Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

November 5th’s patch notes are out for kCBT3, check them out here!

Note: If you have access to kCBT3, IMC have updated the file security. This means you need to uninstall the current client and install the new one by pressing ‘Start Game’ in the Tester Forums. The EN Translation still works fine.

Due to this change, IPF Suite cannot open any new IPF Files currently, so no Patch File information for now.

  • Adjusted Silver drop rate
  • Changed the cooldown of Klaipeda Warp Stone to 1 hour. (?)
  • Cost of repairs has been changed to increase based on the item level.
  • Level 1 gems are destroyed upon gem extraction, this holds for Monster Gems.
  • Sissel Bracelet can be traded now.
  • Fixed EXP and issues with socketing for Monster gems.
  • Reduced the amount of EXP that Monster Gems give for Gem Enhancement (?)
  • Changed the spawn conditions of the field boss ‘Marionette’ in West Roxona Construction Agency
  • Fixed the issue where Divine Stigma’s buff would not activate if a companion killed the marked enemy.
  • Fixed the effect of ‘Blessing’ on Bleeding damage still applying when Blessing is gone (?)

No patch file information. There were adjustments to the attributes for Cannoneer, Warlock and Featherfoot but any specific details are unable to be viewed.

Hope this will fix my login issue. :frowning:

[quote=“DiscKZee, post:445, topic:40733”]
Changed the cooldown of Klaipeda Warp Stone to 1 hour. (?)
[/quote]Nooooooo! Why??

[quote=“DiscKZee, post:445, topic:40733”]
Reduced the amount of EXP that Monster Gems give for Gem Enhancement (?)
[/quote]Probably was giving 100+ xp to normal gems upgrading system, and now it is nerfed. :v

Recently on iCBT2 we had a kind of bug which the repair was more expensive. I hope it wasn’t a training for that XD


[quote=“Satoru, post:446, topic:40733”]
Hope this will fix my login issue. :frowning:
[/quote]Yay, I can log in again!! :smile:

Well… here’s an example of how much repairing my gear on kCBT currently costs.

Here’s an example of how much a Squire’s repair costs, for even more equipment. Of course, Squire’s fees are adjustable but you get my point here.

Another thing to mention is that they did add all the planned fixes. Silver rate has been adjusted (I feel like it’s gone up? It’s still a lot higher than iCBT2’s current rate). For example, I feel like I can farm money very quickly still, with monsters at 180 giving around 2k to 3k per kill.

The value of NPCing equipment has gone down. For example, here’s the price of the Medina Crossbow recipe. The actual item can be sold for about 2.1k. I’m pretty sure the recipe in iCBT costs 5.1k.

All Hats now have 1/1 Potential as well.

November 6th’s patch notes have been added, check them out here.

  • ‘Friend Request’ feature is currently not working.
  • Texture of the monster ‘Hauberk’ has been changed.
  • The boss monster ‘missile’ skill usage has been removed. (This probably refers to the orb shooting phases.)
  • The HP and SP Recovery of characters has increased.
  • The physical ability of the Archer tree has increased. (?, KR: 궁수계열의 체력능력치가 1 증가하였습니다. lit.: The physical ability of the Archer series has increased by 1.)
  • The damage of Class Master NPCs in advancement quests has been reduced.
  • Key Customisation UI has been added. (Controller key customisation will be added later.)
  • Fixed a tooltip issue with Quarrel Shooter’s Stone Picking.
  • The ‘Magic Amplification’ awakening option on Light Armor, Pants, Gloves and Boots has been removed. (?)
  • Armor has been modified so that Physical and Magic Defense values increase with amount of Stars on the armor.
  • Adjusted monster stats to increase in proportion to their levels.
  • Decreased the chance of ‘Old Oilsack’ dropping and changed the monster drop for ‘Old Oilsack’.
  • Fixed issues with the ‘Repairing the Training Dummy’ hidden quest.

Any with a (?) means I’m not sure if that’s the correct translation. Any clarification would be appreciated!

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I dont have access to the kCBT, but if someone’s willing to take a picture of archer after this patch,I could compare it with iCBT Archer. I -think- it has something to do with hit points or stamina?

Yeeeessssss. How much are we talking here?

Hard to say, I’d have to check it out myself. Note, I can’t check any files right now either due to the IPF change, otherwise I could find out the changed values.

Why?? D:

I hope the increased HP and SP regen is not that big! /shot

From the looks of it, base HP and SP Recovery values have just been doubled, which you can see here.

I’m pretty sure it’s 30 HP and 18 SP on iCBT2, correct me if I’m wrong. The speed hasn’t changed.

Here’s the Key Config UI. You can include combo keys of up to Shift + Alt + Ctrl + Key.

Here’s all the changeable keys. Mouse Controls and Keyboard Controls have the same changeable keys. Controller support isn’t available through the UI yet.

I’m not sure what they meant by the Archer change though. The translation is a bit ambiguous.

There’s also a bunch of icons named ‘Plant_Farm’, where Plant is swapped with any ingame plant (i.e. Ramunele, Salavijas, Uosis, Amalas, etc.)

