Tree of Savior Forum

Gamebreaking hack

And what would a rollback change if the security is still the same?

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We want some words from IMC, please.


@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian hey…well, should we maybe stop posting exploits, bugs and suggestions…cause u know… It seems like u just don’t give a ■■■■.

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yeah i have seen cleric deal 175k damage too. its not something special.

Dear Saviors!
Thanks for your report.
We’ve blocked already all the player who using the system.
If you see the other player, just let us know that.


blocked :o which means its permanent? cheers!

Thank you for letting us know in a relatively timely manner.

Is there any progress on your investigations to the players and guilds that were abusing channel crashing and the infinite party invite bug to get impossibly high weapon upgrades and lots of extra boss cubes?

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theres too much edit on the image :frowning:

I would love to know of the progress of the community’s investigations on this issue, since in the absurdly long thread about it I have yet to see any proof of abuse.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Game is being attmped to be murdured*

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Amy, IMC need to block the system too, not only the players

Waiting the ban list

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My friend just tried annnnnd no one got banned at all.
Why lie to solve the problem?
Thats why this game is dead.


wait for ban list , i guess



maybe they just blocked someone on the forums rofl.

So you build a illegal hack for an online game for your own benefits and blame the ones who used it?
Spread by word of mouth? Lmao, welcome to the internet! Things get spread very fast nowadays.

Maybe you are the immature child here.


A lot of people who used this hack still online … and using.


For sure he are, its funny how he get angry and blame others hahahaha

Are you 2 doing your part by sending in tickets with screen shots? Or just sitting on the forum starting internet fights…

That’s how you could help the community and the game. Hell just post them here, but dont block out everything needed to actually investigate it.