would think you would quit the game already, but that’s just me.

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This is caused by bot because bot will send more service request to server compared to normal player which will cause server overload

I think :grin:

Someone who likes the game and wants it running smoothly would quit?

I’m not trying to personally attack you, its just your attitude sometimes suggest you don’t like this game.


Maybe they’re different ways of thinking?
For me it’s only logical to want to get something you want and like working well, but for the “american” logical thinking it seems that if something you want and like is not working you just leave it/let it be.

You have some issues honestly. I dont know what nationality had to do with this convo but i just lost a lot of respect for you.


It’s alright, I had none for you since you assumed I should have quit the game just because I want to get it fixed.

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I didn’t assume you should have quit the game. I said your attitude would suggest that you don’t like the game and would have left already.

I’m not one to have quarrels over the internet so this will be my last post on this thread.


And I said that it is unknown to my logic why someone would quit a game he wants to get fixed, but go ahead and please stay out of here.

If you like the game then just play? If you think its unplayable then don’t play? It’s unknown to my logic why someone complaining about the game being unplayable (who has done so for the past 3 month) keeps on playing an unplayable game.

If you have so many problems with it, just quit and come back when everything’s fixed?


That’s what I want, but ■■■■ evolved from unstability and lag to unstability, lag, DCs, connection bugs and lodge crashes.

This peole will never get it.
Most of them dont play or care for this game.


I change map = DC
I change channel = DC
I go to dungeon = DC
I submit quest = DC
I go to lounge = DC
I want to grind/farm, I see chaplain bots everywhere
I go to town, being bombard by gold seller bots with no team names and almost cant be block (thanks add-on for auto block stupid bots, DL using add on manager)

Its fine… Its fine… the game is fine (/sarcasm)


TL;DR: IMC did nothing since iCBT2, white knights defend them allowing such actions, people keeps quitting as a result and the game is getting killed by this behaviour.

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IMC be like