I can’t extract the icons but I can view them in game, which you can see here.

They look a little different from the plants we currently have. There’s also a ‘sprout’ icon and a ‘witheredplants’ icon, which suggest to me there may be a system to cultivate plants coming soon.

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Oh my lord! I hope your gear have a high level for that price XD. However in your level 32K Isn’t too much, is it?

I didn’t understand well. The price of items will be reduced? Like I said, we had a kind of bug which the repair price was more expensive AND every item had a lower price too. For example, Colossus (a two handed sword for lvl 40) which costs around 7K was just 4K.

Was it a preview =P?

IMC have said before that the content of some patches may be different for iCBT2 and kCBT3. I feel like this is one of those.

The rates on kCBT3 when it comes to drops and silver feel like the change doesn’t make a huge difference. I can comfortably farm that repair cost back easily from normal mobs, and even quicker if I go to the Mausoleum Chapel F1 Torches area with the increased spawn and silver rates.

The prices of items have dropped a lot. I’d say they’ve reduced the sell value of items by about 500% for most items compared to iCBT2. The difference is that on kCBT3, I could probably drop the same item 5 times in the time it takes someone on iCBT2 to drop 1. (This isn’t true for everything, but this is basing off of my experience in both betas.)

The main point is that I don’t think these adjustments would come to iCBT2, because they’re tailored to fit the rates for kCBT3. If they were to add this to iCBT2 (like the ‘mistake’ that happened before), you can see the players wouldn’t be able to keep up with it, due to the difference in rates.

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November 9th’s patch notes are out, check them here!

Mostly minor fixes for this patch.

Removed some words from the KR chat filter
Fixed issues with Fireball triggering on dead enemies.
Fixed item typos.
Fixed an issue with the Level 175 dungeon and it’s field.
Fixed an issue with changing character and right-click interactions. (?)
Fixed Red Wood Goblin’s drops.


November 10th’s patch notes are out, check them here!

  • Fixed the Peltasta attributes ‘High Guard: Specialised in Rim Blow’ and ‘High Guard: Specialised in Umbo Blow’, an issue where they didn’t apply normally.
  • Fixed an issue with party quests and logging out.
  • Fixed an issue with the V key icon being stuck after finishing quests.
  • Fixed the tooltip for Fencer’s ‘Flanconnade’.
  • Old Oilsacks can be acquired from ‘Earth Crewmabo’ as well as ‘Earth Wood Goblins’ in Mausoleum Construction Lodge (F1), but you cannot acquire more if you have four in your inventory.
  • Fixed some backgrounds.
  • Fixed an issue with monsters being invulnerable when too close to an NPC.
  • Fixed an issue with party invites and party quests.
  • Market loading has been improved.

Not many updates have happened recently on the KR side of things, most likely due to G-STAR 2015. Expect updates to come from the 16th onwards. (It’s the weekend currently.)

There’s a bit more information though which has come out since then, which I’ll list below.

###Patch Notes

###G-STAR 2015 and Open Beta (Korea)

###Patch File Info
Whilst IPF Suite doesn’t allow files to be viewed, you can still see directories and file names which give some information.

  • The Class Master NPC data for the new Rank 7 classes has been listed here. From this, expect Featherfoot and Dragoon to be Rank 7 classes now, unless new information says otherwise. Interesting as Templar’s class master is not shown for now.
  • There’s also new NPC portraits added. Usually, you’d be able to bring up images in-game but NPC portraits have to be used in NPC dialogue to view them this way.
  • The ‘system to cultivate plants’ which was found previously has most likely been confirmed as we’ve seen a similar system in the G-STAR 2015 trailer.

That’s all for now. Expect more patch notes later, and a lot more new information in general in December when kOBT hits!


Err what level is your ranger in that one? in iCBT the current regen is .5 HP and SP regen per level.

any news for

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Sp regen after the double rates still sh!t when you go full spr or is it in a good spot right now? Need to know.

November 16th’s patch notes are out, check them here!

  • Magic Amulets do not drop anymore.
  • Modified some animations when using skills mounted.
  • Fixed Keel Hauling and Blessing’s enhance attribute’s interaction with the skill
  • Conversion’s skill tooltip has been modified
  • Fixed an issue with Blue Summon Orb monster’s AI.
  • Monster Gems cannot be ‘Gem Roasted’ anymore
  • Fixed an issue with a few quests (Trail of Stars, Demon Prison)
  • Fixed Elementalist’s Fire Attribute: Explosion not working with Meteor.
  • A lot of other minor fixes which are hard to initially translate! (Should be a translation later.)

###New Class Artwork

Swordsman Classes: Fencer, Templar and Dragoon. (I’ve been unable to find Shinobi’s artwork!)

Archer Classes: Musketeer and Cannoneer.

Wizard Classes: Warlock and Featherfoot.

Cleric Classes: Kabbalist and Plague Doctor.

These were taken from the ToS Art Book given out to fans from their G-STAR 2015 Booth. (Originally posted on the KR Tester Forums by user 닉넴중복뻐킹.)