Tree of Savior Forum

Gamebreaking hack

…has anyone actually had it happen, or are we just grasping at straws because we want to?

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it happened to me at demon prison lol

lvl1 player bot name spawned and then 8 seconds later all channels died

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They closed the another topic, sad

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@casiq Ahh, I see. Just another day where hackers think their fun > everyone elses.


That was fairly fast of a response. Good job guys, you created enough of a ruckus.

I want that !!!
Post must be at least 20 characters

/golf clap

Only took like 3 months.

An user named Hyde (Currently top 2 on TBL), a psychokino, crashes people in TBL when losing with hook64 in Silute[SA].

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One day, we can dream that multiple months become multiple days.

Orsha Fedi ch 1 crashed

Sadly, you can’t deal 1m damage in pvp because there isn’t enough HP and heals to eat through.

Aren’t you a bit late for this answer uh?
165k isn’t impressive and the guy was claiming it was hacks.

The same Happen when i go against him in TBL. But seens that no one care he belongs to Hydrarium, the all hack guild haha

When losing they use everything to secure victory and so reveal themselves.

Record it and post a report, best thing to do ~

No such thing as “log that detects player crashing a channel” though.

On a side note, this game will never ever get rid of hook64 and it is gamebreaking as ■■■■ yet all the white knights will say the game is fine and improving.

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If you can get 3 videos of a player where a player crash the channel. It’s pretty obvious by comparing common players.

Lol. There’s no way that can be used as evidence… There is a reason why even with all the rmters facebook group out there that IMC can just stalk and ban the players, it is still can’t be used as proof. The only evidence they can use to ban a player is by checking the player logs, which in this case is undetectable by IMC.

That can’t be used evidence for IMC. Probably. But we can discuss on topic and you can even build a Hall of Shame for those players. Wasn’t this what people did to RMTers by using Excrulon’s addon to see names?

Even so. Having a centralized resources of channel crashes report with as well time of when it happened we can help IMC on starting to see it as an issue instead of “hey, might be coincidence…” like most people feels when it happens at first time. It’s way better to check player logs when you have solid reports.

Haha… no. What IMC really need to do is make everything to be server side instead of right now where major task are being done on client side, which is why hook64 even existed in first place. IMC coders are just a bunch of incompetent lazy fools.