Tree of Savior Forum

Gamebreaking Sadhu bug

I’m sure we’ve all experienced the “moonwalk” bug where your character starts moving toward the bottom right on their own for no reason at all. Slide until you hit a wall, etc.

Well, if this happens while you use Out Of Body - you are unable to do anything else from then on. I was just running the lvl 90 dungeon and we were fighting the boss when I used OOB. My character was in the OOB animation but was sliding to the bottom right, and I could no longer use any skills. I could not right-click off the OOB buff, I couldn’t use Explosion to end it, or Prikriti to teleport. I couldn’t attack the entire fight either if that even mattered.

So yeah, because of this amazing moonwalk bug, Sadhu is even worse off then it was before in its sorry state!

Thanks IMC…

Merkabah Buff Isn’t working as usual too. Don’t know what happend in the game :mushroom:

Sadhus got IMC’ed alot since their inception. Sad class indeed.


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:scream: a Sadhu having problems, that’s so new…

Ok! Sarcasm aside, it is really annoying…

First I thought the sliding was fun when it happened only in town, but it happens everywhere now and it’s :rage:

Hope this next patch fixes it…

This bug doesnt exist as per LunarRabbit would say lmao

Maybe in 2018, Sadhu will become the meta for clerics and oust out Miko and Krivis.

But until then, IMC is leaving it as a sad, under performing and buggy class.

Please, Plague Doctor has been broken since last October, get in line, or wisen up and quit.

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