Tree of Savior Forum

Getting more and more unplayable

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2 friends can’t even log in. I have some DC at dungeon 132 with my wife (at different times, it is not our connection).

Cant’ change characters either.

This is getting really stressfull…

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I have 902 hours played myself and I am very close to quitting. The latest mess; it takes me anywhere from 8 to 20 clicks to get the game to open, I can no longer see any chat b/c I get unblockable gold spam whispers from MMOTank literally every 45-60sec, the bots are still going strong, and there has been 0 class balance, its “hey are you an wiz3/ele3? no ok no ty fk off”

Apparently I been trying to fix this for the past 3 hours and no luck, havr around 500 hours of time played.

Guess its time to quit after all.

Hope and trust = Kapof

NO! I need him!! I need everyone to keep playing or I’ll get lonery.

Where are the Disconnection located and in what server this is happening ?

And yet fking chat filter filters and blocks sentences with words like titles and class but bots are spamming the same ■■■■ for months and they can’t chat filter it…